It's a classic Paul Dano thread

All things classic

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Official song for this thread

whats this hairstyle called?

The classic

Why is his face the biggest












Will he star in the 2030 Trump biopic?

We did it reddit

i don't get this meme and i've been on Sup Forums for quite some time


>mfw i have a friend whos trying to pull out the classic look
he kinda does

"I joined the when starbwars was big, why don't I get these memes"

RIP. You will be missed Paul ;_;

Bad forced meme



>not understanding classics
Get lost, brainlet.

Toasting in classic bread

Unironically kill yourself

Bad forced memes is all that Sup Forums has. What's one more?


hey, i don't know how youse guys do it over at reddit, but here getting published on know your meme doesn't automatically mean good.

Completely fucking worthless

>being this much of a fucking tard


t. newfags

Classic Paul Dano has been since 12 years a slave


nice, we are Sup Forums now :)

i didn't say i don't know about the meme, i said i don't get it, because a) nobody cares about the shit actor dano, b) it was a shit movie anyway, completely worthless in hindsight, and c) this is not reddit after all

Been here for 9 years you reddit shit

>shit actor
He is one of the best young actors out there
There will be milkshakes is a meme and 12 years a slave blatant oscarbait, but Paul Dano was great, and, dare I say, classic, in both of them and in many of his other roles.
Have you seen prisoners?

That must make you very proud

What the fuck are you on about

He was pretty good in Youth, and the best part of Okja.

>hating on dano
Boy, imma gonna fuck you up. You better start running, nigger. It's the last exercise you are going to get before we lynch you.

No I wish I could leave

you're a garbage consumer, hollyjew is lucky to have you around.
>Have you seen prisoners?
theeere it is! my point exactly


great work in There Will Be Blood
Little Miss Sunshine
Ruby Sparks
Cowboys & Aliens (performance-wise)
12 Years a Slave
Love & Mercy
Swiss Army Man
I guess he's alright in Looper

the list goes on...


He was also in a indie movie called For Ellen. It wasn't that great, but his performance was excellent.
Also, he's having his directorial debut soon, it called Wildlife.

>Swiss Army Man
Is this even worth watching?

>Posts on TV
>Heh do you watch media... Pretty homo of you :^)

Jog on to Sup Forums or /s4s/ retard

>there are faggots in this thread hating on classic Paul Dano

>great work in There Will Be Blood

fuck off newfag this meme is at least 6 years old your just a redditor

not that user but Im pretty sure it started with the war and peace mini series where dano was nominated actor of the year and called classic. Dont remember it any earlier than that

It’s from before that, from like 2011 maybe
I remember classic Dano threads when 12 years a slave
It comes and goes whenever he stars in something