What happened to Nostalgia Critic Sup Forums?

What happened to Nostalgia Critic Sup Forums?

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Nothing, he was always shit

He is making a feature film about Melvin - the brother of The Joker

blame his wife

He makes the same shitty content he made 10 years ago

>still wears the same costume
>makes shitty, aged jokes
>won't change his format
>is bald

The internet has changed since NC started making content, he refused to change along with it.

what the fuck

He tried changing his format. He called the new show Demo Reel. It completely fucking bombed and his site started losing huge amount of traffic, so he brought back Nostalgia Critic after like 2 months. He makes a shit ton of money from yelling at cartoon shows and shitty movies doing Nostalgia Critic, so why should he change his format anymore?

Why do you people make daily 300 page threads about him when you hate him?

>300 page
what did he meme by this



eh, could just be a bad picture

Only turbochads should be allowed to show their teeth in a smile. Anything under that is just creepy af.


he started focusing more on making tangent-jokes, like "well, this scene is ridiculous. like if main character was talking to a cartoon character" (cut to replay of scene with roger rabbit spliced in and douge doing the voice of roger). only they're now skits. and now they bookend the reviews too

looks good on him to be desu

>tfw I've been watching TGWTG weekly since early 2008 when he only had 1-2 vids up.
>tfw I saw Nostalgia Chick and Angry Joe before they went on to other bigger things
>tfw I remember when Jesuotaku and that comedians son weren't trannies
>tfw I remember belly laughing at NC's antics in 2008-2009 like when he trolled harry potter fans
>tfw I remember when he started getting too big for his britches, around the time of Suburbian Knights
>tfw his production values went up but the charm was lost
>tfw other, newer youtubers started doing his shit better
>tfw To Boldly Flee was self-satisfied shit but hey everyone makes mistakes
>tfw He announced a new series and that TGWTG would become a high-production value "channel" with loads of different new shows and personalities!
>tfw I saw the writing on the wall but kept watching
>tfw he releases Demo Reel #1
>tfw you remember what the TGWTG boards were like the day Demo Reel #1 came out and were there to take part in the mockery/shitposting
>tfw TGWTG pretended nothing was wrong for a few weeks and kept with demo reel
>tfw he eventually resorted to damage control and brought back NC
>tfw all his other big names have been jumping ship, dying, or getting sex changes. Now it's just Doug and his unfunny paid extras
>tfw NC is still haunted by the ghost of Demo Reel with unfunny skits/extras and taking itself too seriously
>tfw in his death throes Doug has tried to latch onto SJWisms and other, newer, but far more popular reviewers like Chris Stuckmann and RLM
>tfw he still gives that same empty, sad smile that hes been giving since around 2011
>tfw I still watch him each week as I have for almost a decade now

He fucked up his format in several ways:
1) Doubling down on the skit BS, even when it's clear that audiences want less of it
2) Abandoning "nostalgia" and reviewing everything
3) Using skits to replace actual movie footage (I guess he's afraid of getting DMCA'd? Still)

It does. My skull isn't that nice.

But I'd never trade places with him. Ewww.

He got trapped in undertale

Nothing? he is about as cringey as he has always been, if anyone liked him they were younger and had a more immature sense of humor, and I'm glad they finally realized his shtick is pretty unbearable and jumped ship on him, just realize people knew years and years ago he was shit. His humor hasn't changed, and it's worked out for the worst.

He is fine when he is actually being himself though and reviewing movies

His first mistake was that he filled his own site with people much better than him.

>Watching Weird Videogames
>Links to Blistered Thumbs that no longer exist
>Jew Wario cameos
>Really low quality and resolution

2009 is to the Internet what the 1960s is to television.

>tamara will never sit on my face


Compare Doug's Pop Quiz Hot Shot and all of Channel Awesome's sad attempts at sketch comedy and ongoing storylines...

...with this single Jontron video. No, you shut the fuck up and WATCH IT:


Tell me, what did you notice?

that's a huge bitch