
Best race coming through edition

What Trek race do you want to see more of or you feel are underused? What races should be shown less?

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Friendly reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.

based Dukatposter

>What Trek race do you want to see more
Whatever race she is

>less than 100 dukat posts into 404

cant wait friends

STD is Trek too! :^)

why do you use reddit spacing, user?

Breen. Just to find out why they wear those suits and how they are humanoid yet don't have blood.

I'm tired of seeing them all tbqh. But I am especially tired of seeing humans and klingons. It's humans & orcs at this point. Bland. We need something fresh, something new.

Ask a guy who kind of works on Star Trek Online anything

i came here from /r/startrek but i dont think theres enough discussion about socialism to keep me around

I bet you think Bajorans deserve rights.

Why did you make such a shit game?

>their planet is actually quite hospitable, they just pretend their home is a frozen wasteland so nobody bothers them
the mad men

>std includes andorians
>gives them retardedly deep voices
Why can't they leave well alone?

only if they serve starfleet

klingons now that we we know they have double weeners!

I dunno, people like it man


yea, if i had the free time to drop on an mmo, sto would be my first choice

Why is your game a shitty shooter instead of an RPG?

They take off their helmets, all of them are 10/10 amazon sapphic earth women that left earth to colonize space when most humans were living in caves.

Because MMOs make a lot of money. And it isn't always a shooter, sometimes it's a space shooter.


If I had 15gb left on my SSD I'd play it.

It's still a fucking shooter. I literally can't roleplay a merchant, I need to get aboard one of your pewpew shits and pewpew my way through the game.

Yes, because that's what people want. If people didn't want that we wouldn't make money on it. The people who want to be merchants in Trek RP stuff have already found places to do it, they don't need an MMO environment to help them.

why is there no fart sound effect?

Reminder that DS9 was the worst series and ruined Star Trek forever from that point on.

Yes, that's why absolutly nobody was ever hype for Star Citizen.

cup of klingon cum, hot


And how is Star Citizen turning out for you, numbnuts?

The problem isn't the demand for it


The best thing Enterprise did was giving more depth to the Andorians and Tellarites. Jeffery Combs as Shran was the next best thing ENT did.

Personally I'd like to see future shows do something similar to Enterprise, take a goofy TOS race or Federation Council race and just expand on their lore and backstory.

Answer my question, bitch

I'm a frequent on /who/, never done Star Trek in my life. None of it. Is there a better place to start?

Production order.

im sorry, but BLACKED.COM might be more up your alley

>Is there a better place to start?
The movies

Why can't I play as Cardassians?

Also to be fair I haven't played STO since maybe 2012 no idea if they added them.

>I'm a frequent on /who/
I'm so sorry
>Is there a better place to start?

Start at TNG season 1, the first two seasons are a bit shit and if you can't handle it look for a list of good/maor episodes from them. Season 3 onwards is where it gets really good.

>Why can't I play as Cardassians?
They're too minor in the alpha quadrant.

Watch the first season of TNG, if you like the vibe, watch TOS, they are very similar. Then continue with season two of TNG and watch everything in production order.

Dont listen to this scrub: , watch them in reverse production order.


>Reverse production order

If you love Dr.Who then you'll love Star Trek Discovery on CBS All Access!

Those other guys recommends starting at season 1 of TNG. Don't listen to them. TNG is the best, but the first two seasons are really awkward. Just watch a random season 4 episode of TNG.

TOS Remastered was my jumping off point. The remastered effects are very tastefully done; basically the opposite of what George Lucas did to his own remasters.
As for the order you should watch it, that's up to you.
I strongly suggest production order, though (beginning with The Cage, followed by Where No Man Has Gone Before). Both pilots are godtier ways to start TOS, and both will get you invested in their respective crews.

See, as a Who fan, that seems like the logical option, but also as a Who fan, I know there are multiple places (reboots and soft reboots) to start

is this a /trek/ meme

If I enjoy the movies, where would I go from there?

Noted, I'll give TNG a try tomorrow, might report back here if I enjoy it

>is this a /trek/ meme
no it's a known fact people that go to /who/ general are cucks and faggots

Daily reminder Shran did nothing wrong.


>is this a /trek/ meme
No, that guys our new resident faggot that arrived a couple days ago and complains about memes and hates DS9.
Ignore most post that don't capitalize the first word and you'll be fine.

TNG then First Contact then DS9 then forget star trek exists


Watch "Duet" DS9 S1E19 and come back tomorrow with a thesis about how Cardassians did nothing wrong.

the cybermen teamed up with the borg. not sure if they assimilated any klingons since they have double weeners

>t. bajoran male

I should be able to stick it out, if I really don't like the way it's going I'll go to s4.

It'd be very hypocritical of me to give up on a show based on bad effects, I'm sure Trek's have always been miles ahead of Who anyway

I see, we've got a couple of trips like that at the moment

Thanks /trek/, I appreciate the significant lack of pisstaking. I'll start with TNG, move to s4 if I have to, but it looks like I can play around with the suggestions as I will. If I hate it, at least I can say I tried.

>It'd be very hypocritical of me to give up on a show based on bad effects, I'm sure Trek's have always been miles ahead of Who anyway
Definitely. Just know that the remasters are the most common streams you'll find, and they're no detriment to the series. The original effects are still above Who; I'll agree with you there.

TNG S2 and S3 had some fairly decent episodes. I'll write a quick short list.

There he is. There he goes again. Look everyone, he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around? Oh my god. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Dukat meme and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha, maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh laughing Gul isn't it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that's right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You're a fat fucking fuck up and she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a Cardassian responsible for the deaths of more than 6 gorillion bajorans. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic spoonhead fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even talk try to you because all you say is "Dukat did nothing wrong". You became a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

after riker left the holodeck hookers, his jizz got recycled and became troi's chocolate sundaes

>babylon 5 that low
>std that high



Absolutely triggered

> Quark
Is it a show about a Ferengi tending to a bar ?

If it was, you would think it would be way higher

>hurr durr section 31 is against everything starfleet stands for

>is an illegal mutant that lied on his starfleet application and hangs out with a known genocide denier, murderer, spy, and saboteur and stands by when the federation conspires with said saboteur

Kick and scream all you like Kira, but that won't change the fact that I repeatedly railed your mom and that she enjoyed it

absolutely based

What was the plane jane's defect? Shes almost kind of a qt.

Super autism

s02e18 (comedy gold)

s03e17 (kino)

The "no royale", or "no anbo jitsu" remarks I'll surely get for this list is ignorable, they are shitty memes. I only picked episodes that include heavy characterization, pieces of lore etc.

All I did was engage in coitus with your mother and that's how you talk to me?

Section 31 never existed, it was all created by Bashir using a mental patient he found in the same institute the mutants were from.

Don't watch this.


You are given a 5 minute break from your designated work schedule to now watch and enjoy a holovid of Kira's mom, crawling on the floor, barking like a targ with my cum dripping out of her as I feed her hasperat out of my hand.


Attention Bajoran Workers

You must name me an episode from any Star Trek series you find to be underrated, or prepare to be destroyed,

A woman not speaking isn't a defect.

don't watch this either


Attention bajoran workers


That is all

I never see the season 2 four parter mentioned all too often, but it's one of my favorites.

The Empath

It isnt a good episode, but I always thought The Savage Curtain doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Its just some dumb fun and works just fine as a silly filler episode that I've enjoyed every time I've watched it. Not every episode can be Balance of Terror or Doomsday Machine, and they shouldnt have to be.

Prodigal Daughter

I saw a video earlier from an old trekkie who was saying that redditards were talking about removing TOS from canon because of STD
This is just insane. I hope the STD writers won't listen, they've already done enough damages to the franchise.

What race is Micheal Burnham?



Tin Man, from TNG

homo sapiens

Le 56% face

TOS has already been rendered mostly obsolete way before someone came up with the idea of STD.

The Magnificent Ferengi