Rumor: Joker origin movie will be "super dark and real," Joker will be a victim of bullying

>The all-new origin story is believed to take place in the 1980s, and be “a gritty and grounded hard-boiled crime film”. As is usually the case with rumors, a new one recently lined up with this assessment, and also managed to tease a look far back into Joker’s past.
>"It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him. It’s like on the streets of Brooklyn. It’s super dark and real.”

I don't like the sound of that

>It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker


That doesn't sound funny

Meanwhile faggots complain about Hellboy casting

>It’s super dark and real.

There it is.

...why do Hollywood films always have to have villains have something be the cause of their behavior? Why not have a character who is naturally a dick. Like the Joker pushed someone in front of a subway train when nobody was around because he had the urge to do so?

>"It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him
Why not just make an adaption of the man who laughs instead you dumb fucks

>"It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him. It’s like on the streets of Brooklyn. It’s super dark and real.
Everything about that sentence gives me a stomach ulcer
I can't believe this is actually happening.

Do Jokerfags and normies actually want this or are they as sick of the character as everyone else ?

Why the fuck do they have to give characters shitty origins?
>Hurrr lets give this character an origin

10 times out of 10 if fucks up that character.
The Joker
The Major
Wolverine even Malficient

All their pasts were left mostly ambiguous , giving maybe some tidbits here and there that added a sense of mystery to the character making them more interesting. Then some fuck comes along and gives them some shitty definitive origin and it shits up the character until they decide to retcon it or some shit. Just fucking stop.