Now that his career is over and it's confirmed Benjamin netanyajew is going to prison...

Now that his career is over and it's confirmed Benjamin netanyajew is going to prison, who should play him in the inevitable biopic?

kevin spacey

lou ferrigno would be great


Is he based because he's ultra right wing and hates brown people, or evil because he's jewish?

Ian Holm

Why didn't he like Obama?

Obama tried to not that discreetly get him to lose a election.

based he was a war hero who never stopped hating the muzzies for killing his brother at Entebbe.

History will also prove him right. Israel will eventually elect a cuck who will give away the West Bank in exchance for "peace" and they will regret it.

He wanted to bomb iran and barry to go fuck himself . then he tried to unseat obama by coming to the usa to campaign for mitt romney .

I don't get why Sup Forums hated Obama so much

He was no friend of jews, outside of the typical photo op shit

He was definitely a friend of jews; ever heard of campaign contributions?

he ain't going nowhere you fucking leftie scum

A rat, Find a rat and film it and it'll be the most accurate biopic in history.

He can still take their money and try to fuck them anyway.

a rat betrays his own kind. He's a radical zionist, a war monger, hates the USA giving him orders and would rather shoot a palestinian that give him his land back.

He might be a turboJew but the one thing he isn't is a Rat, Sup Forums's Colonel Landa.



His party is about to bail on him. You can only escape bribery charges so many times especially if you keep accepting bribes.

he's not even ultra right wing lol, he's center right. he's just not a spineless faggot like most western politicians and was an actual special forces chad.

a jew kvetches in pain as he stabs his own

Turning Israel into a completely fucked welfare state where people who actually work are heavily taxed to fund welfare for nutjobs who won't work because they're too busy praying and letting them reproduce by truck load automatically makes him the worst PM Israel has ever had.

oy vey! how dare you!


he funded hezbollah and helped muslim brotherhood revolution in egypt. jew, muslim = they all hate america.

that problem existed before bibi and they are slowly starting to integrate into the workforce and military. their high birthrates are a net good in the long term too.

>Turning Israel into a completely fucked welfare state
you know israel was created by explicit socialists, right? if anything a stronger welfare state is more in line with foundational principles.

in any case, i never said bibi was a good PM. i said he's not ultra right wing (he isn't) and that he's not a spineless faggot compared to western politicians. i'm actually not a fan, i much prefer feiglin :^)

>yfw you realize that the same efforts exist o/s Israel
>yfw those policies are about the only thing keeping the peace
>same as your country x
>yfw forced to keep the peace
>with three of the most profound religious sites
>across several religions

You are all just collectively memeing, without any inference to objective reality. Just your memes.

If memes are all you have to offer as a counter-argument, your reasoning is without sufficient objective support.

the kind of socialism that relies upon the work of americans to take their taxes and get free money

Being the President while black.

>Thread about mutts sucking a kikes cock
Why am I I’m not surprised

Fucking this

That idea is entirely without foundation. President Obama supported the Lebanese state, as President Trump has continued to do.

Obama supported the Arab Spring at large, only formal support was towards the MB in Egypt since they had popular support, kind of like a democracy.

He did not fund Hezbollah and the only inference that says so applies equally to Israel and Egypt since the Camp David accords under President Clinton.

I hated President Obama, and have a fair amount of criticism for President Trump. Both have more or less continued the same policies as their predecessors.

Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem while an action of support, does Israel no real good.

Relations with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia (and most of the GCC) has improved recently in ways previously not seen possible.

israel should have a proud and tough jew who loves his people


the US shouldn't embolden them to pick fights they can't win, drawing us into their bullshit.

Israel should have a leader who knows Israel's western society is better than muslim shitholiness. but he should be on his own to pursue that agenda. we will not back up what he starts with our firepower.

what are some movies like this? (Sup Forums related do not ban)

imagine having a leader who actually fought for his country
US hasn't had one in 25 years and probably never will again

binoculars are bigger than his gun


Alan Arkin back in the 70s.

evil for being a kike and a gibsmedat nigger leeching off budget like the parasite he is

he's black.