I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi

I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi

The dark side surrounds the Chancellor

We must uncover this secret Sith lord

It’s probably nothing

>Do not worry about the sith lord
>we will discover who he is
>you must go to naboo
>and discover who the sith lord is


Grave danger I fear in his training

Your apprentice, Skywalker will be.

I mean, what was the alternate choice here?

Leave the kid with the highest force potential in a shithole so at best he grows up to be a dark side user, and at worst is taken by the mysterious Sith you now know are alive?

Rape him, we must.

You're making two big assumptions here: He will make use his potential as a Force user; and that he will go dark side. Had QuiGon not landed on that planet chances are Anakin would have went through life without once letting his power manifest. Even after being brought to the Council and rejected, he could have went on living a normal life. It's another case of Jedis in the Prequels being dumb because Lucas can't into storytelling.

What possible reason could a teenage slave boi have to be angsty?

The solution was to leave him with Padmé so sweet shota love could keep him from ever developing an interest in the force.

He was literally brought before the Jedi Council, chances are the Sith would have found out.

Don't look at me like that. It makes me uncomfortable

>I'm going to wear a dress that ends just above my nipples and sit in romantic fireside lighting

>B-but I'm a senator!
Kill two birds with one stone and give him to Jar Jar.

Whoa slow down shitlord, just because she's wearing her formal BDSM attire doesn't mean she's asking for it.

I'll meet you halfway

Why did Padme not care that he slaughtered the Sand children but was upset that he killed younglings? Was she a racist?


The youngling's didn't have dicks still moist from raping his mother to death.

It made her wet as October



>Anakin lives as a civilian until the advent of the Clone Wars, when he's conscripted.
>Meets Obi-Wan again.
>Obi-Wan decides to train Anakin in spite of the Council's wishes around this time.
>Anakin's potential manifests in spades. He becomes more and more powerful as the Clone Wars continue to escalate.
>The Jedi are salted that this random fucking Stormtrooper is showing more promise than droves of their elite students.
>Confusion arrives because of Anakin's place in the corps.
>See him using the Force.
>See him with a Lightsaber.
>The Army can't decide if he's a Jedi or not, and thus, cannot decide if he should be promoted to the rank of General or Commander.
>Issue appears before the Senate as Anakin's exploits become more and more prevalent.
>Palpatine purposefully blows the issue of figuring this out way out of proportion.
>The Jedi feel the pressure.
>Despite trying to refuse Anakin some more Palpatine keeps throwing their exploits in their face and the face of the public.
>They buckle.
>Anakin finally becomes a Jedi.

>Was she a racist.

Honestly, probably. Nobody likes Tuskens.

Palpatine and Plageuis literally made him. They knew. Sheev just wanted him to be trained by the Jedi so he'd be powerful when he eventually turned to the dark side.

Still would

Can someone explain how you can be on the Jedi Council but not be a master? That's like saying "You haven't passed the Bar, but we'll let you be a judge anyway."

They didn't make him, they caused him to be created. And they didn't know that Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine was the Chosen One, they only suspected the Chosen One might exist.

I would even harder than normal. especially if she cried and talked like a racist caricature without meaning too

It's outrageous. It's unfair.

>implying sand people are people

The jedi council mismanaged Anakin. They're supposed to be smart and wise, but they couldn't focus on his obvious emotional and egotistical problems, and thus deal with them in a constructive way that wouldn't have left him susceptible to Sheev's influence.

It's a noticeably weak part of the writing. Actual intelligent professionals would've been able to prevent Anakin's downfall. Yoda and Windu were written as idiots though.

It's more like passing the bar and not being allowed to be sworn in as a Lawyer.

Because the Chancellor appointed him, not the Council. It was actually completely fair to withhold the title. He should have gotten it once the Clone Wars ended, though.

>meesa yousa humble sex slave
>meesa love you long time okeday
And the tongue, man. The fucking tongue.

If siths are lords, are jedi ladies?

Stop this immediately.

I’ve seen you post this before, and it’s still clunky as fuck

Well the force is female

Because the sand people breed like crazy if anything you can't kill them fast enough

You are now aware that Justices of the Peace in some jurisdictions to this day are literally Unbarred Judges

Why didn't they just try detecting the force in Palpatine? If he's blocking them wouldn't that confirm he's a Sith Lord?

I have never typed that before in my life.

It's probably not an issue of detecting, Sidious was actively suppressing his force abilities. Trying to sense his emotions would probably be better. Either way, the council are absolute fuckups in the simplest and most obvious of ways.

> he is worried about his mother
> oh no his emotional attachment to his mother is problematic, keep him away from his mom
> his mom get kidnapped and raped to death by sand people
> oh no how can he be angry, that’s not the jedi way
Wtf was their problem. They could have freed his mother with the amount of money they had

>You look like a good Jar

what in the hell did she mean by this

>dont worry senator palpatine, sith are out specialty!

what did obi wan meme by this?

They're retarded

I don't know, what did Obi Wan mean by this?

>if he tries to leap at me with those 4 lightsabers i'll poke him in the eyes