Seriously, who could have guessed it would be this good?
Justice League Action thread
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I dunno. It's not really that big a surprise. I was pretty confident from the previews at the very least that it would be an amusing series
is there a mega of everything released?
It doesn't quite hit some of the notes Brave and the Bold did, but it is a lot of fun and it's nice seeing a DC animated action show on TV after a long wait.
Yes but I don't know where it is atm
we do have some links to recent episodes from a thread from yesterday
It's enjoyable. Not great, not terrible but it's fun to watch. It's still painfully obviously marketed for kids.
On par with TTG as some of the best animation has to offer in America right now, this show is simply sublime
>obviously marketed for kids.
you sure?
It's pretty good but the episodes are too short. The episodes are well written and the action/story moves very quickly so I can see why they chose to make the episodes that short but the presentation would increase exponentially if they atleast invested more in the quality of the proportions for characters making them more life like sort of like the original Superman cartoons from the 40s. JLAction in its current state is too skewed to a younger audiences and the presentation too simplistic for it to achieve any real lasting value in the same way other DC cartoons have. The show is very entertaining well written and quite refreshing in many instances so that at least redeems the show almost completely.