Is DC right?

Is DC right?

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The paradox of tolerance proves it wrong.

I see nothing wrong with this

Superman beat the commies so I stand by him

Superdaddy is the best.

That is so racist. How dare he with his white male cisprivilege talk down to disabled trans latinx non binary queerfolk by saying their lived experience isn't unique and special by calling them 'American' does he not know that Amerikkka, and capitalism, is responsible for every bad thing ever?!

Of course he is.

He also beat up Nazis. Superman is Based.

Based remover of Nazis and Commies

love superman.

Did any of the super heroes actually arrest or kill Hitler in their comics?

And the KKK.

Original Human Torch and Bucky. Sounds a bit dumb but if he can come back from the grave as Hatemonger..

Why are you making this thread every day? I wish to fuck we had Sup Forums's mods.

>He will never be your superdaddy

Aww come on user, it's an important part of his character and history as a figure in propaganda.

Yes. You can make fun of them for sexual preference, transgenderism, other mental disorders, etc. though. National origin and race can't be changed, if someone truly believes in his religion and isn't just memeing then it should be fine too. Anything else is fair game, as long as you can justify it.

>tfw Superman would have gone after antifa and BLM if he was here today
Comics these days are so neutered. Come back, Golden Age Superman!

If Supes says it, its right

Superman is always right

The poster doesn't say "tolerate people who do and say these things", it actively asks you to shut down anyone who say stuff like that. If anything, it heeds the warnings of the paradox of tolerance.

Is it unamerican to talk shit about someone's waifu or husbando?

Meanwhile Marvel...

Golden Age Superman was pretty much a more effective Antifa

Of the highest order.

Your argument doesn't hold water when you recognize people are born with these "mental disorders" and can't change them either

>black kid shits on whitey in public
>doesn't get in trouble

>white kid calls blacks dumb

Well, that's a good guy If I ever seen any.

That's because Golden Age was a more wholesome time without le far right and le far left

[citation needed]
Also not relevant.

Entire nations were run by literal, card-carrying fascists and communists.


But he was a Nazi.

>was a more wholesome time without le far right and le far left

Way to prove you know absolutely nothing about history. There were plenty of nazi sympathizers in America at the time.

Read up on the Spanish Civil War before you go around saying political extremism didn't exist in the 30s.

when did Raimi write ultimate spider-man

Very good, user, that's a perfect example of a straw man fallacy.

Antifa beat up civilians peacefully protesting. Superman would never do that

plenty of mental disorders are made and not born though

>In movie theater watching Cars 3
>Snuck in some food because fuck paying those jacked up prices.
>Really loud noise catches me off guard and makes me drop my food
>Loud black teenager shouts "This nigga eatin beans!"
>everyone laughs at me
>can't report him to management

Awww, poor baby.

fake AD gay, wow


Ah yes. Never criticise fundamentalist Muslims. Women ARE property and non Muslims should be converted or killed.

Tolerance is the way.


Well obviously yes I know this is bait but you can't be a good person and be a racist cunt who fights for inequality.

Is this whole thread bait? What a bunch of fucking cucks.

If we're going down that road, religion as a whole shouldn't be respected.

Islam is significantly worse than the rest.

respected is one thing
taken seriously is another.

nobody should ever take any faith of any kind seriously even their own.

Superman would have thrown those anti-American commies into the sun.

Granted, evangelicals basically preach the exact same thing, only they're more subtle about it. If you're going to delegitimatize one, you've gotta do the same for most.

They literally don't. They preach about donating money to their megachurches for fake miracles, not killing infidels and marrying children.

>not killing infidels and marrying children.

Behind closed doors, yeah, they do. Why do you think so many southern congressmen are caught having sex with boys?

What if they're not actually a fucking american? Can I tell the spics to GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY REEEEEE with no remorse?

Incredibly repressed sexuality.

That's where the similarities end.

The rest of the world finds this behavior abhorrent, while Muslims have a child rapist as a prophet.

They usually don't go as far as murder, but the child marriage rates are pretty sickening. Lives are still being ruined.

>The rest of the world finds this behavior abhorrent

Get the fuck out of your basement. Near every major abrahamic religion preaches the killing of infidels in its text at one point or another. Just because you don't talk about it out loud doesn't mean you don't believe in it.

Supe's right, though...

Did Hitler ever get a red lantern ring?

Yes. Please leave, Sup Forums.

/leftypol/ is leaking

You're right... Since everyone is in agreement, it should be explicitly stated that targeting homosexuals and most transgender people is wrong since there is a provable scientific basis for both of them being genetic disorders, as any college freshman who has taken a simple bio course in sexuality knows... But you wont hear the lyin media (Fox) tell you that...

>too dumb to even understand the concept of Blackest Night

That Asian kid almost got tarred and feathered

>You cannot discuss ideology
>You cannot discuss racial tensions
>You cannot discuss the country of origin because remember kids different culture means you shut up and take it
This is as unamerican as it can get. The bottom part should be replaced with "Debate your disagreements honestly and non-violently. That's the American way!"
Fuck this dispicable propaganda piece.

Propaganda isn't always wrong or trying to push a hateful idea. People can, and have used it to push entirely positive ideas.
But because of the way we're wired, we remember more the times it's used to push harmeful ideas or politics. So weirdly, the idea of propaganda is treated as a harmful one itself.

Superman specifically says "if you hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of...". I think the "talk against" implies insulting or discriminating, not non-hostile disagreements.

Meant to say "not non-hostile discussions".

No it says you should shut down any conversation relating to these subjects which are very important ones. You are adding things trying to make sense of it.
But this is obvious propaganda to shut down speech and allow kids to be aggressive against free speakers.

It says "don't talk against", not "don't talk about at all". Really I suppose the message depends on what you consider "talking against" means.

Most religion's are more toothless but I agree. Also gays should be thrown off buildings. Islam has that much right.

Don't be a bigot.

Its very clearly making a statement about not being a dick to people, you're just desperately attempting to project modern culture war bullshit onto a message about not being an asshole.

No "if you hear anyone talk against someone because of his x" they are teaching kids that you cannot debate things. Should kids accept the culture of marriage between a man and a 6 year old girl. I'm sure kids don't talk about it but they are training them to shut down free speech so you get aggressive communists that we have now. How new are you are you even red pilled? I swear Sup Forums has become a haven for reddit and I know that's said a lot but fucking hell it's true.

>....john Dillinger

Im sure John was a bad guy but is he really on the level of Hitler and Nero ?

>sneaking food, beans of all foods, into a movie theater
That's really more your fault than anyone else's

>Superman's hand over that kid's face

It's okay to criticize your friend because he wants to enslave women. It's not okay to criticize your friend because he identifies as a Muslim. Target the things they want to do, not what statistics says they might want to do.

They weren't serving crablegs at the concession?

>Why can't I say nigger in public, anymore?

>How new are you are you even red pilled?

This has to be one of the gayest sentences I have ever read on this board.

Also you really got to loosen up with that tinfoil hat of yours if you are trying to act as if a poster that was made decades ago that was basically saying 'don't be a dick to the kid that's darker than you or prays a bit weird' is some sort of indoctrination to let the commies take over.


Audible chuckle.

1. The post was about child rape.
2. No, they don't.
3. Go actually read the texts you're shitposting about.

Im saving it

His statement applies for the non bigots as well, user. You can't be against it without all the people screaming racist slurs here.

Can you criticize your friend for following the teachings of a genocidal child rapist like Mohammad?

No, unless he starts acting like a child rapist. It's not healthy to put all your trust in the genetic fallacy.

Why were you eating beans

Can I criticize my friend for being a neo nazi?

>Women ARE property

What's wrong with this?

Superman once shot two clones of hitler to death with a comically oversized gun.

>How new are you are you even red pilled?

You have to be 18 to post here son.

Can I criticize my friend for founding a religion revolving around Hitler's ideals with the concept of ethnic cleansing behind a main point?

And it turned out to be one of the worst comics of all time, before modern Marvel writers started having a competition to see who could get the absolute worst comic published.

Gabby's in the lead.

God literally tells a guy to kill his own son in the first book.

>progressives still triggered by a 200 year old term

My how they've evolved as an ideology

Well, if he's wrong, he's at least consistent. He's been telling us this since 'The Clan of the Fiery Cross'.
And frankly, Superman hasn't lead me wrong before.

You got a friend who started a cult? I don't like what the cult seems to stand for but that's kinda awesome, but it does make me wonder where the line is drawn between a religion and cult. Like is there a certain amount of members required? Existing for a certain amount of time? That or even just filing papers with the government to be recognized as one?

God isn't real, was an asshole in the jew book.