>Muh depression >Muh millionaire life sucks >SJW bullshit >Annoying female self inserts >Dude nihilism LOL >Muh hollywood >Life is so fucking hard guys even when you're rich and famous >Muh hack writing
This show fucking sucks and is just as reddit and memes as reddit and memey. All those who like this show are are just self pitying fucks who are depressed and don't man up and improve themselves and self insert as bojack.
In fact it's testament to how shitty the writing is and how jammed in your face the SJW bullshit is that I would even put rick and morty above it. At least it knows how to have fun and develop it's characters once in a while.
Cooper Lewis
At least it's not Steven Universe.
Nicholas Baker
So, I haven't read past the first two words in the post- let's try an experiment.
Let me guess: He's bitching about...feminism. I saw "SJW" so he doesn't like something else about that either.
He's ultimately made this thread specifically to bitch both about the show and people that watch it with no real dialogue or input.
Nolan Russell
That's not a achievement. And at least steven universe doesn't pretend to be deep or ofer pretentious bullshit on the meaning on life.
Liam Rogers
>All those who like this show are are just self pitying fucks who are depressed and don't man up and improve themselves and self insert as bojack.
Well I got that right. Feel like an idiot for forgetting that people buzzword about Reddit so that's on me.
Easton Williams
So you're saying that SJWs and feminism isn't a large problem in today's society and how shows like bojackredditman enables them? How much did the left pay you to post this?
Cameron Wright
different user here.
liberals are not leftists
Landon Johnson
man fuck feminism, if it weren't for that I wouldn't be a virgin
Jordan Cox
as a depressed alcaholic, the show is fairly accurate. this kind of lifestyle can effect anyone rich and poor alike. feelinig like a disillusioned failure can effect everyone, and in the show the setting is just a backdrop for throwaway gags and the like.. but the heart of it is legit.
Alexander Bell
If SJW are such a problem why is the only solution to bitch about them online? I'm still waiting for the beta uprising since 2015