The Witcher

say hi to the next Ciri


Too old and she can't act her way out of a paper bag.

It's going to be a mess. The writer is already lecturing people on Twitter about the importance of "representation" and "diversity".

I love the books, so I won't be watching.


>he doesnt CGI or flashbacks

except they have said multiple times it is going ot be 11 year old ciri. but who am i kidding this is Sup Forums and you just want to shit post

Same, doesn't matter if she's right or wrong, who cares about fucking representation other than people who wouldn't be interested in The Witcher in the first place? Just write the fucking thing you're being paid to do and make it good, less preaching on twitter and putting potential watchers off it.

she's clearly stated that she has played the witcher 3 and wants to represent it

Muh D I C K

This girl from /cgl/ is the only valid choice.
she's a trissfag though s m h

what a qt


I've seen better tits on the discovery channel

when are you people going to stop posting random slags who take low-res shitty pictures and who almost certainly can't act at all.

Never fucking ever.

i bet this chick gets her neck stuck on things all the time
im saying she has an obscenely long neck

Maybe if she lost like 60-70 pounds?
I dunno

They have to start off with young Ciri. Best choice would be this girl off the Britannia series: Eleanor Worthington Cox.

Thats a dude with a beard wtf

The thiccest 8 year old in the Northern Realms

Because you people keep trolling her with it. She's only responding to shit you or the leftwing SJWs post. She needs to get her twitter under control I agree but nothing she's said has given me anything but confidence in her abilities to adapt this.

Are you fat shaming the mother of cheeseburgers? The flame broiled queen? The breaker of chairs?

I hate trissfags as much as the next guy but posting cosplay selfies of game characters for a show based on the books leaves you no room to throw stones.

Jesus that ass though.

can't she just say normal toast or Texas toast?

No because Texas toast is fantastic you europoor faggot.

So DO equal representation without telling everyone. Let the retarded media figure it out themselves.

Mother of Flagons! Breaker of Cranes!

Stop being mean to cait!

People keep asking her about it.

I wish the corset had never fallen out of fashion.

Kstew is literal ciri in every way.

But the books are already filled with liberal agenda. Muh women power muh oppressed minorities who also wuz kangz before humans came, not to mention one of those powerful womyn is helping said minorities to kill her own kind

There was a time when none of that was overused commie propaganda, Lord Satan. Anyway you forgot to mention all three main characters are atheist secular humanists and that Geralt borders on a sovereign citizen libertarian and Yennefer is basically a Randian ancap.


>implying triss isn’t the best waifu
Yenfags are the fucking worst

I used to worship her when she was a teenager, looks like a fucking crackwhore single mom now

don't have to be a Yenfag to know Trissfags are the scum of the earth

Well hello there beautiful, and I do mean beautiful.
Wanna know how I got these roles?
See, my dad was a drinker, and a fiend. He'd take me to these auditions.
