"Hey user, can I lay low at your place for a while?"

>"Hey user, can I lay low at your place for a while?"


I hope you like cute boicock

Fuck off you fucking faggot

Only if you show me your Weiner.

Why not? It's just Antonio

Sure, are you hungry?



>Antonio Chorizo


good post user, I upvoted!


are you anton andouille?


Carlos danger get out of here we dont want you to fuck us like you did Hillary campaign.

Sure just tell me whatever dirt you got on you're ex-wife so I can fuck her in front of you with blackmail.

Fuck that shit I'm not having some of killarys henchmen kicking down my door and making both of us commit suicide

Da fuq was in those messages?
I don't get it.


I like your bigote, you can stay.

It begins

If you ask nicely I might let you get a taste. Mind your manners.

Are you Carlos Danger?

>*licks you*

Sure friendo. Say, you don't happen to have a phone I could borrow to send a quick email, do you?

He might actually an hero.
