How is it that a movie about surfing felt less like a waste of my time than anything from 2017?

How is it that a movie about surfing felt less like a waste of my time than anything from 2017?

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Because you fell for the Point Break meme. It's a chick flick disguised as an action movie, like Top Gun.

Because it's also a movie about bonding with the bros but eventually have to turn on them for the greater good. Basically Avatar but good.
And it had my boy Keanu.

Imagine having so much soy in your diet that this is your opinion of Point Break.

Hate to brake it to you but soyboys love Point Break.

You're a brainlet if you think Point Break was about surfing.

>scenes soyboys will never understand


Was the remake any good? I skipped it because I was kind of tired of reboots.

literally the dumbest opinion you could have regarding this movie

Because Point Break was, and still is, one of the best action flicks of all time.

>To those dead souls, inching along the freeways in thier metal coffins. We show them, that the human spirit is still alive.

my brother and i always laughed when kiedis says "oh shit shit we're fucked"

it sucks compared to the original but the wingsuit scene is cool

Because it’s unironically kino. Before action films became too self-aware and referential.

It's fucking awful, friendo.

The woman in the story is disposable. Tyler Ann Endicott is just an object to move the relationship between Bodie and Utah forward.

it was shit. fake & gay. you can probably look at clips of it to see for yourself.

What was wrong with it?

Because there have been no good movies since 2007.

When will Pointlets learn?

It's a mediocre movie that has reached a cultural point where it's taboo to say so.

It's a chick flick because of the homoerotic undertones in the Utah/Bodie relationship.

Fuck you plebs. Bodhi is one of the best action villains I can think of; his motivations are almost agreeable and perfectly fleshed out, while he combines a charming personality and good looks with a subtle ruthlessness.

Seriously, name me a better villain.

>those night surfing scenes
>that chase scene
>those skydiving scenes

I was pretty blown away from this film. I bought it on a whim for like 3 dollars. I definitely got my money's worth.

I agree with you. But he definitely wanted to fuck Johnny Utah.

He wanted him so bad, it was like acid in his mouth.