It's her birthday.

Say something nice about Sophie.

there's something weird about her face but i don't know what it is

do you really want to hurt me..

would breed/10

>tfw same birthday as some slag
i dont know how to feel about this

nice tits, sophie

She is kind and gentle and loves to do girl stuff.


lewdest picture?

she's got such a cute face, i would suck her tits any day


save your money kid


Why do you Brits get all the redheads? I'm dying over here.



I like Game of Thrones.

She's extremely fucking sexy. Like it's distracting how much.

This woman is younger than me? Fuck.

>tfw we are the same age

how do you think she's celebrating?

She is tall, has a pretty face, a nice body, great legs and a good complexion. Appearance-wise, she's very appealing.

I'm 25, barely have a life, jobless, neet for years, play videogames all day in a desperate attempt to find inspiration in any creative endeavour

Liberals are wrong, there is no equality, man is not born equal. We live in a predestined universe where free will is an illusion and freedom a comforting lie. You are fated to one life and there is no fairness.


She's a big girl

Find Jesus user.


>there is no equality, man is not born equal.
>We live in a predestined universe where free will is an illusion and freedom a comforting lie. You are fated to one life and there is no fairness.
No, you just suck


Not with me :(