What did they mean by this?


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Don't tell anyone, but it's pic related

(((they))) did it

They meant that a huge percentage of soldiers trapped in Dunkirk were of African or Indian descent, as opposed to a fictional country in Africa actually having a mostly-black cast.

Okay good talk.

i need to tell someone dude
they can't keep getting away with this

No shit

Ok, and how many of those soldiers were women?

the media is anti white
it just is
how can you debate this

Wait, who is african in BP?

why is that writer assuming everyone in dunkirk is male? isn't that a bit problematic to assume their genders like that? what about those that don't identify as white either? ugh


>World War II
>women at the front


Diversity means "not white"


>believing that just because some has a xy chromosomes that means they identify as male

It's 2018.

The British Expeditionary Force was composed mainly of people from Britain and Ireland. The foreign British legions fought relative to their countries of origin, that is why they were conscripted in the first place, to maintain order in the COLONIES, you low IQ retards. Later in the war when the scope of the war changed, so did organization, but early in the war, there was no need for the British to sail Indians half way across the world to fight in France.


Fuck off retard.

Well then it's racist to make a movie about that.

>Diversity means "kill all whites"
