"hope is like your car keys"

>"hope is like your car keys"

Who was Snyder referring to?

Why does he look like a chubby Hugo Weaving


it's capeshit

its from the reshoots that whedon added fuck off with your shit bate saged

Snyder died for this

I still laugh out loud to this shit

>If you just dig around a bit you'll probably find it where you last put it.

It’s crazy how kino this movie could of been if Snyder was allowed his vision

How did we went from Kino dialogue to this

>Hope is real and you can see it. You just have to look up... in the sky.

What does people think is "hopeful" about empty, meaningless, Hallmark card platitudes.

>anime girl reaction image

Really this shit?
>Getting mad about anime girls on a Taiwanese Croquet Forum

I'm not mad. I just think you're a loser just like everyone else who posts anime reaction images. I felt like pointing that out

Well thanks for pointing that out. You're very cool for not liking anime. Pic related is you

>How did we went
>What does people think

Is this peak pajeet hour or something?

That's interesting, because this film in general and this scene in particular gave me hope. Rather, they gave me one incredibly specific hope:

That one day, I'll be face to face with Joss Whedon. With no witnesses.

Marvel ain't hiring american anymore.

Joss Whedon just has a real knack for kino.

They are Mexicans



*kills your already dying cinematic universe*

psssh....Nothing personnel.. kidd..

>Reddit spacing

It looks so realistical like IRL life. Thank u based Zaddy for these kinos XOXOXOX

That dialogue is hilariously retarded.