The new Hellraiser movie is out and its the best one in the series hands down.
The new Hellraiser movie is out and its the best one in the series hands down
Seriously? I didn't like the first one because of how cheesy it was. Is this somewhat more horror based and creepy?
Honestly it was the best one since Inferno. They needed to expand on the new faction more and less on the degenerate human killer though.
waste of good suffering imho.
t. Lionsgate exec
It was shit, stupid angel even had to do the "jesus wept" homage at the end in a weak attempt to make people go "HEY I REMEMBER THAT LINE FROM THE FIRST MOVIE OOH BOY!!"
Decent new Pinhead, but in the end it was just another way for Lionsgate to hold onto the IP for longer by just shoehorning Pinhead into another average horror script.
it was kino
T'was not, but i'm sure you were just grateful that you got to film your precious script even if you had to shoehorn Pinhead in.
It's impossible for a new Hellraiser movie to be better than the first 2. They just don't make movies like that anymore, and even if they did, it would be nothing but an obvious knockoff. Hollywood is dead.
>I didn't like the first one because of how cheesy it was.
> guy comes back from hell
> kills his brother, wears his skin and fucks his wife
> cheesy
you must be some kind of mean mutha fuckah.
If you dont think this movie was good-great youre just being a troll. I'd like to see you do better on such a small budge with so many production issues that you probably cant even think of. The movie is great. Especially for what it is.
>Honestly it was the best one since Inferno.
nope it was just something like Inferno1.5
More left wing propaganda to attack straight white males, the god fearing holy man is the villain.
t. aids spreading degenerate creep clive barker
>small budget
Some movies deserve bigger budgets, if they could not afford to make a good Hellraiser then maybe they should have made another movie.
The movie woukd have been better off without the Hellraiser parts shoehorned in.
Its time to let go off the Hellraiser IP guys, you're just turning it into a C franchise.
Terrible movie. Lionsgate has been shilling this on here so I watched it last night. Shit acting, shit fx, shit story. New Pinhead deserves a better movie.
It was pretty weak and "Saw"-like. Saw sucks already, and to see Hellraiser ripping off 2005-era torture porn is honestly just sad.
Turning? Hasn't it been that way for ages? Nothing but straight to video sequels. I vaguely recall renting the fifth one back in the early 2000s, don't believe I have bothered since. How many people even watch these any more? Do we have any statistics?
When I first saw it, it just happened to be on TV and I came in like 5 minutes after the opening so I didn't know what I was watching. I was completely hypnotized.
An hour later Pinhead shows up and I spat out my cereal. Had no clue it was Hellraiser.
Being a hellraiser fan is suffering. It was by far the most interesting of the big slasher flicks in terms of setting and method, and the puzzle box itself is steeped in IRL lore, which gives it real gravity. Beyond that, the cenobite concept is underplayed in Hollywood, it was very fresh at the time and still is.
As a gamer too, I can only hope Pinhead gets licensed to be in Dead by Daylight next, I feel that's the only way this IP could be done any justice at this point.
fuck you we worked our asses off on the fucking movie you have no clue how fucking hard it is to make a fucking movie sitting in your moms basement sucking fucking dick