can you imagine being a big enough fucking loser to actually enjoy manga?
>a nigger with shit taste
kys faggot
Someone recommend him some good anime plz
How did he went from black weeb to Chad?
everyday of my life
lel what a retard
can you imagine being a big enough fucking loser to post on Sup Forums
bleach and naruto ended
Not really. Black people love shonenshit
He’s still a weeb, he mentions recently in an interview how he wants to go to Tokyo because of anime
He went to the the gym. Itʻs that simple.
Itʻs all about how people perceive you
He may be a loser to you but he's famous as fuck and rich to boot, so he isn't
can you imagine being a big enough fucking loser to enjoy manga on top of posting on Sup Forums
I mean jesus christ, surely there's nobody out there that is such a big fucking loser
He will always be wallace to me
Only whites can be soy.
I was referring to you dipshits getting hyped over him. MBJ is incapable of being a loser
whites have a monopoly on nu-males
Why do niggers love Naruto, Bleach and DBZ so much?
I wonder what he watches now
Does Michael B Jordan post on Sup Forums though
yeah i do
You know the drill bud, post proof
sorry for calling you a nigger
AOTS if he has good taste I hope
why do white male twenty somethings make up the majority of BLACKED.com's viewership?
>not One Piece
scans are piracy
This. Almost every black guy I know is fan of some shonen show, mostly Bleach, Naruto and Dragonball.
>paying for chinese cartoons
I love Kanye kek
>akira is shoen shit
Did you also think Devilman was a shoen?
What would he say about this fight and this episode?
Is it kino?
That is not what I said you fucking retard.
By /ourguy/ OP means Sup Forumseddit
For some reason they believe every board is them
he probably grew out of it once he got rich and famous
at least i hope so, imagine being a multimillionaire who still watches cartoons
I can imagine it
>imagine being a multimillionaire who still watches cartoons
that would be the fucking life are you kidding me
he just said in an interview that he wants to go to tokyo because of anime. He's a fuckin weeb.
Get rich, fuck bitches, watch anime
what more could you ask for?
that sounds amazing
he still watches it though so now I'm jealous
You don't belong here.
This is Sup Forums, Sup Forumsedditor
You don't belong here
>can i imagine being william shatner or a director at brazzers?
sure i guess
Can someone ask him on twitter what kind of anime he likes?
Well his co-star in that time was literally /ourguy/ Dane.
uh bugs, easy on the dead memes
I asked him if he still likes anime
If you wanna make friends with blacks just show them street magic videos and talk about Dragonball Z.
>tfw in the closet anime and vidya fan
I want the strength to tell my gf but I just can't....she's into sports and thinks I'm a jock.
He’s 100% not a loser, though.
what did he mean by this?
>this normalfag
The fucking state of Sup Forums
That we could've had a DBZ type set up if Killmonger was reformed and became a rival/ally Black Panther
Niggas love Dragonball
I wonder if he’ll actually reply
wtf I love Black Panther now!
Damn. Is it really worth it user?
I would actually buy anime if it were me.
Yeah she's 5'10" and her legs are sexy af.
>Posts on Sup Forums
>Thinks manga is for losers
Why do cracker shoot up schools and movie theaters?
>he still think Sup Forums is an anime website
guess this guy hasn't seen Sup Forums lol wow
You are the literal definition of a pussy.
When will blacks get another manga to read?
Kishimoto's new series comes out next month....
He probably started posting in the 2010s too much like most people who make posts like that
>black celebrity likes entry level anime
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums‘s minds are blown
t. virgin
Whenever the next breakout fighting manga with cool powers comes out
>calling other people losers on a mongolian hieroglyph board
Why do niggers smoke crack and rob liquor stores?
I unironically like Kanye West. He's troubled but he tries to see things for what they are.
weird way to say Jews.
Nice comeback, pussy. Enjoy having to keep what you enjoy away from who you supposedly love but are too afraid to confide in.
Considering his tastes probably just DBS
Probably for the same reason crackers hit that meth and like to claim other cultures for their own because all they have is...oh, right. Nothing.
That and AoT
if crackers didn't invent things you'd have nothing to steal. sit down, be humble.
>Kanye pricing for the umpteenth that he has flawless taste
lots of black chads like naruto and dbz
>using a kendrick verse
The irony.
he literally made a live action akira starring himself for a film clip
what's there to be ironic about?
he completely changed hip hop, both from a rapping and a production perspective and his first two albums and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy are some of the best hip hop albums ever made
I've been here since 2006 nigger.
Nice double standards janitor that babysits the reylo generals because he has have a crush on an underage girl from tumblr that browses it.
Original naruto is unironically the best show out there
>Michael B. Jordan is 31
Dude looks like he's 19 or 20 still
uh nigger, uh your a nigger
>niggers claiming ownership of commonly used words now
so predictable
You can add stupidity onto that irony from before. Batting two for two, user, keep going.
star wars tourists and the newfags of pic related both have it coming
>Hunter x Hunter (2011) is unironically the best show out there
original naruto is only good until it stops stealing from hunterxhunter