Why do people pretend that John Wayne is in the same league as Clint Eastwood?

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wayne and ford forever

You type like a faggot.

*destroys both*

>this is the state of /tv

John Wayne was shit. But cause of his constantly being in the media 2 whole generations grew up with him as their hero.

Wayne had no range at all.

"I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."

>Elvis was a hero to most
>Elvis was a hero to most
>Elvis was a hero to most

out of my way plebs

>He doesn't put a second slash at the end
Spotted the newfag

I bet John Wayne was a shit to work with

Fuck him and John Wayne too

name one good john wayne movie

The only movie i've seen of his is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence and he was good.


He reminds me of my grandpa who beat my dad and made his life hell so I've always had a bad connotation with him. I know that's silly, but my granddad borrowed a lot of his mannerisms and shit. Mr. Fixit god complex one note backwards fuck.

OP is literally sculpted from soy

Literally any Ford film with him ya pleb dingus homosex.


JF is one of those people stuck so far up their own ass their name has to appear 3+ times on the poster

This. Have any of the retards on this site who spout "John Wayne sucks" even seen a single film of his?

Both of them are great, you fucking poof.

True patrician's choice coming through

also true grit
and the war wagon

El Dorado
The Quiet Man

searchers, rio grande

John Wayne unironically has a better filmography than Eastwood

i can name 5 bad movies for each good one he's been in.

Scenes that millennials will never understand

t. retard who doesn't know anything about hollywood's history

Studios used competent and well-known directors to sell films almost as much as they used stars. If they had a vehicle with a known director and a lesser known star, they'd push the director, and vice versa.
>implying Ford ever had any fucking say with what the studio mooks put on his posters

posting the only cool cowboy

kys, this isn't your blog.

Scenes that boomers will never understand

John Wayne only ever played John Wayne. And he was even shit at that.

John Wayne only ever played John Wayne, Clark Gable only ever played Clark Gable, Cary Grant only ever played Cary Grant, Harrison Ford only ever played Harrison Ford, Arnold only ever played Arnold.

And they're all great. Do you not know what a movie star is?

>And he was even shit at that.

>[actor] only plays himself

>Wayne had no range at all.
No shit. That doesn't mean he didn't have a shitload of charisma. That's usually all that the biggest movie stars have and your lucky if they can act.

>name one good john wayne movie

>Literally any Ford film with him
Not wrong, best example being
>The Quiet Man
His best movie and it isnt even a western.

Pic related is great.

Red River
Rio Bravo
True Grit
and The Searchers
are all classics and it isn't even disputable.

Angel and the Badman
Operation Pacific
are good too.

John's filmography is stacked with great stuff. I think its really the OP that FUCKING SUCKS because he cant seem to understand the awesome he is viewing.

Clint and John Wayne are in the same league but it is like comparing Tom Cruise and Arnold because they both made action movies.

Forgot my pic

This fucking numale. Disgusting.

Red River is my personal favorite, love that ending

How important is range really?

Are you 12 years old? Because you sound like you're 12 years old

t. literal nonwhite

He would literally give work to people who were struggling that he knew and he was loved by like 9 out of every 10 people he ever worked with.

Muthafuck John Wayne

>inb4 yes

Kys I like them both, op is a woman

Your dad probably deserved it

>.t butthurt mexican that is sad he will never be as tall or cool as the duke.

>Harrison Ford only ever played Harrison Ford
bullshit, Deckard, Indiana Jones and Han Solo all felt unique and different.

Deckard, maybe, but it was kind of an aberration in his career. He also hated working on the movie, and the studio kept constantly interfering in the project to try to make it more of a Ford vehicle.
>Indiana Jones and Han Solo
C'mon, man.

John Wayne was a pussy faggot who portrayed tough guys, while Hollywood actors who played pussy faggots like Jimmy Stewart went to war

And your father deserved a dick up his ass and turn into a flaming faggot so at least a work like you wouldn't be born

Hey, Thank you for that. Never read that interview.

>projecting this hard

John Wayne was a fag

Lee Marvin did too, they all respected the Duke. My great grandpa fought in that war and loved Wayne. I watched old movies with him when I was a kid, probably a few John Ford movies. You're just a soyboy faggot desu.

spaghetti westerns are better than all original westerns

Wayne made some shitty movies but everything he did with Ford or Hawks (except Rio Lobo) is INFINITELY more valuable than anything Eastwood ever did.

>Another condition imposed by the studio, according to Van Cleef, was that Wayne be cast as Doniphon. Ford resented the studio's intrusion, and retaliated by taunting Wayne relentlessly throughout the filming. "He didn't want Duke [Wayne] to think he was doing him any favors," Van Cleef said.[7] Strode recounted that Ford "kept needling Duke about his failure to make it as a football player", comparing him to Strode (a former NFL running back), whom he pronounced "a real football player". (Wayne's football career at USC had been curtailed by injuries.) He also ridiculed Wayne for failing to enlist during World War II, during which Ford filmed a series of widely praised combat documentaries for the Office of Strategic Services, and was wounded at the Battle of Midway,[8] and Stewart served with distinction as a bomber pilot. "How rich did you get while Jimmy was risking his life?" he demanded. Wayne's avoidance of wartime service was a major source of guilt for him in his later years.[9]

>"How rich did you get while Jimmy was risking his life?"
Ford was so based.

Eastwood never gave a performance half as good as Wayne's in The Searchers.

That Italian crap ruined the western.

The fact that numales like you view this as some kind of legitimate animosity only proves that you really are that massive of a faggot and more socially retarded than previously thought by anyone ITT.

>That Italian crap ruined the western.
shit take


Learn some more words you faggot.

>Wayne had no range at all.
In the hands of the right director (Ford, Hawkes) that was practically an asset. There's a lot you can do with a typecast like his.

These are the terms that fit you most accurately, you socially retarded soyboy. Fucking numales can't even handle words anymore top kek.

The Searchers is a classic and only plebs would pretend otherwise. He has a very respectable western filmography beyond that, and some other gems like The Longest Day

Doesn't change the fact that John Wayne was a massive faggot who used his stardom to get out of fighting for his country while guys like Ford and Stewart were doing everything they could to join the war. They were men, Wayne played one in the pictures.

it just comes off as braindead from your part.
i think that was the anons point. its like you have a big numale and a big soyboy buton you like to smash like there is no tomorrow.
it comes off as desperate and shallow

>I believe inwhite supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people ... I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from [the Native Americans] ... Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves

What did he mean by this?

Fuck the war, the patriotic circle jerk and fuck you user.

You should be glad because your dad probably was a fag. Only due to she good beatings he actually fucked a pussy and got Gramps a grandchild.
Now that one is a faggot as well but what worked once...

>it just comes off as braindead from your part.
In all fairness, so does everything else that user is saying.

well thats enough internet for tonight

John Wayne was a fag

>implying you're not samefagging
I'm not desperate to win any internet arguments, I'm dumbfounded by the notion that he was implying that John Wayne was a "faggot" or that John Ford and other actors resented Wayne. They are absurd claims. You're slandering an American icon because he doesn't meet your numale criteria, it's absurd! Those terms upset you because you know they are well deserved.

>I know all about that. In the late Twenties, when I was a sophomore at USC, I was a socialist myself—but not when I left. The average college kid idealistically wishes everybody could have ice cream and cake for every meal. But as he gets older and gives more thought to his and his fellow man's responsibilities, he finds that it can't work out that way—that some people just won't carry their load ... I believe in welfare—a welfare work program. I don't think a fella should be able to sit on his backside and receive welfare. I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living. I'd like to know why they make excuses for cowards who spit in the faces of the police and then run behind the judicial sob sisters. I can't understand these people who carry placards to save the life of some criminal, yet have no thought for the innocent victim.

I wonder how many people shit on Wayne merely because of the repo man scene

Weren't all of Wayne's kids mutts?

Guy was 6'4"
Wore a size 9 shoe
That's why he had a strange walk
He wore boots that were a size 13
With the toe box stuffed with paper
Dude lost his hair in his 20's
Except for The Green Berets he wore a toupee
Only married Latin women
Most were 5' or less
Was a henpecked pussy at home
Dietrich said he had very small dick
Very small
She laughed at it and he knocked her around
Didn't serve in WWII
Afraid his career would nosedive
Big war movie guy, never wore the uniform
Known in Hollywood gay circles not as "Duke" but as "Queen"
Wayne was bi-sexual
Kept it hidden
Liked to suck dick, not fuck, just suck dick
Hated Montgomery Clift for being a pretty open homosexual
Wayne hated him so much he fucked him when the filmed Red River

Usually the most gay haters are themselves queer

Big movie hero was a closeted, self hating, draft dodging, race traitor

Dudes real name was Marion


Are you so deluded that you think that courage is a numale criteria, or that if more than one person disagrees with that they must be samefagging? I'm not even the user you were arguing with earlier in the thread, I think Wayne was a fine actor and made some of the greatest films of all time with Ford and Hawks. But he was an American icon because of his screen persona, in real life he was a pussy and a hypocrite.

Aside from his name being Marion. That is well known.

You'll never get a legitimate source on a bunch of old Hollywood rumors. For what its worth, though, the rumor that he fucked Montgomery Clift has been circulating Hollywood for YEARS.

John Wayne died, that's why

Calm down hombre. You gotta go back.

so it is hearsay BS. That is what I figured.

GOAT Western.

You're a gay cunt

There's probably truth to some of it. People in Old Hollywood were even bigger degenerates that they are now, though, I doubt the Duke was immune to that. The stuff about his Hispanic wives and kids is definitely true.

>Usually the most gay haters are themselves queer
this meme again

Most fans of the old westerns agree that starred guys like Gene Autry and Gary Cooper.

The spaghetti westerns drastically changed how audiences view westerns. And why most modern westerns are just hyperviolent.

dude if you're afraid of spiders that means you wanna fuck em

Leftists girls hate trump voters but they do actually love fucking them.
So there is some merit in it I guess you spider fucker

>Leftists girls hate trump voters but they do actually love fucking them.
Be honest, user, have you ever seen a vagina in real life?

But that's a bit broad to apply is it not? just because some jezebel wrote I slept with a trump voter VICE article doesn't mean it's widespread


No I'm afraid of vaginas