What's the worst flick you've ever seen?

What's the worst flick you've ever seen?

The Last Jedi

Resident Evil final chapter

tfw your first name is Harmon

Ohhh its SHIT haha, never got that.
That movie is great Comedy Central rerun kino

I saw this at around 3 in the morning after a night out. It was atrocious and that Justin Long guy is absolutely insufferable. Worst thing is I kind of look like him and watching the movie I could understand why women arent interested in me

>never got that
>literally a recurring """joke""" used 10 times in the movie


Black Panther

Ugh this movie was such shite

I was about to say The Last Airbender but then I remembered I've seen Accepted but somehow managed to repress the memories. So thanks for that.
If there's one positive I took out of it it's the fact it made look up Battle Royale.

literally nothing happens

Meet the Spartans is easily the most offensively awful movie ever made.

Every parody movie post-scary movie is terrible

Don't lump Walk Hard with them

I want to say Interstellar because I expected better

Dinner for Shmucks, only film in memory I just walked out of the theatre over.

Paranormal Whacktivity is just as bad, but I did really want to bang the lead actress.

None of them are even in the same league as Meet the Spartans. Especially the ones that have Leslie Nielson.

A Serbian Film or Human Centipede. Can't decide.

Idk if you're trying to make me mad, or baiting

but.. you're a brainlet

This is the real answer

I was at a new years party where the host made everyone stop having fun and sit down to watch We're the Millers. It was the most mind numbing, abysmal flick I had the misfortune to sit through. Only the host was laughing at any of the jokes like a retard.

How did this transition from party to movie go down?

I think he meant the Genre Movie series.
Walk Hard is a great comedy regardless.

the movie starts with salier comitting suicide, nothing happens my ass, go back to r e d d i t

I'd say Disaster Movie was worse because it doesn't even try to spoof the plot of any movie, it's just "look at the costumes".

I'm glad Justin Longs career was short as it was

One of the worst actors I've seen on screen. All he can play is a dejected high schooler, anytime he tried anything else it was horribly over acted

Movie 43 is the worst movie ever made


Not even meming

That movie is an abortion

Still not as bad as were the millers[/spoilers]

>interstellar sucks, they just go to 3 planets and thats it

I liked it.
I loved the clap on disco ball

Taxi Driver

Howling 7: New Moon Rising.
I triple dare anyone to watch it from start to finish in one sitting. It's not possible, even if wasted.

mst3k-tier shit aside, Art School Confidential

>first name is a last name
At least your name isn't slang for penis

I don't know. Maybe that one where the guy from Napoleon Dynamite is a zombie and his friends make shitty internet documentaries about it trying to find the cure, then another dragon lady zombie shows up and tempts him to rob banks and shit. Look it up.

I like it. I love movies where people build something that they lose control over. Like Fight Club. Or Dave Made a Maze

He went around the rooms smothering conversations saying "we GOT to watch a movie!", like smothering the life out of a promising newborn animal.

I hope you beat the living shit out of him. That movie was hot garbage.

This move is good, user

I left the cinema angry after seeing this.
Most terrible films have at least five minutes of entertaining material, but this was just pure obnoxious trash start to finish.

I thought there were only three,

Awful film, I didn't get it at all. Seemed like a spiteful rant disguised as a comedy

Really? I thought it was alright.

blake was qt as fuck in this movie

Killing of the Sacred Deer
wastes 2 hours of my life watching this mess

Having studied art history and studio art, it was constantly pissing me off in its utter lack of awareness of the meaning of art, what artists are like, and the dynamics of the art world. That and wishy-washy Shinji-tier protagonist.

2012 is watchable shlock. You mustn't have seen many movies if that's the worst.

Left after 30mins and went on a bender.

>forced soy smile

>this exists