What was your reaction when you first saw this episode?
Panty Raid Spongebob
sniff sniff tug tug
>I was really feeling it now
t. Mr Krabs
I didn't get it, who wants panties, let alone their own mother's, especially when she's as old as Mama Krabs?
>t. 7 year old`
disgust because my mom used to hang her shit stained panties in the bathroom door knob
I know it gets said a lot but I can't imagine an episode like this being made today.
It adds fuel to the misogo-patriarchal hegemony. In protest I never watched another episode of spongebob.
Surprised that they'd have such a thing in a supposedly family-friendly cartoon.
Based scat mama.
In all honesty, how do skid marks happen? Im a 30 year old man and Ive never had them. Do people just not wipe their asses right or do you wait till after it starts coming out to go to the bathroom and take a shit?
>repeat X times
>wet the TP
>wipe dry
>still dirty
>give up and put your underwear back on
what the fuck
i felt nothing
everyone does a panty raid in his life atleast once
What was your reaction when Pantera was a guest on the show?
dammit you fucks are everywhere i can't escape your excessive sniffing no matter where i go
I had no idea what they were actually doing
period blood stains a rust color
people hold in their shit for too long so when they actually shit not all of their poop comes out. They'll wipe until clean but the little bit of shit remaining in their ass slowly trickles out over the course of the day.
People are fucking disgusting
all women stain their panties because of their disgusting discharge
>tfw literally every pair of underwear you own has a white/yellow spot in the front from cumming in your sleep
buiy new underwear more frequently. its amazing.
my younger sister never wiped her ass properly. Fucking shit stained panties in the laundry every time.
You really need to masturbate more, user.
Didn't wipe properly, scratched their ass through their pants and underwear
>little sister left her paintes on the floor
>go to smell it like an anime protagonist
>they're full of period blood and it smells terrible
and that's how i learned to separate anime from real life
>period smells terrible
get a load of this virgin
Exactly how many fucking degenerate virgin losers browse this board? Holy shit Sup Forums was right.
My roommate freshman year would steal thongs from our dorms laundry room
I jerked off using period panties with multiple girls
they all loved it
Never saw it. Explain
it honestly just felt wrong, Spongebob was such an asexual character that it didn't compute for him to partake in something perverted
Vaginas also bleach black panties to red-brown
did you take pics?
Best post ITT desu
why don't people just take a bath after shitting? I do it everytime
>stewing in your own shit soup
Me gusta
>giving sponge bob skin
I felt pretty awkward and didn't understand what was going on. And to be honest I still don't.
well if spongebob coldn't get through to you, nothing probably will
gl with that virgin lyfe
y-you too
patrick lookin pretty bloatMAXX here
I don't know, I think you can look at him just being a dorkwad retard who doesn't actually realize what he's doing. He isn't aware of the perverted aspect and is just doing it because patrick told him it was cool.
you guys should get a bidet, that thing is life changing
the poopoo particles form an ionic bond with hair on my asshole and toilet paper is not strong enough to break these bonds. so over the course of a day the poopie diffuses from my was hair to the undies in short dingleberries are the usual suspects
the fuck is wrong with you man?
do you eat Taco Bell for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
I'm asexual, I refuse.
I have lots of long asshairs and have absolutely no problem avoiding skidmarks. Learn to wash yourself you degenerate fucking american.
clearly something is turning you on, dope.
youre body is literally telling you to jerk off, jackass
Asexual is not the same as being impotent. Of course my body desires sex, my mind doesn't.
The prehibernation week episode. Just their music is there.
>So sexually frustrated that I actually bought a pair of nasty used panties from some cam girl on leddit
>She had a week's worth of discharge crusted into the gusset
>Thick globs of crunchy discharge that I tasted
> I asked her to workout and sweat into them
>They have two big skid marks too
>I boiled hot water and used the steam to bring out the scent
>The shit marks smell the best
> They looked even worse then pic related
I hate myself.
Then why not just cum semi-regularly at your own convenience, rather than suffer the discharge?
I'm on permanofap mode until I get married.
I wanna puke
>babbys first time on Sup Forums
Kill yourself faggot
>big sister has friend over
>they leave
>go through their stuff
>find friends panty
>giv it a big whiff
>2 mins later
>its wrapped on my head while im furriously jacking off
lol fucking bobby
Judging from your severe autism i'd wager you'll be on perma nofap mode until death, not marriage.
sometimes I wonder
what if I kept that panty
did that set off some alt universe? were I didn't return the panty and I'm like some panty thief?
my sister is a fucking disgusting loser that never brings her friends over. lucky you
Even if I was autistic, even autists can get married you know. Regardless, potentially never cumming in my entire life doesn't bother me.
But the episode still airs, I remember seeing this one not that long ago when my son was watching the shit.
This. He would have no understanding of it being any different than any of a hundred other silly ideas that have been suggested to him. Same with Patrick. Spongebob is textbook asexual. He'll live alone with Gary forever and die happily like a lifelong child without ever wasting time in the pursuit of a biological drive that is honestly a huge time and resource sink. Not a terrible thing if you didn't know any better.
just avoid skid marks by buying dark colored underwear you idiots, lmao
Just avoid them by wiping like a normal human being?
fuck OFF normies
>pretending you /co has any semblance of decency
you have to go back
Sup Forums is even worse though, they have furfag threads
>roommate asks me to watch her dog
>go upstairs to check on it
>her panties are on the top of her laundry and I'm horny
>pick up to sniff and there's still-warm discharge on them
>lick it up and fap furiously with pantsu on head
How is this thread related to television and film?
>used to rent this guy's house and his daughters were really hot
>one of them leaves her red panties around
>my parents find them and put them on the mantle or something
>I steal them, jerk off into them
>month later I pull them out of my secret drawer at home and peel them apart ready for anther fap sesh
>scream as a little white worm reels at my revealing his nest made of the proteins of my encrusted months old jizz
>wiggles around and makes me want to puke, a worm had been living in my drawer eating my jizz panties
>chuck em out but not before washing them up and having one last cummy in them
How do I delete this from my memory
Well i used to sniff underwear from the sister of one of my friends.
my sisterhad yellow stained panties and she always hung them out with our our clothes
gross amiright
I've had so many times like this
>cousin is really close to us
>brings over his news gf paige to meet us
>she's actually pretty hot
>both them and my parents are going to a concert
>her dirty panties in the guest bathroom and bag in their room
>have a field day
>moving sister out of apartment because she hated her roomate
>after everything is packed and ready to go and everyone is in the car i tell my mom i have to pee (was only like 15 or so)
>run back upstairs and fap with some of her roomate's panties
>steal a couple from the back of the drawer since she had an overflowing drawer full
>just a few years ago
>other cousin moves in for 3 months with me while she gets a job
>all of her underwear clean and dirty are just scattered around the room like she doesn't even care
>several times a week getting to fap with them
>blue mouse exiting through door
I always fap with my underwear on but it always gets cleaned afterwards.
serious question: should I stop and use tissues instead? It's hard to leave this habit
In my 13+ years on Sup Forums, with all the death vids, scat, animal abuse, [redacted], and whatnot, some of the stories in the thread have instilled in me a feeling bordering on genuine disgust I thought not possible. Congrats.
None of these are even that bad you fucking liar.
>implying furries are worse than period and skidmark fetishists.
jesus christ
>Younger female cousin coming to live with me since her boyfriend turned weird and she wanted to get away
>I will finally learn if crusty discharge filled panties are as magical as I've been led to believe or if it was all just a meme since I'm a virgin in my 30s
Oh boy I'm so excited.
Depends how tight the underwear is. If it's loose enough you can jerk with impunity I don't see any reason why you should stop. Obviously you shouldn't do it if you're going to be out and about in public with cum filled undies, but if you're saying you jerk off and cum into your underwear before you have a shower and change clothes, go for it. Also assuming you do your own laundry, if you're making your mother handle your cum that's just rude.