What lessons will Hollywood learn from Black Panther's success Sup Forums?

what lessons will Hollywood learn from Black Panther's success Sup Forums?

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More black pucci

sauce me lad

Is that finn wolfhard?

Black Panther thread? My favourite. But what does Moshe Goldstein think?


theres literally 2 billion black qt's you anus's compared to the tiny 350 million white women. Stop obsessing over mass produced garbage

Reminder that any passable "black" women are only so because they are heavily mixed. The woman in OP is probably less than half black.

thats not a tranny tho?


>imb4 a bunch of comments about white features

who fucking cares if shes hot shes hot

All the wrong ones.

why does black puss threaten you so much?

>White features
Like an entire parent

hot black women dont want neet soyboys who talk tought online they want strong men who provide and dont act like pussies

Another dishonest ape chaser thread?

perhaps they will learn from this message

I need sauce for my African-American studies

>what lessons will Hollywood learn from Black Panther's success Sup Forums?
niggers will buy what you tell them to and whites will clap as it happens

Why the quotes user? Are you pretending that you live in or are striving for a society willing to regularly recognize mixed people of black descent as anything more than black?

i confus
is it dogfart.com
or interracial.com

>heavily mixed

Damn maybe black lives DO matter

To be fair, I'm fairly certain that OP is a mixed girl.

mixed mutts
ruff ruff ruff

>m-muh white genes take credit for anything good in this world
how pathetic, theres literally no pure ethnic groups besides some inbred mountain and snow people, but if your skin is actually black/white then you can at least assume your genes are predominantly African or European respectively

pretty much

that white people get frustrated when black people are having fun

Both look gross. Thanks for proving my point


black people get jealous when the see white people being successful

literally this

*strong white men
agree with the rest

cute girls with fros are my weakness. please stop

the lesson they should learn:
>people want to see new worlds and characters on the big screen. lets explore untapped characters and foster strong world-building

the lesson they will actually takeaway:
>people want to see black people on the big screen. lets make everything black

dont worry im sure you're a beautiful specimen user

ops pic is heavily mixed you dumb ape...
no one gives a shit about your non related pic

i don't think you fully comprehend the current state of black women. a pencil necked soyboy who makes 40k a year doing web dev is prime husband material compared to the average black guy.

>inb4 black guys wanting to get married

>strong white men
No such thing

watch love and hip hop Amara is CUTE

and white people get jealous(ass blasted) when they see Jewish people being successful as this website is a testament to so whats your point?

>i don't think you fully comprehend the current state of black women. a pencil necked soyboy who makes 40k a year doing web dev is prime husband material compared to the average black guy.
Oh I do, I'm saying that those guys are alphas compared to the average guy on pol whining about black chicks
they have so little to offer that even this low fruit is out of reach for them

Anyone feel like the movie is actually anti black-supremacist? I feel like thats actually a good thing.

Why do you keep making threads about sheboons? Do we need to break raid rules to make go back to your home board, mobile poster?

that black heroes do sell, that all black movies make money

that blaxploitation isn't dead and you can race bait almost anything into success.

>getting married in 2017
Why would anyone want to?

then how did the super strong negroes get colonized their warriors aint shit but low testostrone tribal soy boys

>not putting a ring on it

no thanks, I enjoy not getting cucked for spousal/child support

I don't know user, I think the second lesson is closer to the truth.
Black Panther's world wasn't really all that fantastic, it was just a goofy African mash up.

i thought jews were white

what should i do if i want a kid but don't NEED a wife? Are the fertility cows that can make babies for you?

>no thanks, I enjoy not getting cucked for spousal/child support
if you're not a cuck, you don't have to fear getting cucked
enjoy the neetcel life, cause senpai you didn't choose the neetcel lifestyle choose you

for what a wife actually does, they are pretty damn cheap. you will spend, at most, an extra 20k a year for a wife/kid combo. thats health care, gifts, food, etc... out the door. you can spend that 20k on child care alone. if she's a wife worth a shit and cleans up around the house and does some cooking and management of household affairs you are looking at a 50-60k market value.

ideally, she also likes you and will have sex with you on a regular basis as well. i don't really know the going price for regular pussy so i can't speak to what you're savings are there.

You act as if you need to get married to enjoy those things..Itʻs literally a piece of paper, and an overpriced ceremony.
Find a girl, fuck her, have a nice life/kids etc. the end. You donʻt need marriage for that, this isnʻt the 1950s

Most people you encounter on this site are ugly on the inside and out. The same ugly monsters they post in jokes. You never have to live in reality if you spend your life staring at a computer screen.

you're really dumb

not only is there social benefit to marriage, you're literally losing money if you're in a persistent monogamous relationship with the woman who bears your children if you aren't married

Maybe in burgerland..
That isnʻt how it works in the 1st world

they are when Sup Forums wants to take credit for white accomplishment, they arent when it comes to anything else apparently

I have the same hair as her.

Black people trains will become popular

>your genes are predominantly African or European respectively
not entirely true 2bh

most mixes ( in the U.S at least ) probably have more european ancestry than african given that there's very little pure african ancestry blacks left in the U.S due to decades of slave rape, and they still tend to look like OP.

not that I disagree with the rest of your post. who actually gives a fuck

what the fuck i love racemixing now!

a woman adhering to the traditional role of mother and home maker completely tanks her commercial market value as an employee. unless you are one of those people who thinks putting your kids in a daycare facility while both parents work is the optimal set up, marriage is absolutely necessary.

Do black people actually give a shit? That's interesting, I would think they wouldn't care as much as white people if the races were reversed

is it april fools or something

you have no fucking clue mate, marriage is completely different than living with someone but having no true deep bond with them. Whether you're conscious or not, you're always one foot out of the door, and so is she. Sure things are great at the moment, but there is no for the better or for the worst. You're living in arrested development, you're being irresponsible with your own money and financial interests, and you're not part of what is the single most important part of maintaining western civilization and all of its way of life: a stable nuclear family

most were craving massa's cock

how much did the last madea movie make?

non whites hate race mixing more than anything
in case you forgot, liberalism and tolerance are european inventions

I haven't seen the movie (pls no spoilers), but Coogler's other films give a very measured view on racial politics.

all my fake accounts btw

>only two of the cherry picked twitter personalities actually say they're jewish instead of white
>the rest mention the fact they're jewish outside of the context of it being equivalent to non-white

wow really changed my view there buddy

lmao those people are fucking nasty

ok buddy

I remember the guy on the right from the Pirates series.


Coincidentally cuckolding is also a well known European invention/practice

that they can manipulate an entire race through capeshit. it's that easy.



what did he told her?

those look like shit, and OP's girl is literally mixed nigga, its not a meme this time.

now, I disagree with that faggot, and agree that those two chicks are hot but
I don't have to be a part of making a movie to judge movies
why would I have to be hot to judge how hot a chick is?

how can something you just pulled out of your ass be well known? you get a lot of visitors down there?

this girl is very beautiful and genetically blessed. it's a shame that she will never get the love she deserves & never escape being thrown under the bus for being mixed with black, and forever have words like "mutt" and "sheboon" thrown at her because some poltards can't wrap their minds around the fact that some people race-mix and the result doesn't always look like an ugly meme face.

I accepted i will be alone. Looking at pretty girls just depresses me now. She is so beautiful.

i agree, it's a shame that a girl like that will end up browsing Sup Forums. what is the world coming to?

Black girls look like THAT?

She is clearly much more than black. Please learn the difference & please stop calling mixed girls "black", there's a reason they are more desirable than full blooded black chicks.


Daizy Cooper

lol she obviously has tons of euro dna

it is though. prima nocta google it

I didn't know that cute black girls triggered you fags so much.

she is mixed black, there is a difference.

mixed blacks are allowed to be bleached by the white ethnostate I dream of.

I'll always love that Tony "Dirty Fingernails" Goldmark is in this image.

Somebody had to bleach those genes before you did. Why aren't you inseminating black qts of all shades to achieve your dream?

>Perfect male height of 5'10
>Almost scored a perfect 100 on my last IQ test
>Can say hello in three different languages

Am I not ENTITLED to a black gf?

>>Almost scored a perfect 100 on my last IQ test
Should we tell him?

>Am I not ENTITLED to a black gf?
Along, you belong among niggers.

Muslim conquest and trade of east Africa do you not world history?!