What the absolute fuck was this bullshit?
A glib facsimile
a fantastic sci-fi movie which explores the meaning of human life. It's also a movie that I didn't like that much, regardless of the Goose, practial effects and it being an 'underdog' like the original. But it may be heresy to say that out loud in this place
t. pleb
A poorly made film
horrendous flick
Felt it was held back by the original, they shouldve started a new IP
Everybody can see you samefagging you actual retard
It's a movie about nothing, where nothing happens, and nothing is resolved. In any other movie, the story (what little there was of it) could've been told much better in half an hour.
Literally "style over substance", like what Tron Legacy was to the original.
The best movie of 2017 thatthe ADHD capeshit shills hate because of the lack of quips and Nolan tier exposition. We call these kind of movies "pleb filters" over here
>tfw I started the extremely short lived 'glib facsimile' meme a long time ago for that star wars movie
It died within 12 hours of posting it, but I still feel a tiny bit of pride that my shitpost lives on after so long
>It's a movie about nothing, where nothing happens, and nothing is resolved. In any other movie, the story (what little there was of it) could've been told much better in half an hour.
Imagine for a single instant, being this much of a brainlet.
fuckin this right here
Roger Moore? I thought you were dead.
I dont like it because K shows no emotion with makes me not care at all for him.
back to where you came from
its the type of underage retard that expects film to be full of exposition and dialogue, books as moving pictures, instead of a way of telling a story visually.
I didnt understand wallaces gimmicks, what did luv implent into his neck and what are the flying stones around him?
>I dont like it because K shows no emotion
He's kind of a robot you know
Why do pseudo intellectuals pretend this movie is "smart" or any better than most other Hollywood productions. It was a slightly above average sci-fi movie, that's all. The Sup Forums poll where 2049 barely beat out Baby Driver and Duncuck for best movie of the year should tell you all you need to know about it's audience.
I thought they were like cameras that connect to that device which help him see 3D or something.
Every time my wife asked me to explain what was going on, I kept having to say "I honestly couldn't tell you."
i know, that is part of the prblem, but K takes it to the next level of emotionless i think. Even when he was failing his baseline and dooing shit for the robot resistance he showed nothing.
Wallace is an analogy for a cruel god. It's a metaphor for him having sight beyond ours.
This is just shitposting.
They think it's smart because they're used to watching only 5 Marvel movies a year so anything with even an ounce of intelligence is mind blowing to them.
>barely beat baby driver
but thats wrong you doublenigger
Look at your image user. You're proving my point. The same people who love 2049 watch all that other shit. Shouldn't that tell you something?
flying dildos for the blind replacement for service dogs and google glass
>reddit has better taste than Sup Forums
>Retards who have to resort to the "le marvel fanboys" defence for this crock of shit.
I'm actually fan of the original BR and can't stand Marvel movies. As another user said, this was just another Tron Legacy but without any memorable scenes.
It got almost 4 times the votes of baby driver and Dunkirk was one of the best movies of 2017 too. Between the two of them they got more votes than almost all capeshit options combined
>Dunkirk was one of the best of 2017
oh boy...
And my point wasn't necessarily the amount of votes but the pallet of movies the voters consumed. That list is laughable except for the most casual moviegoer.
>the options that didn't win represent somehow the options that did win
>Missing the point this badly
>I beat a 5 year old in a race
>I am the fastest man alive
You're dumb and worse than being dumb; you're boring.
Do you not understand how polls work you retard?
Why dont you go back to your people
Kino of the highest caliber, that we even got something big budget like this in a period of shit tier remakes, sequels and capeshit is a fucking miracle.
Do you? Of course 2049 is going to win when it's up against the abysmal list. Especially when the voters are too uninformed to make an educated decision. Sick Dunning - Kruger effect going on with your post though, the meme and everything.
>it beat these crap movies by a mile so it's as bad as them
Behold the power of Sup Forums contrarians
What are you top movies on 2017, if you don't mind me asking?
>I am the smartest retard!
What an accomplishment
>another user
how about at least dont pretend you're not samefagging
>up against
so youre saying you werent even around during the poll? exactly how new are you?
been here for ~1.5 years but i didnt participate in the poll no
>The best movie of 2017
What is:
>sacred deer
>ghost story
>good time
>song to song
>the square
>lady bird
The list goes on. 2049 is a flick, mere cheeto crumbs that plebs lick up with glee.
These polls are actually pretty accurate.
Coco is clearly overrated, nowhere near peak Pixar. your name is just up there because it’s anime, but it’s certainly a good film.
Massive support for 2049, the next few are a jumbled mess of alright films, with Sup Forums suffering from sample size and contrarianism, and Reddit from conformity and plebes.
you forgot
>Happy end
But good post
as I strongly suspected this post will go unanswered :)
Shit year honestly, I liked Phantom Thread, Loveless and The Square the most. Dunkirk, BR2049 and Raw were good for what they were too
>the quality of the options you easily win represent your own quality
How does it feel to be this dumb? Must be comfy
I really hope the retards who voted for capeshit etc are newfags and crossboarders, imagine thinking star wars and wonder woman is anything more than garbage
But none of those are any good, user. Mediocrity is not a merit.
>Shit year honestly
>Phantom Thread, Loveless and The Square the most
>2049 and raw
Hated both
Song to song was great
>But none of those are any good
You haven't even seen them, so shut up.
The absolute best of them is 7/10 and forgotten in two years.
are you seriously trying to argue 2049 was better than any of those? LMAO
Reread the post, brainlet.
You celebrate your embarrassingly bad taste.
whats your list then?
>explores the meaning of human life
mmm, how new and vibrant!
Is there a single film that doesn’t explore the meaning of human life?
easily the worst scene, sharing the first place with le rebels coming out of the shadows on cue. she's awful and looks anything but attractive
What an interesting way of coming out.
An user predicted this brainlet Sup Forums opinion before the film was even released.
Are you the top or bottom?
yes 2049 is a movie for us intellectuals! You need an iq of at least 200000 to understand it!
Funny how that screencap also predicted the brainlet "visual storytelling" opinion, too.
Certainly higher than yours.
No, it's actually quite of a simple Pinocchio like story set in a BR world, and that's the sad part that there are some people that can't properly process even a simple straightforward narrative like this.
Can't imagine what would happen if they actually watched anything remotely challenging.
yeah right on my man, telling the story visually in a medium like film is for brainlets am I rite???
>visual storytelling is a brainlet thing now
What a brainlet thing to say
This, true PATRISH gentlesires like ourselves only enjoy movies where a character turns his head towards the camera and explains in full detail what's going on the audience. Brainlets will never understand that this is the pineapple of KINOA
But the voice overs for batista and freysa killed the movie.
I still liked it but that really fucking bugged me needs to be fucking cut from future releases
>sean young is attractive
>But the voice overs for batista and freysa killed the movie.
That's like 20 seconds out of a film that's almost 3 hours long
The only time a story should be told "visually" is when there's literally not other way to tell it, like in silent movies. 2049 was just pretentiousness trying to be deep.
>The only time a story should be told "visually" is when there's literally not other way to tell it, like in silent movies
oh wow this is either supreme juicy bait or you are genuinely mentally challenged
I hate 2049 and in no way shape or form is it a good example of any story telling, let alone visual, but wow you're a moron
Just because she named you doesn’t make her unattractive, kike.
Are you 12? Have you seen a single film that was released before you birth year? Do you watch anything besides Hollywood blockbusters?
This better be bait.
You don't realize that he was blind? The second he turned it off, he reached out for K's hand as if he didn't see where it was.
>The only time a story should be told "visually" is when there's literally not other way to tell it, like in silent movies. 2049 was just pretentiousness trying to be deep.
actual state of anti br twittoids
Give me a good example of visual storytelling. You'll probably name some shitty Eastern European depressionflick or something.
These images have gone too far.
Sup Forums has gotten so bad I genuinely don't know if this is bait.
>visual storytelling is bad in a visual medium
You literally can't appreciate art
Literally any film that is considered as "the greatest". 2001, Lawrence of Arabia, Citizen Kane, The Mirror, literally any remotely acclaimed film.
I sincerely hope you are only baiting
I can appreciate art. Paintings are a medium for "visual storytelling"; not motion pictures.
I haven’t seen any yet, but all of these should fit your criteria.
>those resolutions
>watching movies on your phone
>pictures are a medium for "visual storytelling", not moving pictures
nice braindead logic there user
The only thing I would add is that film is an audiovisual storytelling medium
I like the smaller screen to fall asleep to, and resolution doesn’t matter at that distance.
>2001, Lawrence of Arabia, Citizen Kane, The Mirror
So overrated shit praised by film snobs. Gotcha.
Fair enough
yeah I watch my all kinos on my Samsung Smartwatch, no biggie just put it half an inch infront of my face and it's all good, basically the same as an analog 70mm IMAX literally no difference
t. actual 12 year old
>Falling asleep in the middle of watching a great movie.
You absolute mong
What part of small screen don’t you understand?
It’s just like watching episodes of a tv show.
>It’s just like watching episodes of a tv show.
Yeah, but the difference is that films are meant to be experienced at once as a whole, not in 12 different parts.
Might aswell watch films by watching small clips on youtube then
oh fuck off you faggot
Is your memory so faulty?
>Falling asleep in the middle of watching a TV show.
>films are meant to be experienced at once as a whole
Not always. Some movies have intermissions specifically to give the audience a break from absorbing too much at once.
You never put on your favorite movie or tv episode that you've already seen a dozen+ times as white noise while you wind down for bed?
Your mother is meant to be experienced as a hole.