It was supposed to be a failure.

>Why do we love it so damn much?

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=black panther free tickets&src=typd

dude white genocide and jews lmao

>doesn't even need China
>but will do well there just to rub it in Sup Forums's feces

niggers and brainwashed american guilty
here, in germany, it lost to 2nd week of "50 shades" and lost by a lot

state of 22 feb
i heard it is suffering in other european countries (except for france and england - they are filled with niggers) and mostly worldwide come is from korea, where they shot the movie

>It was supposed to be a failure.

Said nobody ever.

>Burgers obsession with the negro continues

Nobody believed this would flop.

Wow! The jews who produced it made a fortune.

You chumps.

>doesn't even need China

OHHHH SHIT user you made a good point!

dude neck yourself lmao

Nate Moore is a Black Jew? Check yourself white-nigger

>american's love it
>falls flat everywhere else
>why does whole world lvoe it so much goys?

Anyone who I don't like is a jew.

>Said nobody ever.

Disney bought a huge number of their own tickets for opening weekend (did you see the video about a whole school full of black kids dancing happy that they got free tickets?). Watch for the massive second-weekend dropoff to reveal the box-office fraud.

Oh, excuse me, I mean "buzz-building promotional strategy".

>lost to 50 shades
>something to be proud of

Every single black person in burgerland saw it and many white liberals (and nerds saw it too because it’s a MARVEL movie).

a minor film for a minor superhero. i will keep saying this every time i see a black panther thread.

It’s kind of sad that the box office numbers has become a selling point by themselves.

italy here, there is zero hype about this movie
only MCU fans went to see it, it lost to 50 shades crap and some local italian movie

T-the ticket sales were fake. It's only #2 in Uzbekistan. Disney spent at least 2bill on marketing. It's flopping which proves the alt-right is going mainstream guys!!

invest 2-300 in "marketing"/buying up tickets "sales"/creating "hype", make back 2-300mill

disney is just one giant laundering scheme at this point and the sheeple eat it all up and throw their wagie money at it

and it all works brilliantly

noone said reason to proud of. capeshit losing to literally crap is like shit vs piss anyway
just pointing out, that outside america and maybe korea or france/england there is no hype

but its not flopping
and no one is pretending their are NOT profiting off people like you

>nobody ever said it would have a big 2nd weekend drop

- Sup Forums, February 26

Why would it flop in China?
Chinese people would watch it just because they know it's the Chinese who would build those skyscrapers in Africa as they do today with niggers only leaving the finishing touch with mudhut roofs, and "ethno-centric nation" is a big plus in East Asian societies in terms of marketing tags for any work.

Good for them, someone needs to profit off this soy and roastie problem, why not Disney.

Holy shit. You're right. 5 people said it over the span of 3 years. Clearly I was way in the wrong and everybody expected the 18th Marvel movie, none of which have flopped before, to completely bomb at the box office.

>germans prefer cuckolding to a fun science fiction action romp
Makes sense

>germans prefer cuckolding to a fun science fiction action romp
Makes sense

>to a fun science fiction action romp
Please don't mix "capeshit" with "fun science fiction action romp". They are two different things.

Stop it. You're going to fool the average journalist. Next up "Sup Forums's Sup Forums is recruiting bed for neo-nazi white supremacist russian trolls ban it!"

no need to answer twice
no need to answer twice

anyway 50 shades is popular among older 30-40 yo women
european socieity is mostly old, young ones do not really go to cinema

>hitlers and mussolinis don't like it

what a surprise

it's not doing terribly in germany, 50 shades is just doing way better there than anywhere else, and that's hilarious

>instead of blacks pooling up dat dosh to convert their neighborhoods into Wakanda
>they spend all that dosh on seeing a fictional portrayal of Wakanda, a fascist ethnostate surrounded by a great wall which keeps your average African ooga booga away from Wakanda's "chosen noble people" which is Trump's dream-wall, whose black king battles an antagonist who is a rap/gangster caricature of the same dumbass blacks paying to see this movie and glorify it
>most of the money goes into the pockets of white men and Jewish men
We live in a glorious time.

Fuck you're stupid

Still nigga

these movies make shitton of money
average 500M, with like 50M budget

universal is making movies mostly oriented at foreign box office, when you track their latest movies they do like 70% oversea

>doing better than marvel movies that made over 500 million overseas
>"falls flat"


Wow. White Panther on suicide watch

it's still doing proportionally much better in germany than anywhere else

besides, this one won't make 500 million. the second one already made much less than the first one.

$600m seems very conservative, I'd say around $700m

Forensic accountants need to look at the number a little closer. Disney may have bought a ton of tickets to offset a potential China dud after TLJ flopped


it was just urban youth centers buying out theaters.
i dont think disney was behind it. Though its pretty hard to replicate that for another movie. Doesnt seem like something that could happen twice

agree, it's dried out franchise
also, capeshit generally does poorly here
Guardians were marketed as sci fi movie, something like 5th element, Thor kinda too.

lol at the Mummy beating JUSTice League

>it was just urban youth centers buying out theaters.
Where did they get the money for it? I guarantee it was with earmarked donations coming from various dodgy nonprofits that don't disclose their donors, who in turn got the money from "guerilla marketing" firms, who in turn were hired by Disney, which retains deniability.

I bet at least $100 million of that opening window domestic gross is self-buying.

That’s a lot of urban youth center.
How many in the US?

Why the fuck is Sup Forums trying so hard to push this "Disney bought the tickets" garbage?

Makes sense

They have the money to do it

Jesus Christ, why can't you just admit you were wrong about the movie flopping?


Delusional as fuck. A movie like that, it doesn't matter if it's absolute shit - which it is - it'll still make bank.

well, said. it's just a movie, only americans see hype. rest of world see another superhero movie. nothing more

Because it seems to be the most likely explanation?

Almost nobody was legitimately excited about Black Panther on its merits as a film. The hype is pure race-baiting politics, hostile to most of the ticket-buying public of the domestic market. The people it's pandering to are not all that numerous, don't have a lot of disposable income, and aren't shy about getting their media through unofficial channels.

...but they'll sure as fuck show up to a free movie, with vouchers for snacks and drinks. They'll go to it four times in a weekend if you keep giving them tickets.

On top of that, the SJW management faction at Disney is on shaky ground after what their excesses did to the costly Star Wars franchise, and to a lesser extent what they did to Marvel Comics. They're desperate to have this particular movie be perceived as a commercial success, or the shareholders are going to start calling for a purge of all the people who have been pushing this diversity agenda stuff. They'd be okay with Disney actually losing money on this particular film, as long as people don't understand that it has.

I mean, search on this shit:
twitter.com/search?q=black panther free tickets&src=typd

There have been free tickets on offer to black kids (including "college age kids") all over the place. If you're a black American and you paid money to watch Black Panther, you weren't paying attention.

Even free tickets being handed out on the way out of Black Panther screenings, for fuck's sake. America is awash in free Black Panther tickets.

Any thread trying to discuss Black Panthers box office should be ban worthy at this point. Its just meant to bring shame to Sup Forums by Reddit and nothing good can happen. I have seen probably 6000 threads on its BO to every 1 actually discussing the movie and its getting boring.

>Merkwürdig sind die Amerikaner!! Here, in Germany, we prefer another American movie!!!

Yeah but it's a really really good superhero movie

That would matter... if your countries made up a meaningful amount of worldwide revenue. But in reality if you're not in the USA, China, Japan or India they don't care.


And I thought Germany were the cucked ones.

A lot
The one near me bought out an entire theater in the middle of the day.

Damage control. Look at . Rather than simply admitting to being wrong, they construct these elaborate narratives based solely on their own feelings.

>Its just meant to bring shame to Sup Forums by Reddit and nothing good can happen.
You gonna cry, you little bitch?

whats that second week drop off looking like?

don't ignore cumulative box office form many similar countries
10-15x germany-like countries = 1 china

watch again

Maybe England and France will pick up the slack, being so "full of niggers".

hard to say, only time will tell

How much would it have made without the welfare system, though.

White people pay for capeshit one way or another. This way they don't get a choice.

>mocks flat white girls
>will settle for the ugliest white hog over practically any black woman

What did he mean by this.


If Black Panther does well in China I will die of laughter. Sup Forums would be eternally BTFO over the "CHINESE ARE RACIST" meme being untrue.

it's announced as another superhero flick, and every poster got masked guys, to do not show black cast

/tvpol/ is cringe. You fags don't actually believe these dumb conspiracy theories, right?

Right now estimates are 43%, so lowest of the entire MCU

I honestly thought it would be the first MCU flop.

Sup Forums always discusses box office, why would anyone be band for it?

It's not like a studio buying up a lot of its own tickets to inflate its box office gross (especially for the opening weekend) is some unheard-of new thing.

Look at this example:
>In 2015, the makers of the Chinese film “Monster Hunt” admitted to giving moviegoers 40 million free tickets in order to boost its numbers and beat out Universal Pictures’ “Furious 7” for the distinction of highest-grossing title in mainland China.

For this kind of would-be blockbuster, it's common to spend as much or more on promoting the film as making it. Sometimes two or three times as much. The great thing about buying your own tickets is that you get upwards of half of that money back. So if you buy $100 million worth of your own tickets (about 10 million tickets, these days), it's only really costing you about $50 million. Imagine all the uncompensated publicity that buys, when the news media reports your amazing near-record $200 million opening weekend domestic numbers and sold out theaters all over the place, instead of an unremarkable $100 million.

>Killmonger is BLM: The person
>Is the villain
What did (((they))) mean by this?

Makes sense.

Killwhitey vs. T'Gibsme

I don't get it

Except that T'challa doesn't want to be given anything, in fact, he is the one wanting to give.


I also heard they changed the name from "Black Panther: A Marvel Story" to just "Marvel Panther". Yikes.

Who cares if it flops in China? China's not a huge market for capeshit anyway

True story

Yes, all the profits go to Nate and not to the people he works for that own this shit.

BUT BUT Empire told me what a power player he is. Black People is takin over!

Exactly. Clearly inclusive black nationalism is the only course, but do they want a leader to try and kill whitey, or to gather and share out the gibs? Due to the way they reconcile after one is mortally wounded, you can tell that the point isn't that one is bad and the other is good, but that the choice should be narrowed down to these options. And hey, why not both?

Wakanda's wealth isn't depicted as a product of effort. Contrary to the comic, there's not a single scene showing the Wakandans as being studious and disciplined (which might be off-putting to the black crowds who dismiss this kind of behavior as "acting white"), nor any mention of the history of how they developed their technology. They hang around being stereotypical Africans, complete with strong-man tribalism, and the gibranium does it all for them. Somehow it makes advanced technology as easy as picking fruit. They're merely lucky that they lived where the magic meteor had landed, or it would just be Rwanda, as it turned out in the real world.

There's no such miracle in the real world. There's only whitey to provide them technology, wealth, and comfort. Even a very simple mind who ponders on this film for long will realized that the difference between this fantasy setting and the real world is that "T'Challa" needs "Killmonger" rather than having any reason to be in conflict with him.

Wow tldr,

>Contrary to the comic, there's not a single scene showing the Wakandans as being studious and disciplined
Wait, they skipped this? Fuck, that was one of the best parts of the comics. The tribal aesthetic against the university like study of the people was great.

Preach Brother user!!

It's even dumber and more insulting than the "what you call 'magic' is just our space alien technology, pretty scientist girl" interpretation of Asgard.

I really don't get why they decided to make asgard magic "tech" but then added actual fucking magic with dr strange

Well, the MCU at that point was mainly Iron Man, and there was nothing magical in Iron Man. They didn't know if the audience would accept magic.