I need a good 80s or 90s movie to watch please

I need a good 80s or 90s movie to watch please.

Ed Wood

The Rock

"live and die in LA"

Seen them all

The wedding singer
A 90s movie set in the 80s

do you want a movie set in the 80s-90s or made in that time period?


Set in that time period

That Michael Jackson fox movie where he starts in the mail room and in the end is the ceo
Alf, the movie
Last action hero
Carlitos way
These are the best 80s 90s movies

Manhunter it is

>These are the best 80s 90s movies
Oh ya?



Dark City
Trading Places
Barton Fink
The English Patient

good pick, goes with your OP picture



Just watched this, it's kino. Reminded me of Leon.

Dances with wolves


Miracle Mile
Don't look anything about it up beforehand

Weekend at Bernies.

good pick but the girl in it is butt ugly

Great fuckin' scene

>Watching it for the looks of the actors
Oh shit nigger what are you doing

Is this real

i watched it a long time ago when it came one late night. the girl is ugly enough to kind of put a damper on the movie.

Miami blues my man

Dalton Bond Movies

The pilot episode of Miami Vice is two hours long if that counts.

>Kevin James

yes, here's the original

Drive 1998

Miami Blues ya hebe