That's $122.50
That's $122.50
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why does kevin say "cheese" pizza when cheese is implied?
they use american cheese singles if you dont specify cheese pizza
that just another way of saying no toppings.
then why not specify sauce and cheese?
plus tip heh of course m'lady
You're two seconds late son so they're free. Give me your pizza. AAND your other pizza. Joey Tribbiani just had a rough day at his new acting gig and he can't wait for some steamed hams. Some nice 'go 'za.
Nobody says "I'll have one slice of pizza, thanks."
You have to specify whether or not you want any toppings, and by saying "cheese pizza" you're essentially communicating to whoever is making your pizza that you don't want any toppings.
because typically when you order a pizza you are asked what toppings you want, along with the regular base tomato sauce and cheese, thus if you were to order pizza but not want any toppings you would say "cheese pizza" which indicates you just want the base pizza consisting of bread sauce and cheese
very easy to understand
>don't want any toppings.
then make a fucking sandwich what's the point of a pizza with nothing on it?
>plus tip
because an uncooked sandwich is not even close to the same as a baked bread,sauce,and cheese combo.
Is his tie clip a gun ?
why did they have joe pesci play both the police officer and the bandit?
You could also just say plain pizza...
Are people really this stupid?
Seems pretty retarded showing your face everywhere you plan to rob ahead of time.
if you just say pizza, you think they are going to just add random toppings?
No, if you just say pizza they will respond with "what kind of toppings would you like sir" which is why if you were to start with "can I get a cheese pizza" they will know exactly, without a doubt, what you want
>have autismo faggot brother who NEEDS cheese pizza
>eat it every time
based buck
Funny trivia about this movie. Joe Pesci plays both the cop and the burglar. There was no internet back then and they probably thought kids wouldn't notice.
>order pizza for group
>ask what they want
>salami, mushrooms, salmon
>"anybody wants cheese pizza?"
>"no user"
>order one anyway for you
>later pizzas arrive
>everyone binges on your cheese pizza first instead of the ones they wanted, despite them saying they didn't want any
that was me, james
yeah, flooding the places you rob isn't the smartest thing to do either
>that kid who ordered cheese pizza, but forgot to order crust and sauce
>that kid who ordered chinese food
>go around getting everyone's pizza orders
>be really anal and autistic about it, breaking pizzas up into halves and thirds to accomodate everyone, get everyone all mad because you keep asking them and asking them if they want this or if this is OK, and just really overcomplicating the matter
>right when everyone's on the verge of screaming in anger say you're just going to go order, it'll be fine
>order everyone something random from the chinese
d e v i l i s h!
Holy shit you are right, what were they thinking
that's a badass tie clip pesci has.
Also what kind of pizza boy doesn't use a hotbag or a clipboard? Amateurs.
t. Maddox the Cuck
>order pizza for famz
>get the usual extra cheese, pineapple and hotdog slices
>family is disgusted and yells at me screeching is this a joke
>t. has never been to italy and eaten actual pizza
did you know joe pesci is the only actor to star in a mob movie and a Christmas move in the same year
>order memeshit pizza so nobody wants to share
>take all the memeshit off and feed it to the dog
>enjoy pizza
Is keeping the change the same as a tip? I ways ask for exact change and then give it all back as tip because someone told me it doesnt count
You wanted a pizza. They'd probably put pepperoni on it and they wouldn't be wrong.
>somebody orders a pizza
>get to their 4th floor apartment
>they're obese as fuck.
>"Hey man, sorry for your weight"
>"oh you didn't take that long!"
>he tips me 5 dollars for being nice
>be me
>ordering 'za
>get my usual 'za - ground beef, fried onion, black olives, extra cheese
>it's sublime, as usual, that's why it's my usual
>autist friend starts giving me shit about how ground beef isn't high quality meat and I'm a stupid cuck for eating it
it's like what the fuck is your problem my man it's a fucking pizza topping what are you expecting fillet steak ha ha no but seriously what's your fucking problem get off your fucking high horse you think that's authentic mozzarell' from italia you're eating right now? fuck it is it's manufactured in large cubes in a rundown factory in new mexico and flash frozen you absolute shitcunt
stopped right here, kys
yes it's the same as a tip. Just give them an obvious amount of ones and they'll know you're tipping them.
damn this is really good bait
>ground beef isn’t high quality
>ground beef is a specific cut of meat
t. culinary retard
Was it chicago style?
> he doesn't enjoy a nice thick 'go 'za
lmao fuck off jew york rat cunts
I get that pizza but with feta added
fucking this
The TMNT have got the right attitude
But it’s their calling card. They’re the Wet Bandits!
Literally the original pizza and most popular pizza in Italy has no toppings you fucking mongoloid.
Did you call them filthy animals, kevin?
>he doesn't eat suh
>They don't have 30 minutes or less anymore
you clever little bastard
Say that to my face, peasant fucking scum. I'll shove a ball of fresh mozzarella up your urethra.
>are you me?
One of the whitest things I saw when I was a kid
Excuse me I speak english and in english you say it peet-zah, or 'za for short
Only if you're a surfer dude living in the 80's
I was your friends. Of course, there were much more heinous acts perpetrated by others in the realm of friends ordering pizza together.
My other trick is ordering toppings nobody else wanted (mushrooms, black olives, anchovies) so that I don't have to share. Worst case scenario, I get to bond with some bro who shares my same disgusting tastes over a couple slices.
shut your mouth, faggot
>"I don't remember ordering from Jiro's Pizza, kid. Here have $50 and keep the change"
we all know what he really meant by tht
The names Suh, Peet Suh.
It's unironically suburban sprawl and overpopulation that killed it. That, and the failure of our government to keep up the infrastructure with growing needs of the populace.
>order pizza
>live on the 4th floor
>delivery driver looks like a male prostitute
>makes fun of my weight
>say,"Ho, that didn't take long"
>tip $5 like he's use to when dancing on stage.
Also, drivers were crashing trying to get to the houses on time
Everyones got gps now. I see the pizza guy doing laps around my burger neighborhood in the evening. Obviously using some refined plan.
Who the fuck doesn't like mushrooms on a pizza? Pepperoni, mushrooms, and bacon pizza is kino.
30 minutes or less? FIVES MINUTES OR LESS
Champignon mushrooms with purple onion slices and diced bellpeppers (green, red and yellow) is the best veggie pizza I've had to date
>he ordered hawaiian pizza
I prefer Philly steak, mushrooms and bell peppers with garlic parmesane sauce
REMINDER: The cousin that wets the bed, used to fuck Emma Stone
life isn't fair :(
It takes that long to just cook the pizza
Das it mayne
In a pizza oven it takes like 15 mins to cook one.
Imagine being used like this to further some whores career, then being left in her dust, just wondering what could have been
"Hey, I'm trying to be on Sup Forums ova here"
what happens when you say "plain pie"?
>I know that feel
>starts off hating cheese pizza
>rant turns into attack on High School teachers
why did I read this so often when I was younger
That's nothing! Imagine having you and your career dumped by a girl who openly fucks directors and women making a mockery of your relationship?
Saw the lights in the thumbnail, thought it was Bobby Baratheon making a cameo.
'za thread?
>order pizza
>they arrive
>open door
>it's a woman
I almost felt obligated to rape her.
You'll get yellow cheese on it if you don't specify regular pizza cheese.
>get your ass kid by autismo brother
>cry for your parents
More like buck the cuck
that question is somewhat the equivalent of asking a pizza parlor for their opinion on your dick size.
you won't ask it and you won't know the answer to it unless you ask it
isn't 7 large pizzas a bit much for only like 10 people?
they tell you to get lost and go across the street to the baker
10 pizzas for 15 people
Someone did the math once... it works out to 5.5 slices per person in the family.
Unrealistic to most, but as I myself come from a wealthy family, we just don't give a fuck. If my brother wants a couple slices of bacon and onion, we'll get a whole pie and he can eat the leftovers the following few days. If not, we just throw that shit away. Who cares.
The only people who question math... are poors. Please think about that statement very carefully and if it hurts, you are officially poor and I shit on you.
6 large pizzas would have been fine for 16 people.
Goddamn the autism
That's one extremely unattractive queen.