>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage
Shouldn't killmonger never have been born?
>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage
Shouldn't killmonger never have been born?
Other urls found in this thread:
>male direct ancestor jumps from ship, while his pregnant wife is also on the ship and comes to the new world
>cousins, uncles, aunts jump from ship, they are also ancestors
>grandfather/mother jump from ship, they are also direct ancestors
>21 savage on this shit bish, hit her with no condom had to make her eat a plan b
did any africans actually jump off ship
I'm curious about this too now
some caused riots inside which sunk the entire ship
Well an ancestor is someone you are descended from so your cousins dont count.
But that aside, is he saying that his ancestors who didn't kill themselves failed?
Now you have made me wonder if he wished he never existed and i have missed a large part of his character.
If only we'd have had a policy to dump them back in the ocean at the age of 40 regardless.
Why weren't our ancestors smarter?
He was offered life to serve out his time and take responsibility for the crimes he committed. Bondage was never mentioned so God knows why he said it and God knows why Black Panther never corrected him.
He just took the easy and cowardly route. Why are blacks celebrating this?
Killmonger seems to be somewhat stupid tbqh.
I'm not surprised he doesn't understand how reproduction works.
Except by definition his ancestor didn't jump from the ship, she remained in Bondage.
>Bury me in the ocean with 'the"/"an" ancestor who jumped from a ship
Well he is a pretty complex character
I'm assuming some did, because we know they had mutinies, and I guess there's some jumping off ships when the traders come back to reclaim the boats. Dunno though.
The guy from The Revenant was a White Slave who jumped off a ship (close to shore though) with another White Slave and then promptly ended being enslaved by Injuns who sadistically tortured his buddy to death.
Is this Hollywood telling blacks to kill themselves?
>n-no actually it was a virgin pregnancy
What are you even saying.
But people from wakanda were never enslaved
This line was forced as fuck, fucking pandering to their marketed crowd. Wouldn't be surprised if they reshot it for that purpose
No. It's one of the great exaggerations made by abolitionists.
They were locked in chains. How would they jump off?
Exactly. Black Panther would have said this too. He would have told him that life would be his chance to take responsibility for his crimes.
>Slaves resisted in a variety of ways. The two most common types of resistance were refusal to eat and suicide. Suicide was a frequent occurrence, often by refusal of food or medicine or jumping overboard, as well as by a variety of other opportunistic means. If a slave jumped overboard, they would often be left to drown or shot from the boat. Over the centuries, some African peoples, such as the Kru, came to be understood as holding substandard value as slaves, because they developed a reputation for being too proud for slavery, and for attempting suicide immediately upon losing their freedom.
>Both suicide and self-starving were prevented as much as possible by slaver crews; slaves were often force-fed or tortured until they ate, though some still managed to starve themselves to death; slaves were kept away from means of suicide, and the sides of the deck were often netted. Slaves were still successful, especially at jumping overboard. Often when an uprising failed, the mutineers would jump en masse into the sea. Slaves generally believed that if they jumped overboard, they would be returned to their family and friends in their village or to their ancestors in the afterlife.
>Suicide by jumping overboard was such a problem that captains had to address it directly in many cases. They used the sharks that followed the ships as a terror weapon. One captain, who had a rash of suicides on his ship, took a woman and lowered her into the water on a rope, and pulled her out as fast as possible. When she came in view, the sharks had already killed her—and bitten off the lower half of her body.
That sounds horrible
On the Kru any why they choose to suicide:
>The Kru were famous for their skills in navigating and sailing the Atlantic. Their maritime expertise evolved along the west coast of Africa as they made livings as fishermen and traders. Knowing the in-shore waters of the western coast of Africa, and having nautical experience, they were employed as sailors, navigators and interpreters aboard slave ships, as well as American and British warships used against the slave trade.
>Kru people were more valuable as traders and sailors on slave ships than as slave labor. To ensure their status as “freemen,” they initiated the practice of tattooing their foreheads and the bridge of their nose with indigo dye to distinguish them from slave labor.
If you ask me they should all jump from the ships fucking niggers
Killmonger should've been the protagonist. He should've won.
Does anyone just wanna feel the bumps on his chest?
White people should have done what the muslims did (and still do btw), and castrate their slaves.
>and bitten off the lower half of her body.
Slave Ships Body Horror when?
Or maybe they shouldn’t have had slaves at all
I know it was supposed to be some poignant shit, but I just snickered, he was basically just an edgy black supremacist.
Why is that "the best MCU villain" exactly?
>"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage."
The biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the black goyim is their role in the African slave trade.
90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
The bible on the subject: onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
Jews have been fermenting race hate since the 90s with shit like this movie, and things like Amistad etc. brainwashing people into this euro whites/christians/WASP vs blacks angle. They've doubled their efforts since Trump's (anti-globalist) election.
Blacks in the 80s knew exactly what was up. Montel Williams clip related.
No because niggers dont jump ship u til they get the "im prego" talk
He would have been concieved.
I agree. The pigs we traded for African warlords slaves would've done more good for our nations in the long run; no minority of the population demanding reparations everyday.
what niggers thought was "slavery" was just agriculture. and the white farmers worked beside them.
Aside from Loki there's not a lot of very memorable Marvel villains, and it's often brought up as the biggest flaw of the otherwise widely liked franchise. Most of them, including Killmongerer from what I've seen from trailers, tend to just be an evil version of the protagonist
Exactly, white people screwed themselves over because they were too lazy to do their own work
I hope this is bait
You are literally same shit as Afrocentrist retards, you do understand that do you?
There are exaggerations and modern bullshit, but slavery was a horrible institution, and it was even worse in South America and Caribbean.
Yeah, I agree, personally I think Loki, Winter Soldier, and Vulture are really the only truly good ones.
Killmonger was nothing special at all, yet he's "so good". He's not, really. He's just a racist with a victim complex. He'd have been better if he just sought revenge for his father's death, not "rise against all white people"
>His ancestors are immortal
Lucky bastard
Killmonger was raised a nigger. Race is a collective delusion by nigs in the US who think they're all poor and stupid because whitey keeps oppressing them. That's why KKKmonger has more loyalty to his fellow nigs in the hood than his own blood.
>Bury me in the ocean
Murrican education
He's legit mad about it, too. The Wakandas closed themselves off, became successful, didn't whine about their lot in life, and were happy.
He comes being all jelly and angry because they didn't rush into America and kill whitey because they share a race so he tries to murder a king.
What a fag.
Yes, we get it. Sometimes lines are weird when taken literally. You're very smart and funny young man.
They were going to put him in prison, t'challa would never let him live in society, hed rather be dead than in prison which was the point of what he said
You're missing the point though. His personal motivations and endgame are wrong, thats what makes him a villain. What makes him a good villain is that his ideals are ultimately right; use Wakanda's tech and resources to help change the world. Wakanda's isolationism cant last and only makes the world a poorer place, KM was right about that, which is why T'Challa joins the rest of the world in the end.
Which is cowardly, just like T'Challa said to Zemo "the living are not done with you yet"
Killmonger was a murderous retard, putting him in a prison was what he deserved.
Seems pretty based dude, except you cant bury people in water, it would be drowned or sink, who wrote that line and thought it would pass scrutiny?
Even if his beliefs were wrong, he's still stronger than Zemo because he still stuck to his beliefs even when facing death.
He wanted to murder a shit-ton of people because he had a hard life.
We don't accept that in Loki, Killian etc. Killmonger wanting to do it because he's a black supremacist doesn't suddenly make it justified.
Killing a bunch of people in London because a Wakandan king killed your father and you feel oppressed in America is in no way "right"
They were chained to walls, why would you allow your property to walk around? Also blacks cant swim, it scares them.
.t former naval enlisted
You didnt read my post correctly
>His personal motivations and endgame are wrong, thats what makes him a villain
I'm black and I picked up swimming pretty fast after getting over my fears of drowning.
"His ideals are ultimately right"
His ideals are "kill whitey". You're confusing Killmonger with T'challa's love interest. She wanted to open and help, Killmonger wanted to murder a bunch of people.
The slaves were already slaves, only difference being they had black owners instead of white/arab ones. Or is it just that whites in particular shouldn't have had any slaves?
Source? This sounds like we wuz resistance n sheet fanfiction. Slaves were those even lower than typical Africans.
It sounds made up. I bet one or two ships out of hundreds had this issue.
Well obviously the Wakandians should have saved their fellow blacks. because all blacks are the same, right?
Yes, she wanted to open the boarders to help people, and KM wanted to open the boarders to kill people. BECAUSE HE IS THE VILLAIN. The point is that T'Challa is wrong to keep Wakanda isolated and the villain knows that and has a plan that incorporates that idea. That's an order of magnitude better that the Doctor Strange villain who can be sumed up entirely with the "corrupted by a lust for power" cliche.
Many tribes are excellent swimmers actually, many of the descendants of the west african slaves are not though because they were pulled from inland by the tribes who occupied the coastal areas
Are you seriously this fucking retarded? Even for a niggerlover that's a new low.
The woman who stayed on the ship is an ancestor too you dumbfuck.
But he's not right in any way, that's what I'm saying. He wants to open the borders to kill people because he's a racist with a victim complex. How is that a "good" villain, or a "sympathetic" villain?
His goal was not to "help people" it was to have a black supremacist empire across the globe.
That's not much better than the "I wanna rule the world" cliche in my eyes.
Seems pretty well-cited to me user.
I don’t think anyone should own slaves period
umm grandfather jumps ship
father stays on boat.
am i missing something here?
Not that guy but it's true from what I remember from reading a book on it for university. The part about the nets on the sides to prevent them from jumping over was the one I found interesting. There was also this story of how a man was supposed to pay a debt to some Europeans, and he sent his wife to do it. The wife showed up and it turned out that she was the payment for the debt, so she was sold off. Most of the revolts came early into the journey because the slaves knew that if they were able to get off the ship they could swim into shore. What would happen then is that some of them would be caught and sold off again, sometimes to the same people they had just been bought by. A lot of interesting shit happened.
that's like saying if your uncle died as a toddler you wouldn't exist
white people logic
if they intended on committing suicide, why would a few sharks change their minds? i mean it's probably a quicker way to go than drowning as well
Your uncle is not your ancestor, tard
you aren't descended from your uncle
Maybe they figured drowning was a better way to go than be ripped apart by sharks.
Quick poll: What's worse?
Eaten by a shark (with the chance they could bite your head or some shit; quick death)
Or drowning in the ocean?
>They used the sharks that followed the ships as a terror weapon. One captain, who had a rash of suicides on his ship, took a woman and lowered her into the water on a rope, and pulled her out as fast as possible. When she came in view, the sharks had already killed her—and bitten off the lower half of her body.
woke slaveship horror kino when?
Wikipedia is not a source. Look at this joke in pic related. Look at their gamer gate article
Drown 100%.
Yeah dude totally. The transatlantic slave trade is fake news. Those silly liberals and their safe spaces, they just dont want to accept facts because it clashes with their world view.
If you were about to an hero, would rather tie an anchor to yourself and sink to the bottom of a river or be thrown in the middle of a pack of hungry alligators? Also imagine that you had no idea what those alligators even were
do you care enough to do anything about it today, or are you just complaining about what people did hundreds and hundreds of years ago? Because there's still tons of slavery in the world.
If black people were castrated, they wouldn't have had enslaved children, i.e. a straight up improvement.
Yes it was quite common
Sounds like something that Robin Hobb got inspiration for in her Liveship traders books.
>The woman who stayed on the ship is an ancestor too
Does that mean the ones that did die aren't? Again, are you even trying to communicate an idea or just baiting?
>brings up gamergate
it's like you're trying to look as retarded as possible
I know it still exists today but what can I personally do about it? It’s not like I have the power or resources to stop it. It doesn’t mean I can’t think it’s wrong and shouldn’t happen. If there’s something I can do about it then I would do it.
All of you sat in a theater full of black people only for you to come home and type “nigger” as fast as you can, safe behind your computer monitors
I doubt there’s much evidence of boat suicides. Link me to an original source.
These guys sound cool, they deserve a movie
This but unironically
I’m not the best one citing Wikipedia as a source.
I'll try them out and get back to you
you really are all tasteless buffoons and blithely encourage this crap movie
Are you suggesting that black people are violent and would have killed him for saying a word? Holy shit you racist FUCK
What a defeatist attitude.
>If there’s something I can do about it then I would do it.
but you do nothing and then go "welp, I guess there's nothing I can do". You're obviously just a slacktivist that doesn't really care.
White People are mad because the best selling marvel film features no white privilege.
>Stay Thirsty my friends