Black ppl are SEETHING

black ppl are SEETHING

Other urls found in this thread:

what's wrong with this guy's voice

his sister got all the good genes

>He's a DC guy
Seriously hope none of you guys do this

Another review shitting on BP

He's a Jew.

i want to plow

Based sanic speed speaking kike man

new abigail????

I want plebbit to leave

Pretty based as far as kikes go for sure

>e-celeb kike
reddit is down the hall to the left

You guys really are fucking racists.
It was a good movie. Deal with it.
Take a break from Sup Forums once and awhile.

me on the right




She wont leave muh dick alone!

>Shapiro id eceleb


what did you mean by this post

Why do all these youtube whores sound like effeminate faggots

>This board doesn't have an underage infesta-

they were probably just admiring her tiddies


do you guys think she has a nice brapper?

most of Shapiro's listeners are boomers


t. polack

Boomers don't come to Sup Forums

this guy doesn't know shit about the opium wars

If you liked this shitty movie you should honestly kill yourself

Who give a shit to Ben Shapiro? Only jews and boomers care about him



Proving my point, Trumpfags are Gen Z



curse her rocking tits

>you will never knock the kippeh off Ben Shapiro's head.


if you took it off would he die?

but i've seen lots of jewish girls with really nice butts

>Ben is a former Breitbart contributor and currently serves as editor-in-chief at the Daily Wire. He has been portrayed by anti-Semites as a prisoner in Auschwitz. In 2016, Ben Shapiro was listed by ADL as one of the most targeted journalists.
>All of the ten most targeted journalists are Jews.

I gaurantee the mesages were just asking her put up those phenominal KHAAZAR MILKERS

huh... i wonder why...

>being a titsguy in 2018
eating ass is the future you guys

Ben still rated it one of the top 3 marvel movies so suck it!

>Ben Shapiro saw Black Panther
>proceeds to make a video to share to his followers
Does he realize he's further advertising the movie he supposedly dislikes/disagrees with?

ADL only complains about jews being abused

Has abigail actually been in any operas

>that was one of adam sandlers' top 3 adam sandler films

>once and awhile
How to spot a brown person's post

Ben Shapiro is a neocon shill, ignore

A lot of effeminate, female sounding, and legitimately gay white guys are at the helm of MAGA, like him, Milo, Scott Pressler, Richard Spencer, and more.
It's pretty weird for a movement that prides itself on not being degenerate.

Jews sound like soyboys all the time.


he speaks too fast

Why doesn’t he ever smile?

What’s wrong with his voice ??

Just from that pic I can tell this kid is speaking from a place of ingrained ignorance. Pass.

>Ben Shapiro
>e celeb

He'd run circles around your dumb ass.

>youtube patreon bitch
looks like an e celeb alright

Lol he is a fully grown manlet


back to r/the_donald

>He'd run circles around your dumb ass.
Go donate to his patreon you little shit

>he debates people over make believe movies

Hes like 37

>Ben Shapiro
>Trump supporter
Pick one

Trump apologist? Whatever they're all the same

Why does this jew care about the a lack of white people?

Oh because his fans all were hillary voters

I saw him at a debate a few years back.
He has a lot deeper voice in real life, sort of sounds more like George Clooney. Some people just have voices that microphones can't pick up well.
He's also a lot bigger than what you would think as well, I always thought he would be short but he's probably actually around 6'3 or 6'4, it was pretty surprising.

He's a """""white conservative""""" for gullible teenagers

>(((Bethany Mandel)))

The True Allegiance reading series is probably the best thing Chapotraphouse has ever done. Fuck Shapiro is retarded.

I swear they get bigger every time I see them.

can't listen to this guy talk, his voice is too annoying

Not an argument.

tick tock


Nobody wants to argue with you. You’re the only ones that care

Why argue with someone who glorifies e-celeb cancer

>podcast host
>writer for online magazines
>active on social media
Text book e celeb

I pick both
The father of the alt-right weighs in.

who is this and why should i care


Finally, an honest review of this movie.

Why are podcasts more entertaining than TV nowadays? Like all podcasts from all walks of life -black, white, lib, conservative, educational, fictional- it's all way more entertaining than whatever is on TV.

It's so weird. Also, I'm very surprised we don't have a podcast board at the moment. I think it'd be pretty cool if we did.

based libchad

This is one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen

He never fully recovered from his Murdoching

>he's actually 6'3 or 6'4 and sounds like George Clooney, I swear!
Sure he does.

Only Farage has any real value or opinion weight, the rest are parasites.

Plus he doesn't even admit it's the best movie ever made. He's a racist ASSHOLE.

why is farage's nose so big

>podcast board
that would be neat