What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Besides the fact that he looks like Dick Cheney?
I don't care anymore
He had a total of 10 minutes of screen time.
We'll never know now
Thanks rian
Literally who? This character was such a waste of time, like fucking holdo. Im happy he is already dead.
You know palpatine pretty much had no explanation or back story through most of star wars right?
m o l d y o l d w h i t e m a l e
you know what sucks? up until dying like a punk he was a pretty good vilain, and was being established as someone really powerful with they way he was toying with Kylo and Rey both physically and mentally... all that buildup for nothing
Not him, but why making that AGAIN? Most of the complains about the original trilogy were those character without backstory.
I don't have any problem with the faith of Snoke in TLJ, but his back story is important and can't be really ignored. You can't just pull off your hat a character more powerful than the emperor and everybody, who just destroy everything the rebellion did in the OT. Besides, it's like a well stablished character.everybody knows him. I mean... Something. We still don't know how Kylo first started to go to the dark side, and Snoke has thing to do with it. Those are very basic things. A simple exposition would be enough.
Literally who cares. Worst villain ever.
If they had started with the prequels, sans palpatine, and then threw him in episode 6, people would fucking hate him. It was only his mystery that made him cool. Snoke isn't afforded that mystery simce we have been watching these movies and he has been around the whole time. It's just a fucking cop out to have him come out of nowhere. The emperor was totally different.
he had a stick up his sides
>but why making that AGAIN?
You do realize JJ admitted that 7 was a remake of the other film. "Have to go back to go forward." He probably didn't want to piss off star wars fans like he he thought he did with Trekkie during the star trek reboot and was just playing it safe copying the older film. I think Johnson was just going with doing stuff that wasn't really part of the story for any reason rather than just trying to add or get rid of characters he wanted to be in or out when he admitted he just killed off luke so he wouldn't have a larger part of the story than the new characters. Basically he thinks all the new characters from the reboot are stupid and never going to be as popular as the old ones.
I had... Actually thought Palpatine was an, evil prick. till the prequels at least.
It's funny and kind of sad. After watching episode 7 I was genuinely engulfed in the mystery and the universe of Star Wars. I couldn't get enough theories and leaks. But episode 8 genuinely was so bad that I don't care now. I went from waiting on baited breath for these answers to not wanting to see the next movie if you paid me. No hyperbole.
Is Snoke a human or an alien?
be patient, it will be explained in some book or Marvel comic
>Rian Johnson is sucking his wife’s boyfriend off
>he’s gagging on that BBC
>soy lube dripping off his lips
>he’s going harder and harder
>boyfriend is moaning
>”I’m bout to come, I’m bout to come”
>Rian suddenly takes his mouth off
>starts putting his clothes back on
>gets punched in the face
>nose broken
>bleeding on the floor
>b-but I subverted your expectations!
>After watching episode 7 I was genuinely engulfed in the mystery and the universe of Star Wars. I couldn't get enough theories and leaks
0/10 Nobody is this stupid
But Rey doesn’t care about that >:(
The amount of autistic head canon I did about the Knights of Ren is shameful.
A spoider bit his broin then it swole up big in his 'ead, givin him some well good internal noggin ouchies
>having a villain named "Snoke"
Dinsey fucked up from the start, what a pathetic fucking name. It doesn't inspire fear or respect, it's incredibly stupid. Generic scarred baddie.
its unfortunate that disfigured is often a form of shorthand for evil in hollywood movies and media in general
Evil people have been disfigured since basically the beginning of storytelling. I believe people have speculated it’s from instinctive human fear of dead and diseased things.
Please share.
I don't know I haven't seen the last 2 movies yet. I assume they killed him off because he would have ended up being a more sympathetic character than Princess Leiah. Since basically the rebels are not fighting for democracy. They're fascist royalitsts, and their figure head/leader is a princess. Star Wars doesn't answer and never planned to answer how these governments would react if the rebels won, just assuming they'd go back to an intergalactic senate where a bunch of planets represented themselves rather than falling into a civil war or trying to attack other planets and take them over without the empire to stop them would honestly be a pretty big mistake. Unforunately since Lucas left it seems nobody really kind of understands politics in the universe and just assume empire = bad and all these dangerous people will behave like good little boys, girls, and space aliens. Literally the trade federation of aliens sparked the entire fall of the senate if it wasn't for palpatine manipulating the events they would have likely done it and won (they only lost because palpatine didn't want them to win from the start)
Please no. All you need to know is that I did a bunch of short stories on a bunch of them, why they follow Snoke and how much affiliation to the dark side they have.
I don't even want to look at the document. I did all of this based on fucking concept art and that ONE shot they were in.
He's an overgrown thumb
With no genitals, probably
what are the entire prequels
Snoke came out of fucking no where though, where was he in the OT or even the Prequels?
Or they had to do was have one throw away line explaining that he is Plagueis or one of the Jedi younglings that Anakin fucked up, something at least
that movie was so gay lol
Fuck this argument so hard. Palpatine was introduced in the original trilogy, where the universe was only just being built. We heard all about him in A New Hope (Dissolving the last of the Republic Senate) and it is the Galactic Empire, so an Emperor is just basic stuff. However, we now have years of universe building even if Disney purged the EU, the prequels set some more fluff to the over all story and same with the Clone Wars cartoons (Both of them). You are going to tell me that a powerful dark side user not only saw the rise and fall of the Empire, not only escaped Palpatine's detection but also somehow rebuilt the Galactic Empire and made a weapon that made the Death Stars look like children's toys? Get the fuck outta here, this shit needs an explanation.
Movies that came out like 20 years after palpatines character was made, and implied more than actually gave his story. He's on the dark side, it's entirely possibly he was just lying about it to manipulate anakin.
I honestly don't know and don't care. I haven't seen the movies yet. They just sound rather simple re-doing the empire vs rebels format and thinking one entity is going to take over the universe and rule again just because they're a sith. I'm not sure why the sith get such a bad wrap as evil it's like you know they're trying to take over the universe to rule it, not destroy it. So just simply calling them evil really doesn't stand up to examination with how other characters behave in the show. I just think there is a very common misperception about it all sort of like the mandella effect because people assume more is implied.
Except they make it explicitly clear that Snoke is not a Sith, nor is Kylo Ren or the Knights of Ren (If they are still a thing). That's why his mere existence warrants some explanation.
This probably sounded pretty clever when you were typing it out
That is never said in the movies. In fact, Snoke is even implied to be a Sith when Kylo says they should let the Sith die right after Snoke dies. Considering the Sith have been dead for 30 years, that’s a weird thing to say.
I know the books and visual guides say they’re not Sith but nobody watching the movies would know that.
Whatever they're space wizards. It's no skin off my nose. It's the same thing, but it's not. I really don't want to know what the back story is retroactively. It's entirely just to be a redo of the previous movie except a little bit different. I think Johnson did everyone a favor killing off snoke, because it was stupid character from the start that was just suppose to be a stand in and behave exactly the same way as palpatine before he died as far as story direction goes.
The only reason why I say they are not Sith is because they follow none of the Sith Doctrine that is still canon. The big one is obvious, the Knights of Ren contradict the rule of 2.
lol i got a chuckle
>I haven't seen the movies yet.
then why in the flying fuck are you trying to claim that snoke's backstory isn't important when you haven't even experienced the context of why everyone else thinks it was a huge gaff?
Literally who?
I didn't say it wasn't important in general. I said I find it unimportant because the entire character was more of a plot device to represent and do what the character that got killed off did. He was created 100% just as a rewind feature so the story could go back to exactly where it was when palpatine was around. Nothing in the universe changed. They still use freaking storm troopers decades after the empire fell apart. That doesn't make sense, all the clone troopers were gone. It's just a reboot of the empire as if they didn't like the ending of episode 6 and wanted a redo from episode 5. I honestly can't find much reason to actually go watch these movies or care about any of the characters. I'm just hoping this doesn't screw up some of the cooler extended universe stuff like the knights of the old republic games. Not that I really even play video games much anymore aside from KotoR.
He was Sheeve 2.0 and I completely understand why Rian had no fucking clue what to do with the guy. However, his solution should have been to send Snoke off into the Unknown Regions on some mysterious errand and put Kylo in charge while he's away. Kick the can down to the next guy while giving the impression there's actually a plan here.
that sounds correct to me user, intuitive at least
Yeah that's the thing, complain about JJ being too vague all you want, Rian didn't even try. It was literally a blank slate for him to do whatever he wanted with the current galaxy but nothing came about from it. It's like an improve group where somebody sets up a joke or scenario and the other guy dumps it and goes for another topic.
>sequel is a remake
>wants to wait and see if the remake ends differently
>is angry it ended differently
He did everyone a favor.
Please do
You’re just making me want to read this more.
We’re arguing that the way it ended was shit. Just being different does not make something good.
TLA just tells me that either Lucasfilm or Rian himself has absolutely no fucking creativity or imagination whatsoever, not the kind that actually counts. Due to TFA, I'm leaning toward Lucasfilm with Rian being a shameless and easily controlled toady.
Underrated post
An ayylmao according to wookiepedia
kathleen kennedy
Ending it before it could just repeat as it already had a track record of repeating was good. Snoke was just going to fall down a shaft with kylo. You're just mad Rey is the only jedi until she teaches Finn and all her best friends how to channel the midiclorians using the book yoda left them.
We don't find that out because it wasn't important to Rey.