Just livin off the land

Just livin off the land...

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If /out/ were a movie.

naw, /out/ is full of gearheads, MCandless had practically none.

i'm clapping when this dumbass died


I felt bad for his parents
they raised him to become a fucking corpse in the middle of nowhere

His father abused him and his sister. That’s why he abandoned them and never looked back. He wasn’t a moron. He killed himself.

funny thing is, it actually wasn't the middle of nowhere. was just a mile or so from the main highway. guy was an idiot had no basic survival skills.


actually, he was a moron and he didn't kill himself. you'd see that if you read his journal.

Let's pretend his passion was Nascar driving...

Christopher McCandless sets off, from California in an old car he rebuilt himself (he replaced the fenders and painted it), on a trip to the Daytona 500. He only gets across the state line when he runs out of fuel because he forgot to fill it up. Instead of simply walking to the nearest gas station or flagging down help he decides to push his car over an embankment and set it on fire. He then proceeds to walk on foot to the nearest car lot (which happens to be in Mexico for some reason, mostly because he burned up his map in the car and he's been taking backroads.) He finds an old bicycle in a garbage dump and uses that.

He finally gets to the car lot and buys a fixer-upper for $50. Before leaving the car lot he has to change a tire, which he replaces with the solid rubber donut. He buys fuel and heads off to the Daytona 500 again. Only he's heading deeper into Mexico and eventually ends up broken down in front of, "Autodromo Internacional de la Jolla" due to no water in the radiator. The engine block has seized up. Luckily, there's a race about to start. Christopher...er "Alexander Superspeeder", who changed his name, pays the $125 entry fee for the race.

Unfortunately, Alexander Superspeeder doesn't have a race car. He does however have an old bicycle still. He uses the bicycle to race. He makes it only 3 laps before he is too tired to steer straight and veers off into a race car and is killed.

Some Jew picks up his story and writes a book about his life and how he followed his dreams. Another Jew makes a movie about it. Armchair racers around the world adore him.

The End.

Fun facts

- He was only a mile from a major road
- there was a way to cross the river, just had to look at a map to find the crossing
- He didn't poison himself, he simply starved to death since he didn't eat enough calories.
- he was a fucking idiot

wow that sounds really shitty
I guess the guy made some shitty decisions

but the movie itself is not that bad

>I'm going to live off the land and HOPE I pick up crucial survival skills

>In to the Wild
>man is mentally ill
>man shuns society, gives his money away, burns the rest of his money, identification, credit cards, gets his vehicle caught in a flash flood, becomes a filthy vagrant hitchhiker, changes his name to "Alexander Supertramp", kayaks to Mexico illegally, loses kayak in a dust storm, goes to California, shuns civilization again,
>man goes innawoods in Alaska and lives in an abandoned bus for 4 months, and was most likely the person that vandalized the supplies of food caches (he was a really stupid, mentally ill person after all, who wanted to destroy everything he had available to him from civilization)
>man dies from equal amounts of stupidity, ignorance, and starvation (and from being injured)
>enterprising Jewish author decides to write a book about it to make money from someone else's tragedy
>another enterprising Jewish guy decides more money can be made from the mentally ill innawoods guy and decides to make movie about it

Budget $15 million[2]
Box office $56,255,142[3]
8 awards

not even once

>51lbs loss in 102 days
>0.5lbs lost per day on average

Read his writings. Guy was "mentally ill". Basically a robot living out of home.

Was his father really abusive or just """abusive"""

Just an asshole at times. Not even abusive.


Just eating some berries
Hope I can cross that river

Dont mind me, just burning some money

The guy was an AnCap Libertarian.

>Alexander Superspeeder
y'got me

"A what?"

he was just the overbearing type.

not bad

Right Wing.

I love how enraged wagecucks get when they think about this movie. A guy lived his dream and died, get over it.

>lived his dream
he was literally a smelly vagabond

No he wasn't

>Some Jew picks up his story and writes a book about his life and how he followed his dreams. Another Jew makes a movie about it.

...And Eddie Vedder does a cover of "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" for the soundtrack...

A pretty painful, awful death that he would rather had not happened according to his diary

My dream is to not die of starvation though

dumb goy throws away $25K as well as his life, and enterprising jews made $$$$$hekel$$$$ from it. from the perspective of the jew, this is just one more piece of evidence that goys are dumbasses and wasteful without any purpose or sense of native culture. how many of you will actually break the conditioning and thrive in this zogged out world? or will you just continue logging into 4chin and complain about DAJOOZ. i'm not criticizing you because i'm stuck in this quagmire as well. fucking kikes are winning. how do we turn the tide.

Live your dream user, kys!

he also got btfo, user.
living in balance with nature means, uh, living, and being able to provide for yourself so that you don't die like a little bitch. the fucker needed to kill a large animal and build shelter/fire but it sounds like he failed at those very basic fucking things. if his intention was to commit suicide innawoods then sure he lived his dream alright.

Gallien asked whether he had a hunting license. “Hell, no,” Alex scoffed. “How I feed myself is none of the government's business. Fuck their stupid rules.”

>dream is to die of starvation

Sure thing, kid.

That not An-Cap, that just anarchism.

There is many left anarchists, and his views matched what they said much closer then An-caps, which is a special, odd breed on Anarchists.


The 48 Laws of Power

People don’t go live in the woods to cumulate a good credit score and provide three square meals a day for their wife.

>being this absolutely fucking goyed into oblivion


This. The guy was dumb, but he actually did what he truly wanted. He might've failed, but at least he did something instead of living a safe unfulfilled life

He co-founded his collages republican club and was a Ronald Reagan supporter.

that doesn't make you An-Cap.

He was a small government Emerson reader who thought that government should be small -- And not a big government liberal in any sense of the world, but he wasn't a An-Cap which is having private corps replacing govenrment

The only good thing about this movie is young Kstew

This. Alaskans see this faggot as a fucking joke and the tourists who go looking for his gay ass bus are even more pathetic

Better not be talking shit about my boy Eddie

Did everyone on Sup Forums miss the point of this movie?

He was a modern transcendentalist, its supposed to be a tragedy. He might have fucked up but he died trying to live for a noble cause.

>doesn't fuck her

Why didn't he fuck the twilight girl? He said because his hippie mom wouldn't like it but his hippie dad told him to fuck her

At least this guy lived a life before dying. I doubt any of you do what could be considered living.

Is that a picture of you, because only a complete idiot would consider such consistent bad judgement "living". Why don't you go and chop off some of your fingers with a butcher knife to prove me wrong. It will be a testament to me that you actually believe that horrible, masochistic decisions are what make a person feel alive.

>wanting to live in communion with nature is a goy thing
So is Into the Wild a movie Jews just can never understand?

I don't know if pictures exist, but the girl in real life probably was a smelly gypsy and not a nubile Kirsten Stewart.

You're just jelly 17 y/o KStew will never spread her legs to you

More like dying on the land.

Even Moses went off the grid to go on a vision quest. He probably ate some shrooms while he was out there, saw the burning bush, and the rest is history.

Reminder: /out/ is nothing more than a shopping blog at this point

No no, I can't believe what I'm reading. Alexander Supertramp is my hero, a modern day Therough.

Congrats fatass youre well on your way

>they raised him to become a fucking corpse
That's what you get when you sacrifice good parenting in favor of being a selfish, abusive, cheating douchebag and enjoying power trips at the expense of your family. The father was a cunt and deserved the aftermath even harder than his idiot kid.

a Leppo

Really? This blows my mind. The film character makes him look anything other than anywhere right-wing.
>no interest in money or power
>no interest in fucking underage girl

>watch this movie with my sjw girlfriend back then
>Scene comes up where he sits with his dad at supper
>"I'll get you a new car"
>"I don't need one! My old is fine!"
>Say to my gf,"What an ungrateful kid."
>she freaks out

He was afraid of water or something right? 'Cause I feel like he probably could've swam to the other side and the creek wouldn't have taken him that far.

What do you mean? Is it basically "Buy X brand of tents" ?

Thank you, at least someone did it.

>Kills a moose
>Doesn't even attempt to keep the meat somewhat fresh, just leaves it out, doesn't put it in the river or anything to try to keep the flies away
>Takes hours to set up something to smoke it with
>Goes into the wild without any practice field dressing wild game before


Look at this dude

Judging by that pic he should try living off of some food.

If he had preserved the meat in any way he might of lived.

He was gay

>might of

going into the woods and starving to death sounds pretty good honestly

better than what i'm doing now

You could try starving while shitposting though. Get it half done.

best thing about the movie is the soundtrack

yea i stopped going there when some twat kept poasting about cleenkanteen or some shitty brand of aluminum water bottle. it's basically /fa/ but for camping gear.

this guy is true /out/ right here:

He did say he shouldn't have gone there, that it was the biggest mistake of his life though.

>get told you must cook it quick
>write up that you must cook it quick
>it's logical to cook it quick in order to keep it from rotting
>finally kill a moose

what a retard