So, let's begin. As a black man, I'm proud to see a film that took on the challenge of a complex character...

So, let's begin. As a black man, I'm proud to see a film that took on the challenge of a complex character, with a black director, black cast and black soundtrack production(excluding Surkis' mixtape). It was unprecedented but more importantly...... about time. Now granted at the end of the day this is a comic book movie. As a first go run for BP, i won't whine like other reviewers who claim that this was nothing major. Captain America: The First Avenger was nothing to shout about BUT it, just as BP, was a build up movie. It gave us history of a character and a country that looked something out of Star Wars.

I also liked that the movie attempted to highlight social issues. Wakanda has had advanced technology for centuries but chose to do nothing about slavery, euro/asian colonization of Africa, apartheid, rape of Africa's resources...the list goes on. It just touches the surface of it and surprisingly, Killmonger and N'jobu did an amazing job bringing that to light.

Also, I don't know if Coogler meant to do this on purpose but the way the world views Wakanda feels similar to what I've experienced as far as racism. Klaw views Wakandans as "savages who don't deserve vibranum". The asian lady in Korea who looked at Nakia the same way I'm sure Soon Ja Du looked at Latasha Harlins before murdering her in 1992 which was a precursor for the LA Riots. The way the female SHIELD agent looked at TChalla and Okoye with disgust outside of the interrogation room. Or even the UN delegate's disrespectful tone towards T'Challa by saying "wtf assistance could your sh*thole country possibly offer the world". These subtle tones of racism just had me going "yep, me too" in the theater.

But even if you couldn't relate to the movie you have to admit it's still good. Not the best comic book movie ever made but definitely top 5. I've seen it twice already and might go a 3rd. Can't wait to see what they do for BP 2. They've introduced too many other interesting characters for there not to be other films. Hopefully Coogler will be directing that as well.

Absolutely based movie which btfo Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

did you feel obligated to state your opinion you fuckin coon

Preach brother!!

Based blackman

>Captain America: The First Avenger was nothing to shout about BUT it, just as BP, was a build up movie.
I know this is a falseflag, but I want to actually discuss one thing
>build up movie
>killed both of the most well-known villains for the hero
How is there gonna be a black panther 2 when there's no fucking worthwhile villains?
Killing doctor claw was a fucking mistake

man, Sup Forums memes are the fucking worst
>Sup Forums memes
>reality altering banepost
>Sup Forums memes
>memed a president into power
>Sup Forums memes
>stolen from /r9k/ and made even more retarded

>asian colonization of Africa

When will the victim complex stop?
Must of Asian was either in worst shape than colonial Africa or bombed into pieces in WW2 and following civil war, what are African's execuses?

Africa has more resources than Europe right now.

>How is there gonna be a black panther 2 when there's no fucking worthwhile villains?
that doesn't matter. they could use any assortment of bad guys. i'd expect a conflict with another marginalized minority group. atlanteans doing their best immigrant/refugee metamorphisis putting them in conflict with wakandans, who may their only hope to stop whatever trumpian threat is looming over atlantis

so they're gonna have to steal villains from namor the submariner?
would be better if they hadn't killed klaw

>Sup Forums memes
>memed a president into power
this really needs to stop
people voted for trump and teenaged mutant incels saying nigger on an asian chickenfingering sharehold had nothing to do with it.

it really doesn't matter. barely any of the people who saw black panther knew who killmonger or klaw was in the first place. for the comic fans they would accept a rivalry with atlantis. it's a thing in the books. achebe could make an interesting foe as well

I belief Wakanda is real


What about Spawn, Blade, Blade II, Blade III, and Hancock. I think Hancock is better than Black Panther since I prefer a Black person with superman powers, and not some batman wannabe.

Imagine hating black people so much you're butthurt over a film and black people enjoying it.

What did Tyrone do you :( Did he bully you?

Blade is a Marvel superhero who is African American in the comics. Black Panther is a African.

Africans are a world of difference from African-Americans

Not really, I'm African and after living my entire life in America we are more similar than we are different. At the end of the day the world sees us as black, all we got is each other.

Niggers are racist

>we got
we have

Why wasn't Die Antwoord in the movie?


You're big mad ;)

wakanda is an ethnostate with closed borders and a giant wall surrounding it. they survived for thousands of years with zero vibranium-centered terrorism UNTIL an outsider got their hands on some

the movie paints a very clear message: tight borders equal wealth and propserity for your nation. africans never suffered because wakanda's borders were closed, they suffered because of wakanda's lack of foreign aid. if this movie has taught me anything, it's that ethnostates can maintain their culture and way of life for thousands of years, while all countries with open borders suffer from prejudice and a lack of nationalism

You do realize there are tons of movies with black directors, casts, and soundtracks. Right user?

When will aborigines get their equally fictional cultural success capekino

You're big troll. Best troll in village. Be racist to whitey bravely on Sup Forums. Big troll of village. Much respect.

Too fucking late, Europeans basically ruined the entire planet by invading everyone so we were forced to undergo globalism. Can't stop the ball now it's rolling.

Africans were literally chicken fucking cannibal sodomites before whites came along.

I'd pay to watch that.

Lol, this was funny. I wasn't really trolling though, just don't get why some people are so angry about a harmless film. Does it make them insecure that black people might start dominating cinema?

Fuck off nigger

You realise mass immigration is pushed by third worlders not Europeans.
Where are the Europeans in Asia?
Why are there retarded brown people in everyones countries?

Why isn’t he allowed to? If someone like you can, then he should be allowed to as well

That's such bullshit, I don't know why I wasted my time typing this. Obvious troll, is obvious.

>some outside foreigner steals your vibranium
>literally the world is about to end
>thank god i have these WHITE superheroes to stop the terrorism that was a direct result of my countries mistakes

here's what i've learned from black panther: that without superheroes to save the day, sharing their wealth and technology literally would have destroyed the earth. the wall that they built literally saved the planet

the funny thing is niggers are still chicken fucking witch doctor worshipping cannibal retards right now.

Seriously speaking though, how do we fix the Africa problem? As in how do we get Africans to use their resources in a way that actually benefits their countries and helps them stop being a shithole?

By making movies to inspire them apparently.

We teach them how to make atom bombs only we rename the atom bombs free stuff machines.

No im not.

Niggers are the most racist people on the planet.

So because one group is racist it justifies your racism? Shouldn’t you try to be the better person since you claim whites are superior?

about to/bout to

Wow its almost like different people talk different ways in this world.

That doesn't mean it's alright.


Nope, Steel is the first

Yes, it was our fault you cunts decided to come to our countries.

Fuck off, I wish I could go back to my home country but you savages ruined it and divided my people into five different countries.

I don't plan on ever leaving, and when I get the chance I'm sponsoring more of my cousins/family to come here.

Fuck you gonna do?

says the non nigger

Niggers are not just a tiny bit racist they are the most racist people.
This retarded film is literally worse than neonazi propaganda.
I never said a thing about whites.
But yes whites are superior to you in everyway because they aren't such dishonest evil creatures as blacks.
Every day on here there is more proof blacks are evil creatures.

You're so fucking stupid, do you realize that? Haha, most of Africa practice Islam/Christianity you retarded cunt.

is it, dare I say, /ourmovie/?

Eventually people are going to exterminate your entire race.

At an interview or to your boss no. With your friends or a Vietnamese basket weaving forum sure.

Why are you such a horrible human being?

No they don't they still practice voodoo culture.

Enjoy your aids

Do you guys realize that it's UNFIXABLE, Africa has to stay constant disarray in order for western powers to profit from our resources

Seriously Sup Forums is just camped full time by blm or something. Its the worst board, nothing but racist niggers shitposting.

>Wakanda has had advanced technology for centuries but chose to do nothing about slavery, euro/asian colonization of Africa, apartheid, rape of Africa's resources.
Well maybe a fictional country created using white/asian technology has no relevance not prevent stone-age African getting access to modern medicine or technology. Which in turn lead ungrateful whining that overbreeding causing hunger
>t Latasha Harlins before murdering her in 1992 which was a precursor for the LA Riots
OOogggaba chimp out instead showing her a bag
Constantly Kills Asians which lives don't matter.
And behaving in Asian the same like the do in White Countries.

Where do you think you are?

yes its the westerners fault niggers are idiots.
>your resources
lol you retards

Answer his question.

I’m not even black kek, I’m a spic. How exactly are whites superior to other races? (Hard mode: can’t bring up the stupid IQ argument) Also what gives you the right to decide who’s superior and who isn’t? I genuinely try to understand you guys but I really can’t. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


> you savages ruined it

Yeah, how dare we set up all those railroads and hospitals.

Did you know that South Korea was poorer than Kenya in 1950? How does that make you feel?

If you don't think whites are superior explain why you learned English and are sitting on the internet using electricity.
I don't even want to understand retards like you. The denial because of your racism just makes you sound pathetic.

Nope, I know you hope that happens but it won't ;(

I wish my people practiced that compared to what's currently going on in my country, lmaoooo.

Well I think that’s just being pessimistic. Having a victim complex is basically what prevents you from accomplishing anything. You guys need some people who actually want to get moving and find solutions.

Sup Forums, and referring to myself. Not you bleached crackers
HOLY FUCK you are so stupid, a quick google will give you everything you need to know on the subject


You're not African.

Mfw user knows nothing

How do you think genocides hapoen. One retarded group keeps pushing until they get genocided.
Blacks and people like you are asking for it. You are basically begging to be killed everyday on here.
Thats what you sound like.

>How exactly are whites superior to other races?
How many Mexicans have walked on the moon? What great Mexican inventors should we know about? What Mexicans have had a major positive impact on the planet in a political, humanitarian, or technological way?

Dude, do you realize that I know the history of South Korea and their rise to being an economic superpower? I know that certain countries in Africa had higher GDP's than current powerhouses, it doesn't make me sad. Life isn't fair, history isn't kind. Progress doesn't stop for no man :)

Which H.P. Lovecraft tale is this?

Those are Asians

>lives entire life in America
>knows how the 'world' sees black people
Truly you have all the hallmarks of American education

>whites invented electricity and only whites would ever connect devices

Hes probably not even a mexican or a nigger its a cowardly anti-white racist stirring up race hate.

>why you learned English and are sitting on the internet using electricity.
Because I live in Canada. I still don’t get what it has to do with anything though. And what racism? I mean every racial group demonstrates racism against other groups but it doesn’t mean it’s right. You’re basically saying because other groups are racist, you should be too.

>different people talk different
Speak differently, not talk different. Ebonics isn't a language you fucking nigger

Are the western powers going to stop China from stabilizing the region?

you are not making an argument there, not even him

It's too late, you Europeans shouldn't have come to Africa/South America/Oceania.

Really opened yourselves up to being extinct now, not too long before White people become a footnote in history :/

I don't know many Mexican inventors or major Mexican politicians, but I do know a lot of Jewish ones.

that nigga chick on the right has a weird arm

God invented electricity, it’s called lightening you fucking faggot

Well since you already know this, please explain how a nation that was torn to pieces by all the great powers and colonized for 50 years by one of the most brutal regimes in history could be one of the most advanced societies in the world today, while Sub-Saharan Africa can apparently use colonialism as an excuse for all eternity.

>but it doesn’t mean it’s right.
it does actually, it means its natural. You are not above animals.

I heard that king goodguy nigger is going to open up the country and start helping everyone else at the end though.
Is that not accurate?

>whites didn't invent harnessing electricity

found the antiwhite racist.

Most of the world doesn't like black people, why pretend like that isn't the truth.

>because i live in canada
so you had to move to a better country?

>Arguing for white supremacy
>Still calls other people racist
Sounds about white.

>thats literally the fucking point.jpeg

The Call of Niggerthu

I’m not even Mexican lmao. Although there probably are some Mexicans that have impacted the world in some way, if we make a quick google we ought to find some. It still doesn’t mean you’re superior to me. What have you done? What are your own personal accomplishments? Or is the only thing you have to be proud of are your “ancestors”?

its not the niggers that have to worry about being genocided its you niggerloving antiwhite socialists you will be the first to go.
You are the thing in the way.