Recommend good show to friend/coworker

>recommend good show to friend/coworker
>"Sorry, I don't have that channel."

>work at a video store
>customers tell me to watch stuff on netflix

I literally haven't watched anything I didn't pirate for at least ten years now.

Fucking piece of shit thief.

>good show
simply a myth

Quality post user

>coworker recommends a garbage show like arrow

>I don't know how to torrent

Did you prepare for the apocalypse on February 23, 2018?

>co-workers and friends recommend Stranger Things and Black Mirror
Should I just bite the bullet and watch them?

>roommate recommends me stuff I didn't ask for
>make some excuse not to watch to be polite
>he's on the spectrum, can't take the hint that I don't want to watch random shit
>asks me if I've watched the shit every time I see him

why does the date change in your shitty bait?

Black Mirror has some good episodes


they're actually quite good
don't listen to Sup Forums
okay I get the irony, but I'm obviously saying the opposite of what Sup Forums usually says

there is nothing good on cable TV and every single streaming service is ran by an absolutely terrible company that doesnt deserve any money

So you're not prepared?

>recommend show to coworker
>they tell me it's 'weird' the next day

Normies have terrible taste

>there is nothing good on cable TV

sounds awful user, glad i dont live with him, then again id just be honest with him

>ask co-worker if they’ve seen the latest kino
>I don’t own a tv

Yeah, you're right.

just redpill your normiefriends on torrents user

>recommend good show to friend/coworker
>i don't have friend/coworker

Which show :3

OI M8 WOT IF DA COMPUTAH WAS A COMPUTAH has some watchable episodes. Stranger Things can be skipped. You can simply watch old 70s-80s scifi and miss the bullshit SJW garbage the writers love to shove in. Most people are watching it because "dude 80s lmao," since they're fucking up with the Lovecraftian mythos

>ex roommate wants me to be a legit adult who read books
>lends me some books that she thinks I might like
>that must have been 2011, I guess
>I make a mental note to return them as soon as I read them
>the years pass and I never read nor return them
>she unfriends me from Facebook and we never talk again
>I still have her books
>still yet to read
>anytime soon, really

wtf people on the spectrum are so rude

I bit the bullet on black mirror and not that was a mistake. And I didn't watch it all, I only watched the "good episodes". It's young adult garbage with frustrating unlikable characters.

Sorry we can't all afford your "Platinum +++" channel package, OP, some of us have to keep our cable bill under $200 a month.

>the bullshit SJW garbage the writers love to shove in.

Examples of this in stranger things?

You're probably right I just can't remember any

I've been reading and doing internet almost exclusively for the past two years or so. I attend periodic film screenings. The only TV I watch anymore is fox news.

Black mirror is shit, even the good episodes are shit, don't watch it.
Stranger things season 1 is alright

Try and say that before the advent of pleb shit like Netflix. We all downloaded shit. Kill yourself you hypocritical cunt.

only thing I can think of happened at the end of the last episode, the new ginger girl went with the black kid over Dustin

other than that, nah.

both are me

Time to stop giving shekels to the cable jew and treat yourself to some sweet piracy, user.


Just do it faggot you dont have anything better to do.
Anyone that says its 10/10 is a liar and anyone saying its complete shit is a faggot.

Stranger Things: fun 80s rehash, recommend
Black Mirror: mostly shit sci-fi, do not recommend

>recommend upcoming film by unknown director or something to group chat
>they end up seeing film before me with gf or whatever
>next day in chat "user you should really check out "film i recommended them 2 weeks ago" i think it might be something for you, this director is really something"
>couple of months later "yeah i just had to get the blu - ray you know, i've been passionate about this director for a while you know, you head about him?"

they do this shit all the fucking time and it really grinds my gear. I know it's childish hipster af "buhu i was first" but it's just annoying that they kinda "steal" my recommendations and never takes my suggestions serious until they make it into their own, like how can they just forget? Feels a bit patronising

You're downloading a copy of something someone else stole

KEK my sides are roaring