ITT: characters who did nothing right

ITT: characters who did nothing right

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Why? He didn't make any mistakes. His master plan was flawless.

He was useless, honestly
Big bad with huge armies and power, but a fuck up nonetheless
Nothing but mistakes during the 1st age
He gets beaten without a fight during the 2nd, cunningly gets numenor destroyed, then its survivors and the elves beat him.
And during the 3rd age, with years of preparation, he gets beaten for good one year into making his move, by Gondor and friends. A Gondor that for years has been dealing with orc raids and incursions, pretty much losing everything east of Minas Tirith, their kings and their heritage. And he gets beaten.

> being a master evil with a huge eye who can see everything on the top of his comfy tower
> couldn't prevent two manlets from sneaking into his front yard
> possessing an evil army that largely outnumbered his opponents
> got BTFO

>And he gets beaten
By dumb luck. Gollum ruins everything.

It wasn’t luck, it was fate and divine intervention
Gollum broke his oath, oath breakers get punished

Though yes, without that then Man wasn’t up to defeating Sauron, too few, tired and divided

His only mistake in the third age was rushing the attack on Minas Tirith. He'd have won if he stuck to the script. And the destruction of the ring really isn't something he could have prevented because 1) it was protected by a fail safe and 2) Mount Doom was already guarded. He took the appropriate precautions.

>It wasn’t luck, it was fate and divine intervention

Which not even Gandalf, a servant of God, could have counted on. Eru had never done anything to fix Arda's problems before. The only time he'd ever gotten involved at all was to protect the gods by separating Valinor from the rest of the world (and destroying half of it in the process).

>defending Sauron so desperately

Uruk Hai, is that you?

He also revived Gandalf

But yes, without divine intervention Sauron would have very likely won.
Do remember that Frodo was already in the volcano and something different could have happened.

Which not even Gandalf was aware of. Eru worked no miracles, as far as anyone knew. Shaping the earth into a sphere being the one exception.

Anyway, preventing slippage in his forge is a contingency Sauron couldn't have possibly prepared for. That aside he took the appropriate precautions. The ring could not be willingly destroyed by anyone and the entrance to the forge was protected by an entire army. The fluke with Minas Tirith unfortunately required him to temporarily move that army however.

God stepped in with Gollum.

Sauron's victory was inevitable; no one could throw the ring away into the fire. So God took the matter into his own hand right at the end.

Who would win?
A singing elf maiden and her talking dog friend or Sauron?

Again to be fair to Sauron the singing elf was half-god and the dog was also a god, kind of.

who would win?
a dragon the size of a mountain or an elf on a flying boat?

Who would win?
A fire breathing worm that can hypnotize or some inbreeding hick?

Who would win?
The Black Panther or Sauron?

elf on a flying boat + an army of gods and super saiyan elves + an eagle with a wingspan measured in miles*

Credit for a boss kill goes to the entire raid not just the guy to finish off its last hit point.

Numenor and the Ring being destroyed were caused by God. He was literally so successful only God could take him down. Think about that, for a moment.

Well, they are both black men, though the hero always wins, so Black Panther

Cunning was his thing, is what I was saying.
Raw power and conquer didn’t become him
Subterfuge and trickery did, he had no idea that Numenor would be destroyed, his body was destroyed when that happened.

>they are both black
You mean, Sauron was a nigger?

He's right you know

He was a proud kang, he was king of men until whitey (Ar-Parazôn) came and destroyed his kingdom



So he's basically Starscream?

Yes, he was even shat on by his boss

Are there any weapons in LOTR that can penetrate his suit? I recall there being some kind of sword that was forged from a falling star that could comparable to vibranium, but I don't know if it was even present during the Third Age. If the case is T'Challa vs non-enchanted weapons, Black Panther is at least on par with a Balrog if placed into Tolkien universe.

1st elf age made are super weapons, with some magic in them, but not out of an enchantment, it was because the craftsmen were superior back then.

>1st elf age made
1st age elf made

I’m tired