Just finished watching Threads (1984)

>Just finished watching Threads (1984).

Well, shit. What did Sup Forums think? I watched When The Wind Blows a month ago, but Threads fucked me up much, much more. It's made me turn to the rum. Anyone else really into the Cold War right now?

Other urls found in this thread:


Watch Dead Man's Letters.

I liked Threads because I'm from and live in Sheffield and the town is basically the same now as it is depicted in the movie

Both Threads and The Day After are good films. Wish they made some kind of remake given the current geopolitical tensions between Russia and America.

Watched this at 13 after being recommended by my English teacher. Mistake and perhaps a blessing as it's instilled a paramount fear of nuclear war in me.

Also I recommend The Day After, 1983.

>fear of nuclear war
Watch The Atomic Cafe.

Threads is awesome, especially the attack scene. They Day After, while not quite as good, is still essential 80's Cold War/Nuke attack kino.

in... in what way?

Will do. Thanks user.

where can i watch it?

I'm not sure I want to, if it's going to be as traumatising as Threads. Does it give some sort of semblance of hope?

Neat! I'm in the UK, but a big city, so I'd honestly never even properly heard of Sheffield until Threads; I only heard of the place in passing before that.

Yes, Cold War Part 2 is here boys, get lit.

...I'm kind of glad I watched it much later in life. Young me was far too soft for this. Also, thanks, people do keep mentioning The Day After. I should check it out some time when I've recovered.

Okay, that does sound cool. I just got finished watching every Protect and Survive video, so it might be right up my alley.

Arrr me matey.

it's a shithole?

Completely inaccurate depiction of the effects of a nuclear war, but then again they never get it right

>never heard of sheffield
Do you live under a rock?

>watch Threads a few years ago
>visit UK last month
>realize they still haven't recovered from this catastrophe
>infrastructure in disarray
>mutated disfigured people walking around everywhere
very sad documentary man, I'm glad Continental europe was spared

The post attack scenes yeah, they had to film the pre attack scenes in Leeds.

Well, how can anyone know, since it's never happened in the UK? We can only base it off the few nuclear attacks that have actually happened, and theories. What would you say is more accurate, and is there a more accurate movie?

Birmingham, so yeah.

Oh ha ha.

Also does anyone know how they managed to get dead cats and rats? Are they faked? Wouldn't the RSPCA be all over that shit? Was the RSPCA even a thing in the 80s? So many questions.

>Does it give some sort of semblance of hope?
Beautiful bittersweet ending. Maybe also try O-bi, O-ba.

Like any large post industrial northern town, the city center is a dreary wreck and all the former centers of industry look like they were hit by a bomb. The Chinese are buying all the land now so at least they'll pretty it up a bit.
pic related makes me think of an eastern euro shithole whenever I drive past it, ironic because the area it's in is an eastern euro shithole now
Shame because if they'd filmed the post attack scenes up there they'd have had plenty of local extras that could play mutants without needing prosthetics

>lives in the UK
>has never heard of sheffield
That cannot be real.

>that ending

Yeah that shit was probably non-existent in the 80s. Back then a lot of action scenes involving animals like horses would be killed just for one scene. Any time you see footage of a horse tripping or falling they would probably be killed after.

I like to think you watched this from my recommendation in the 'most fucked up Earth' thread the other day
Great series, I always try and recommend it

>Birmingham, so yeah.
There is NO possibility that someone living in Brum hasn't heard of Sheffield. Literally zero.

Huh, neat. Also oooh, that sounds cool. It seems to me that the Polish are as into Cold War shit as the Brits. I wonder why.

I was a sheltered city kid, pls no bully.

*grunting caveman rape noises*

Well shit. Rip.

Sadly not. I'd just been meaning to watch it for a while, and I finally got around to it. Same situation with When The Wind Blows.

I'm ready to take the plunge on Threads, is it only available in garbage quality?

>It's made me turn to the rum.

Alcohol is to the body what nuclear war is to society. Drop it you stupid fuck.

>Lives in Birmingham
>Has never even heard of Sheffield
Mods ban this guy, I think he's literally 4 years old

...I failed Geography.

Nah, there are quite a few good versions floating around online. If you can't be arsed to download, check out Vimeo, if you don't mind subtitles in foreign languages.

I-I'm drinking within my daily units ;-;

;____; This is discrimination against the extremely sheltered and badly educated.

There are two Sheffields football teams. How come you never heard of it?

20 minutes longer than it should have been. It went from terrifying to laughable. The ending sucks because of this but everything preceding that is excellent.

...I don't know nuffin 'bout no footie.

Eh, I mean, in the second half it did kind of stop having an emotional impact, because at that point we all knew what was coming.

>...I failed Geography.
M8, you have failed life itself.

Fookin numpty

Baby I know it.

>It seems to me that the Polish are as into Cold War shit as the Brits. I wonder why.
Heh, general slavic obsession over misery.

Get in football more. Your Britian Geography learning will be improved ha

Sorry friend but I'm genuinely gobsmacked. Have you lived here all your life? Public UK school system?
How have you not heard of Sheffield, really, what about Leeds, York, Huddersfield? How about the big scary city down south of London?

>tfw English and born in '76

I remember the fear of nuclear war being everywhere in the early 80's, saw Threads as a preteen when it was first aired on tv and When the Wind Blows etc; nuclear war was everywhere, on the news, in comedy, drama, music, hell even our primary school was showing us The World At War series, to fucking 7-8yo kids.

Pic related comes through your letterbox on top of all the tv etc programming.

Chernoby blew its lid and everyone in Europe went radiation/nuclear-crazy.

Then 1990 came and everyone let out a huge sigh of relief

...You might be onto something there.

But football is so boring to me. ;-;

Yep, Brummie born and raised, and public school system. That doesn't mean I had any friends who talked to me and told me stuff. Also, I've heard of Leeds and York, but not Huddersfield.

Is that why everyone from that era is insane? No offence.

Have a minute and half crash course: youtube.com/watch?v=72D44qKz-n8


>tfw live in middle of nowhere in Montana
>Have a bunker with enough supplies for 2 years

feels good man

You haven't heard of fooking Huddersfield you fookin Muppet.

The War Game
>is a fictional, worst-case-scenario docu-drama about nuclear war and its aftermath in and around a typical English city. Although it won an Oscar for Best Documentary, it is fiction. It was intended as an hour-long program to air on BBC 1, but it was deemed too intense and violent to broadcast. It went to theatrical distribution as a feature film instead. Low-budget and shot on location, it strives for and achieves convincing and unflinching realism.

Football isn't about the sport. Its about going out with your mates, having a few pints and sing your local team with the fans.
Go out with your mates and travel to away games to support your local team (Birmingham in your case) and gets fucking pissed with the fans, have a laugh. ;)

The baby crying in the background makes it even better. Thank you for this wonderful gift.

s h r u g

...Sounds neat.

>having mates

>Is that why everyone from that era is insane? No offence.

Probably, it was a completely different world to today, teachers were still allowed to hit/smack you back then in the early 80's even a a child I had the cane (but with a metre ruler) multiple times, had the headmaster march me right into the school toilets and made me eat dispenser soap for calling the only black kid in school a Chocolate Finger (after the biscuit)

It was a great time

Football fans are usually drunk. Its easiler to make friends that way. :~)

Its really exaggerating of how bad nuclear bombs are.


Global warming is a myth conjured up on the false premise that a nuclear detonation causes firestorms. That being said..

By Dawn's Early Light

Haha wow.

Hmmmm, I see. I hate beer, but rum is good. I could get drunk with the lads.

I'm not sure how ready I am to believe the words of some random on Quora, but I'm gonna read this anyway. Thanks for the info m8.

Meh, assumptions are all we got. Also, thanks for the recommendations, gonna check them out at some point.

The title I was trying to remember, damn excellent movie. I recommend everything produced by Sidney Lumet, astonishing quality throughout his works.

What the fuck. Are you honestly 11 or something?

y u bully huh

Powerful movie but effects of a nuclear attack aren't as drastic as shown.
Nuclear winter has been pretty much discarded as a theory.

You'll be targetted first

well are you 11?

No. Are you?

'82 Italian reporting.
I was a small kid but I still remembered media and movies concerning the possibility of a nuclear holocaust.
I still remember the clumsy reactions to Chernobyl ("do not eat X for Y amount of time!). As if.

Watched it recently as well, bleak as fuck. Appreciated the documentary style film making mixed with the character driven story.

Agreed. Volcanic winter more likely.

When we hit the wall, and the economy is starved of cheap oil, the financial system collapses, trade collapses, you won’t even be able to buy a toothbrush.

There will be no electricity no petrol no fertilizers no food no police no courts no medicine.

There will be no commodities because there will not be the means to extract them. For instance, people believe there will be some coal available, coal mines and open pits will fill with water, there will be no way to pump the water out…. no electricity, no diesel, no spare parts for the pumps… no factories… no ships … nothing.

There will be famine, violence, pandemics.

And then there are 4000 spent fuel ponds that will NOT be managed. The computer systems will stop, the pumps will stop, the cooling will stop … and they will burn up releasing massive amounts of radiation, unstoppable, and that will get into the food chain .. into the air… and anyone who is unlucky enough to survive the famine and disease and violence, will be killed off.

There is no hedge – no way to prepare for this.

The people pulling the levers and pushing the buttons that keep BAU staggering on understand this that is why they do absolutely anything to delay the end game.

They know that when they start to push on a string and at some point no matter what they do we are going to run out of tricks to keep the hamster running all hell will break lose. And nobody survives.


Stop with the mass replies man

>And nobody survives
Life always finds a way.

>Cold War Britain
Those were the good days, m8.

Spent fuel rods don’t last long able to meltdown user

>I'm from and live in Sheffield and the town is basically the same now as it is depicted in the movie

Well I tell you now m8, your city has one of the worst one-way systems in the UK. Fucking hellish.

>no actual economy outside of (((financial services))) and property bubble
>everywhere not London is a decaying shithole and has been for the past 30 years
>London is a shithole too
>GDP per capita has been falling since 2007
>baffling 1000% gdp to debt ratio
>north sea oilfields totally depleted

What went wrong?

Elitist society.

Out of UK, DE, FR, and ,IT we are 2nd best off and only not first because Germany bullies everyone.

Karma is a bitch.

give me a hug man

Sup Forums here, I think you should go and watch Fail Safe and then Miracle Mile

Hard to argue with that.