Movies you didn't make it through
>not making it through a pure ciné experience
This movie was fuckin cool before the faggy tv series came.
I have it on bluray.
Limitless was pure kino you nigger
such wasted potential
for a SUPER SUPER SUPER smart dude, he sure does a lot of fucking stupid shit
the movie needed smarter screenwriters. people of presumably mediocre intelligence shouldnt make films about smart people
>10x his money on stock market every day
>"this is not quick enough"
>borrows 100k from shady gangsta
fucking bothers me to this day
Lucy, very predictable which is what kills thrillers
yeah I never got that part. if he was 10x his money every day, and it was compounding, then you consider the loan shark charges like 5k interest a day. kinda ruined a good movie.
He had to make at least one big goof up otherwise nothing would have happened in the film. It would have just been him succeeding without effort
Me too tbqh
slept a portion of beyond black rainbow was slight drunk to be honest.
Book was shit. Should've known better. Walked out.
Wow! You're such a dumb fuck. I hope you die.
Pretty watchable.
At first I didn't liked it. But now I do.
>the movie needed smarter screenwriters. people of presumably mediocre intelligence shouldnt make films about smart people
like that post about sherlock, still right
90% of them desu
my attention span has become totally shot
It's the only film I've ever stopped watching halfway through, more because I was quite tired than it was shit though
you can be smart and naive
he's no longer naive at the end after having to jostle for power
Mulholland Drive
Mutant Chronicles
I finish most of the movies I start.
t. brainlet
Lego Movie
I could only stand 10 minutes of that ADHD garbage.
I legitimately loved the LEGO movie, Frozen too.
It's weird because I am hugely pessimistic about most things.
>Dark Star
is that a joke about assholes?
Frozen is a great fairy tale movie though.
Massively overrated, but still great.
More movies than ever now. Everything is just high order shit it seems. Capeshit, Star Wars, Star Trek, on and one. Fuck it.
Why is it so shitty, I mean WHY is it so fucking shitty?
I'm not even OP, but that is where I turn off the movie too.
Considering I made it throught Premonition, this is utter shite
This movie sucked ass. IIRC they made a point to show how he "beat" the pills negative side effects, and how his repentance was an important moment to the character and film itself, but they completely abandoned the side plot about the hooker he murdered in the hotel.
b-but it’s subversive
Justice league for me, was only gonna watch it to stay up to date with shitposts at the time but it was unbearably bad, worse than the dumpsterfire homecoming
>be super intelligent
>forget to pay off the mobster
I mean I get that if he hadn’t made a mistake there wouldn’t be a movie, but they could have done so much better so easily
You guys know Al Capone was caught just because he wouldn't pay taxes right? It seems most cases people become turbo jews when they become wealthy.
Just because you're smart it doesn't make you a good person, or not greedy, or not a narcissist. That was the whole point. He became smart and looked down on everyone else, got his teeth kicked in, then learned his lesson.
>wasted potential
yer a tard, it was hamfisted brainlet message film that couldn't take it's own premise seriously, just a generic inept thriller without any originality
also this
Capone wasn't a genius.
>got too fat for Ghost in the Shell
all great choices
ignore the redditor soyboys
>defending hollywood trash
>calls others stoopid
The pill doesn't make you a genius, it only unlocks your brain power. All your flaws are still present. It doesn't give you magical knowledge and advice.
I got about 10 minutes in and thought "what the fuck am I doing?".
forgetting to pay back the mob isn't a character flaw, it's shite plot device to add gun noises so drooling monkeys like you can laugh and enjoy this borefest
There is no reason to watch this unless you are a flimmajor-douche or a pedo.
Funny People
300. But to be fair my gf and I paused during the sex scene to go have sex and we forgot to start the movie again.
Yeah, pile on the "pleb" train, go ahead. Started it twice.
Also A Touch of Zen once the fighting broke out and I realized it was wuxia wire-fu.
I didn't realize it was almost 3 hours long. The gimmick is kinda interesting, but I'm not gonna sit through all of that just to watch some boy grow up.
absolute wishfulfilment kino
Pedo here, I jerked it the whole time, 3 hour true edging kino, boi was too sweet.
Very cash.
Would you have watched it if it was a cute girl?
Be honest.
What a boring piece of shit
Me too. As soon as I heard "100% of the brain" I turned it off
I do this nightly. Not to Boyhood though.
what do you use?
Placebo clear mints look like nzt, believe enough in nzt and you will make it true. Never been more productive thanks to my clear """ nzt""'.
the movie was probably shit, I had nothing else better to do, but these teenagers behind me was laughing, screaming and quoted what was just said on screen.
I hate cinemas in third world countries.
also, The Legend of Tarzan (2016), it was just boring.
I tried twice. I don't even mind cape shit.
Tv show was one of the best "Dude with a gimmick helps FBI" procedurals.
Why didn't Al Capone pay his taxes? He poured people in concrete, ran gambling, booze, had every politician and cop in his pocket. Yet didn't pay off the government mobster.
Ffs you plebs
We get it. AIDS is bad.
the boy's not even cute and the movie was too long draggy and boring AF
Because his money came from illegal activities.
is this bait or what? drive is not even some arty farty arthouse movie, it has a very traditional structure and story
His fucking accent. I’m sure it’s great... but fuck man.
I didn't know they'd be so different from other cinemas. I'm curious to know more about what the moviegoing experience is there, in general, but esp. with big movies, that makes it different, if there is actually much of a difference. Or were you just visiting/living in a third world country at the time so you don't have much experience? Cause if you live there, which country?
Oh, and it was definitely pretty shit.
It was a shit movie. I couldnt finish it either. Also dunkirk was too boring to finish.
The Philippines, visiting/vacation.
my tip is to go during school time or watch in IMAX because shitty kids can't afford it.
some other things:
-you're allowed to bring hot food into the theater, which can be good and bad, but this one time I brought a pizza
-talking is normal
-you can stay and watch it multiple times
It just wasn't as compelling as the original.
And that's the was the problem.
it was absolute shit with the mumbling, shaky le 'natural' cam, the grain and absolutely un-engaging story. I stopped it at 30 minutes after getting sick of the barely audible dialogues.
The original Is such an underrated gem. It should be more remembered than it is
I was purely watching it for the aesthetics. The story isn't much though.
I like Primer and I still agree.
>for a SUPER SUPER SUPER smart dude, he sure does a lot of fucking stupid shit
That's the point. It doesn't just make you smart, it makes you smart and selfish and impulsive and amoral and arrogant and manic and prone to fugue states.
The fugue side-effects and withdrawal and elite puppetmaster setting him up to be used are red herrings. The point is to distract you temporarily from what a crazy asshole he is.
In the ending, where he's defeated the obvious downsides, you're supposed to think back to how he's actually behaved over the course of the movie and ponder what kind of monster he'll become and what sort of bad end he'll come to.
Forgetting basic things, like eating and sleeping were a "side effect" of the pills. Did you see the movie?
>That's the point. It doesn't just make you smart
yeah, dumbo, we geddit, stay humble, science is bad, etc...
it's another cheap morality tale that says nothing new nor tales it in an interesting way
It's Charlie (Flowers for Algernon) with a side of Twilight Zone, but shit.
Premise could have been interesting if they tried, and you are a retard for pointing out the theme like a middle school book report.
what a retarded fucking movie
Based on YA novel for teenage girls
After Twilight/Hunger Games hit big, the market was flooded with vampire/zombie/post-apocalyptic teen romances stories for young girls.
I've tried twice now to watch this. Farthest I've gotten was the Enchantress introduction.
Crank 2
The nipple scene sucked the life out of the room when I watched it with friends.
I watched this on a 6 hour flight, my god it had nothing redeeming about it
yeah bravo kino yeah
Why does Fassy always take such shit movies
Shit roles for a shit actor.
It's not just a "morality tale". Limitless is a power fantasy with enough downside to make it interesting. If it's just a story about having something you want, it's a beer commercial. You think, "Okay, I'd like that." and then you stop thinking about it. If it's a package of good and bad things, you're ambivalent and it holds your interest for longer. If it creates conflict and makes your life interesting, but not necessarily happy, it provokes you to imagine your own stories.
Basically, it's a superhero movie, without the genre boilerplate.
>watch shit movie on plane flight
>spend half the time looking at the screen of person next to me
anyone else do this?
Counselor was great imo
No. That'd be even less boring, probably full of tea parties and shit.
You pay your taxes and they track you faster
kill yourself
Ok, but I'm taking Gylenhaal and Gosling with me.
I drink beer and fart on planes, there is no escape.
The end is better than the first parts. The demon brother fire guy is pretty cool fight.