Trebek hate thread

Fuck Trebek. Smug ass bitch.

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Isn't he a leaf?

yeah he comes off as hot shit when we all know he wouldn't know any of that without the answer cards

Yeah but he's also a bitch

Fuck you he's based

Of course he is.

On the Novel "Push" by Sapphire

I hope youre reading this alex, I have all the answers to tomorrows questions.

Leafs are always smug assholes. They act entitled despite having no right to be, just like Alex.

Gee, I wonder who's behind this thread...

highlight where he touched you

The contestant interview segment in Jeopardy is always cringekino.

I like when he outright calls them boring losers.

Can't fool me. That's a silhouette of two faces looking at each other or a lamp or something.

Alex is great


just make Ken Jennings host already!

grug to dumb for jeopardy! he get every question wrong!
grug hate trebek!

why doesnt jennings go head to head with trebek?

Why don't they just have live, uncensored, unsimulated sexual intercouse with each other on pay-per view?

Restraining order.

Come on man how are you not going to link this

>What is, Things a little bitch would say?



Trebek is no good.