Black Panther probably will beat Star Wars the Last Jedi

>Black Panther probably will beat Star Wars the Last Jedi


Come on home Sup Forums

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>post yfw Sup Forums said Black Panther would flop

I would be more okay with this if The Cuck Jedi and Basketball-American Panther weren’t owned by the same multinational corporation

when will Sup Forums learn to not have faith in humanity?

Sit down, be humble

Oh yes disney please rape my face more mmm oh yes shove that mouse dick right down my throat keep fucking me disney pleaSE AND THANK YOU


>only 13% of the Americans are black

How is this movie making so much money? And most importantly, why are you pathetic Amerimutts making such a big deal out of such a relatively small minority? You're all acting as if 50% of the people there are black?

>How is this movie making so much money?
Cucks watch it to not appear racist.

>How is this movie making so much money?
Virtue signaling whites, and people who enjoy capeshit. An unrelated fun fact: most rap record sales are from white people.

I watched it. It was actually interesting up until the point where Simba returns to pride rock. The BUILD WALL tribe and their CGI rhinos did not excite me. But it hit me like a brick that this movie actually took itself seriously and went low-key on the quippage. Apart from everything M'Baku and Klaue (who were both great), there were almost no tone breaking quips ('cept for T'Challa asking for a towel after waking from coma). And that made me think back to Ragnarok als TLJ, and I thought that I would have been fine with that level of quippage. Why were they so tone deaf if Marvel's Bippy didn't have to be?

It won't.

Us Americans have a really bad problem of over-representing people. The country, at least on a social scale, has become largely dictated by minorities.

something like 3% of our population is openly gay and yet homosexuality has permeated into almost every form of media. Even worse with transexuals

>it’s another thread about the 5% of people who said Panther would flop
>now with added TLJ references, that movie nobody liked
keep up the obsession hon

I'm fine with that, The Last Jedi decided to deconstruct it's foundation instead of building another story. At least you can tell whoever was behind Black Panther gave a fuck.

>wh*Tes pay for music
Race of cuckolds

This isn't necessarily true though.

African Americans were the biggest weekend audience with the film at 37%. Up 19% on average from other MCU films.

The white audience was 34% which is down like 12% on average from other MCU films.

Not surprised. It's set a new hallmark on society's further decline into predatory capitalist consumption and absolute obedience. This reactionary piece of shit film that corporate neoliberals have pushed upon the troglodyte masses heralds our ever looming step towards idiocracy.

Better than britbongs where niggers are less than 1% but are like 50% in their media

Anglo-Saxons are the cuckold race

Spot on


Gee, it's almost as if the people going to see it don't have jobs or something

Some evils are for the greater good, I guess?

It's also still doing better than Ragnarok and GotG2 overseas

This. What's more interesting is how effectively this spreads in the majority and how the majority instantly turns against the minority who're still not agreeing with them. Same shit happened with faggots a few years ago, females and muh female power, weed, and is probably about to happen to guns and free speech as well.

>How is this movie making so much money?

White Guilt. When I said that people wouldn't believe me. "It will flop" "It will bomb".

Now go fuck yourself idiots. Should have listened me. You fuckers don't know the true power of white guilt and this proves it.

Good, I hooe every movie becomes black so whites stop going to them and cops can just sit outside theaters and catch criminals.

That was your face? Someone said Black Panther was gonna flop and you said, "Ah, I see you're a man of cupcake as well?"

Marvel/capeshit fans + black people + SJWs

>Better than britbongs where niggers are less than 1% but are like 50% in their media
Blacks in the UK are around 3%, but still everywhere in series and movies. The Indians/Pakistanis are more than that but they're nowhere near as repressented.

Hispanics and Asians love it too. Whites need to stop jerking themselves off in indulgent self importance


>0 days since the last time that Sup Forums and Sup Forums cried about black panther

>capeshit movie made by people who care about capeshit makes more money than starshit movie made by people who want to deconstruct starshit

Not rocket science. Lots of people wanted a black superhero. No one wanted to watch Luke be a sack of shit who fails at life. TLJ had horrible word of mouth and the sales dropped hard after the opening weekend. Black Panther will have legs all through the next few weeks.

>Europe is truly lost!
>*elects a nigger*

The movie was never going to flop for one reason
It’s the last movie before infinity war that you don’t have time to wait for it to be on Netflix or pirate before infinity war releases, and although I haven’t seen it most people think the last infinity stone is revealed in it so thy have to go watch it in theatres to make sure they are all caught up for avengers 3

>How is this movie making so much money?

What film? Do you mean the film that's part of a multi-film, mutli-billion making franchise that leads to the super finale film that all the films have been building towards for over a decade and marketed as such?
You mean that film right user? Yeah it's a mystery to me too.

>most rap record sales are from white people
Odd, why not an American pop.genre invented by whites like... uh... um... uh...

Domestically yes, all up no.

This thing has no competition in the U.S. for literally TWO MONTHS.

There are no other blockbusters coming out til May.

Americans are obsessed with black people. In music, movies, TV, pornography, everything. It's frankly bizarre.

>5% of people
So 1/20 of the human population is insignificant?

It'll be at $800m by next weekend

if you go pay to see this you are blacked

everybody do the oogabooga dance!!!!11!1!!!!

Infinity War is in April bro

it will bomb in china, the chinks dont like darkies

>to guns and free speech
Probably the same bill, the "Take Ann's Guns and Speech" laws.

never mind, americlaps get it on may

Still waiting on a rip you faggots

13% of the population of the US is seeing a single movie. It's a huge amount.

You also have standard marvel fans (huge bloc) and casual normies that will always see marvel (even bigger bloc). You also have SJWs and those attracted by the media hype.

The movie is doing fantastically overseas even.

>whites shouldn't watch films with black people in it. they should only watch white films

my god. Sup Forumstards are completely disconected from reality.

dumb phoneposter

China's literally irrelevant with how much this is making everywhere else

it's not even going to beat thor ragnarok

Can’t wait for the 99% drop second week

>"i-it will bomb in america"
>"well, it didn't. b-but it will bomb in europe"
>"well, it didn't, b-but it will bomb in asia"

for what it's worth, it's not doing well in germany and italy


Because it's a Marvel movie so people of all races go watch it. The movie is actually pretty enjoyable imo.

Movie about Africa and not another "USA Fuck Yeah!!!" shit #3765832938276 sounds interesting to most people.

But will it stop the litty train?

>estimated to drop only 43%, could be even less

My capeshit loving friends saw it.
For them this isn't mucht different than thor or avengers.

>Literally no competition
>A+ Cinemascore
>I-it's gonna have a huge drop I swear

1. Because Marvel
2. Because it's capeshit that's not about America and Americans saving the world for once. I would rather see a movie featuring an African superhero than another fucking generic american capeshit movie.

Screencapped for when it does in 2 weeks

It's a decent, fun movie and the super-majority of Americans are not assblasted racists that hang out on an echo-chamber like Sup Forums. Ergo they'll see the movie, say "that was pretty cool" and then move on with their lives.

It can legit fail to do that. It's doing great in USA but not so great in rest of the world. It's still a big hit so whatever.

The amount of shilling this movie is getting is unreal

It was a decent movie, much better than the trash that Last Jedi was.

>Not so great in the rest of the world
$184 million overseas in 4 days without some major markets is better than every Marvel film aside from Civil War and Avengers

The Disney jews sure know how to shill well.


why does BP give me the urge for a black gf?

>will beat Star Wars the Last Jedi

Good. I'm not as happy about it as Jumanji, but it's still good.

Because it has 3 sexy black chicks in it

>Disney is spending their own money to ensure its success
>black celebrities are being told to buy tickets for entire communities to watch this turd
>shills are slapping themselves on the back for helping engineer one of the biggest frauds in Hollywood history


>Disney movie vs Disney movie
alt right BTFO
DC on suicide watch!
Take that GG nerds!

Holy fuck the damage control in unreal. Get at grip


It's definitely going to be Ragnarok. It's foreign numbers are better than Thor, and it's U.S. numbers are HUGE.


Fuck you. You're falling for the Jewish money tricks. The movie was fine but the matrix it wasn't.

>tfw Lupita Nyongo said in an interview that she has a huge crush on Thor


wow some trendy faggot's opinion. brainlets here are in ecstasy over hearing some social marxist numale/dyke tell them what they want to hear.

stop sucking corporate cock. hollywood is shit and the companies and people in charge are worse.


Giving Disney my minimum wage bux makes me a political activist.

Most people aren't insecure depressed losers who've never accomplished anything or felt accepted into a community before who have to get their personal identity from racist anime image board culture.


I can imagine all the black men watching that interview killing themselves.

>film cost 400 million to make.

You can imagine that. Everyone else can know all your female loved ones are getting chocolate double stuffing.

>that passive aggressive butthurt
>that cultural marxist moral superiority
>not just supporting but promoting corporate scum who practice what you vehemently fight against
You are a truly worthless "human"

If you think the Sup Forums community is at all accepting, you haven't been here too long.

ive seen many studies like this

americans and europeans shouldnt be laughing at each other's downfall. you should be supporting each other. but y'all are too stupid and gullible and thus fall for this d and c bs

Tyrone don't be upset please! There's still a few women who haven't been BLEACHED yet!

>passive aggressive butthurt
Oh to be so tone deaf.

oh to be a subhuman pile of dirt