This is beautiful

This is beautiful.

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doesnt look like those people are dead to me..


There is a whole lot of safety in this photo. But shouldnt they have 2 guns each in case they accidentally drop one? Can never have enough guns.

>americans will consider that woman white

lmfao just laughing my ass off here

how many mexicans are smuggling dope through the desert behind them


none. They have guns, all crimes stop when good people have guns

...and here's why it's wrong

Triggered nigger detected

aren't you a hapa?

Enjoy your ongoing school shootings ameica.

Fake news.

Agreed, having 3 hot daughters must be beautiful

who else /teamdeadchildren/ here like a good american lol its a mental health issue obviously

This is my America.

>screen shot of fake new
>calls others fake news
el goblinos IQ is still low i see

this but unironically

>only 1 gun
not safe at all

>tfw no qt gun gf

>you will never have 4 hot daughters to wincest with your wife

keep it right keep it huwhite

>its a mental health issue
the rest of the world doesnt have mental health issues?

stay mad


American design is so ugly and bland.

you should know better than to ever respond to the faggot killkid.

white people with guns be scary. someone should do something about this.


>d-don't bully me!
fuck off

>When you go so hard you push your nation's statistics to 1st

why would I be mad, 17 school children didnt die in my country. I live in the first world.

>stacy tells some nerd to fuck off
>said nerd take his daddy's assault rifle and slaughters his entire school
Why do goblinos think their country is first world again?

you're mad that a country you don't live in has laws you personally dislike. stay mad

>It's a mental health issue.
>One of Trumps first acts in office was repealing a rule passed by Obama blocking people deemed mentally incapable of managing their own finances from owning guns.

The irony of this argument is delicious.


Lots of countries have guns and don't shoot each other up in the numbers Amerifats do

Guns aren't the problem, Americans are

come on papa


One question: the fuck are they gonna do with those guns aside from shooting cans in the backyard?

Loli dubs pls

oh baby

who cares? it's none of your business

The rule wouldn't have stopped the shooter and even the UCLA supported its removal along with other mental health groups

that sure came out of nowhere.

Girl in the back looks like she'll become a massive stoner.

Defend themselves when you and your homeboys start some shit, Tyrone.

>russian deception tactics

Lol I please

Wish i had guns

whatever they want

Are you even trying America? 5th!?!?!

lets go

don't embarrass yourself newfag and don't respond to name/tripfag cock suckers.

Daniel Craig has really let himself go after marriage.

assurance the government doesn't try and impede on the constitution




>the fuck
stop nigger posting

Imagine being a normal gun owner looking and these firearm fetish faggots

>i must have the right to possess these things that are specifically designed to kill, and not just handguns, but shotguns and big ass rifles too!
>what for?
>none of your business!

>LOl we need to ban gun OK
>Not even lifting a finger to get a proper bill to repeal the 2A

Are they seriously trying at this or just in it to make money?

>Amerimutts killing sprees beaten only by African countries and actual terrorist attacks
Put 9/11 up there since you're at it


yes? people are free to do what they will with their personal property. stay mad

Yeah I should be able to own a nuke honestly. What I do with it is my business because it is my property.

Loli get

This, and I guess if I want to have a marijuana plantation in my land I'd be free to do it too right? Land of the free and all that


indeed you should

>comparing a nuke to a rifle

if only...

If this this is the "it takes X minutes for police to respond" mantra - well, those things are pretty much useless in case of a home invasion. Like, again, I can understand handguns, but this is ridiculous.
If you're implying some upcoming rahowa/helter-skelter scenario - it just ain't happening, get real.
Like they will be able to resist the government forces in any fashion. Come on.

That's interesting, but the running total in terms of events is extremely high here, and they seem to have leveled up in the last couple years, we're going to catch up. Also, I'd be curious how it would look if instead of the entire US it had individual states, which would make more sense as a comparison for European countries. In Wisconsin it's probably pretty low, but what are the numbers for Florida specifically?

A better comparison is city vs rural believe it or not city still win when counted by capita

So you mean I could, right? Glad you guys have coherent laws and not retarded goblino pandering ones that cause hundreds of needless deaths every year

>pointing a gun at your buddy's feet
fuckin' shitheads

no way she isn't printing

Fucking where? Where the fuck did I compare one? I was making a statement about your worthless "MUH PROPERTY" arguement.

people don't need a "reason" or your personal approval to own guns. it's not changing. get over it
don't know really. whatever the case, the state has no right to stop your growing it

magic missiles dont kill people. wizards who cast magic missiles kill people

>no sons
holy shit what an impotent failure.
His wife must fucking hate him.

Welcome to the open sanatarium known as the USA
Here have some pills, everyone has a prescription.. as well as a gun. You'll need it just in case of a home invasion during civil unrest. Something we all think will happen every day, life does not exist without paranoia

>america gets worse the more nonwhite it becomes

>people don't need a "reason" to own things the sole applicaction of which is to kill
Yes they do?

Why don't they hold whoever sourced the gun in a mass shooting responsible too?

Because those guys paid the sales tax on the gun

>later that day, nigel was stabbed by a minority youth. during the attack, nigel unintentionally grazed his attacker's shin, and was later arrested and convicted of assault. nigel is currently serving 10 years in a medium security prison

This too.

Johnny bring your gun

no they don't. welcome to freedom; i know your kind can't grasp the concept, but it bears repeating

But can you match this?

*Seething warning for the Jews


>he think he's logged onto his secret club
>he thinks I'll answer in agreement with a quip of my own
>he thinks I'm white
>doesn't realize he's replying to a minority

>All ugly
>No sons
>Bland and boring

Not on my watch

>who cares? it's none of your business

Would you say this if the family were Muslim-American?


> All major school shootings and massacres are done by white males

Just take responsibility bro.