What do you think of Eleanor Worthington Cox?

What do you think of Eleanor Worthington Cox?

Iz dis nu?


A qt 3.14

You're a wealthy Roman out at the slave market and see this qt being bid for by a bunch of sleazy jew merchants.

What do?

bid higher to save her from that fate!

Ask price
Inspect teeth
Ask the relevant questions
Buy a goat instead, more useful in the long run

i'd give her the cox if you know what i mean

T. Muhammed

>ywn buy and free a beautiful slave girl and make her your wife

A Scouser?

>and free
woah lets not get ahead of ourselves now

let my fellow Jews carry on with their business, were superior for a reason and there is nothing you can do about it. NOTHING.

H-how old is she guys
does she have a bf

She's 16 now. Would probably have been 15 in these photos and 14 when filming Britannia.

As for the bf thing I have no idea because I'm not a stalker.

>Legal in England

Looks like she's worth cocks.

I'll give the show a watch.

looks like cunny is back on the menu boys

you dont know what that word means do you?

is this about ancient Britain? are there a bunch of shit skins in it?

I only watched the first episode. Can someone tell me what the king's daughter (the one with bow and arrow) did that started the war?

more like 13

Compliant but slightly resentful slave vs happy compliant and eternally grateful to you free waifu.

No contest really.

I preferred her in To Kill a Mockingbird.

>eternally grateful

Yes and yes.

I dont like jews

Niggers and pakis are in it, totally unwatchable

Yeah, those 3,5 sub-sharains legionnaires who were in stationed in Egypt were shipped off to Britannia conquest because Romans notoriously didn't give a shit about logistics for such endeavors.

Did the Roman general finish his story about that Egyptian magician? Were the heads of the two slaves switched bodies?

Cut off the other tribe's prince balls. She doesn't seem like the type to do that tho.

Thank you, user. Did they say why she did that?


a cute.

That dress is genuinely lovely. Like Grace Kelly levels.

Only the illusion of freedom you understand. It's not like she'd have anywhere else to go.

Would you get to inspect the firmness of her breasts as well?

how good is this, worht taking a look?

It has Sheev himself as a Druid so yes.


So.... do they fuck or nah?

Would make for a great Ciri in The Witcher series.

Vampires please go.

A throat for playful kisses only you degenerate fuck.

>playful molestations


is this any good

Sheev's the King of the Cantii (alphabet face).

Ragetti/Gareth is playing the constantly doped-up Druid leader.

Pretty alright action and some great characters. Lots of Kang legionaries but I can get past that.


>Lots of Kang legionaries
never mind then

Four hours in makeup... bet he's wishing it was as easy as chasing after his wooden eye across the rolling deck of a pirate ship.

ty 'merkin history classes and teachers for the comedy you provide on this here Atlantean calligraphy board.

I'm British and if you couldn't tell from my post I was joking you autistic fuck.

Scouse. Less than human.

>swn be your obedient little slave girl who sits in your lap and giggles as upu playfully molest her.

What is even the point?

I would watch it if it wasn't for the muh stronk wymin warriors and Legionary Kang

She doesn't look like the kind of Scouser who'll give you a wank if you take her The Maccies.

>haha i want to mentally destroy young girls aren't i quirky?


What an annoying zero talent hack

It's mad fun even with the usual diversity casting and OP wymmin killing groups of armoured soldiers with ease - though they did the unusual thing of killing off the one numidian who looked like he was going to be a main char. in the first ep.

David Morrisey is chewing up the scenery as the Roman commander and Hugo Speer is matching him with sardonic wit as the 2IC. The Dane playing the outcast druid [webm] is a lot of fun too.

Liar. A true Brit would laughed at his own comment and then joined me in slagging off the yanks.

it's historically accurate, peak Roman empire.
they even refer to these characters in the show as conquered peoples fighting for their conquerors.

I will laugh my ass off if they reveal her to be Boudica, just to have her slaughtered by Romans

Also why the fuck they killed Vespasian for ?

>it's historically accurate, peak Roman empire.
When does the show take place? There were two Legions raised in southern Egypt which probably looked pretty black but they weren't raised until the 3rd century

43 AD

Yeah, that's silly then, they're there about 300 years too early. Plus, neither of the south Egyptian legions were ever sent to Britain. One got sent to Gaul, one got sent to Thrace.

it's not an entire legion. it's just a few immigrant and slave characters from various regions.

But that isn't how the Roman army worked

>recurve bows
>in Britain in 43AD

what were they thinking christ.

the Roman legions recruitment could be done by governors. governors that are trying to do something legit are not going to just take pampered richbois with them.

>it's historically accurate
It's not, user, like this faggot pointed out it's pure autism to pull legions from Egypt for a conquest at the other end of the world. Conquest of bongs was known to have been very quickly put together, Spain and Rome legions were primarily used no kangz, after the conquest they brought war elephants just to show off, key word 'after' and as soon as Claudius went back to Rome so did the elephants.

Free slave
she thanks you
marries a chad

>Actual plot point of rome.

>trying to impose moral standards on Sup Forums


>no kangs
>spanish legion
i believe spain were just post-tribes at that point and were are located right next to the kingdoms of africa that existed at that time which were known to sell slaves. it's not really much of a logic leap to expect there were blacks in spain and thus potentially black recruited into the spanish legion.
and given theres only one black guy in the entire show its not much of an ask.
there's a few brown guys....also not much of an ask for a Rome that would have been a beacon of civilization at the time with all it's free bread and shit.

>potentially black recruited into the spanish legion.
This isn't how it worked, they didn't recruit fucking slave into legions that they had to then pay to, dumbo. You have no fucking idea what exactly you're talking about, this is diversity plug. You're just practicing metal gymnastics at this point. Because they were near North Africa which wasn't even populated by blacks doesn't mean that every fifth soldier was a kang and was sent to what they commonly refereed to as North Rhine on steroids.
>there's a few brown guys
Yes brown, that might be, not fucking negros. Stop revising history.

Some day people won't know this.

if you cant think of a single scenario where a black guy reasonably ends up recruited you're either super unimaginative or the one doing mental gymnastics here.

Well, it's apparent to me that they don't already. Now negros were apparently in every country, in every army, in every conflict in history of humanity. Amazing.
In 43 AD? No, no I don't, it's an absolute nonsense for a negro slave from Spain (North Spain by the way, Southern Legions were barely pulled anywhere, ever) to be recruited into legion that was sent into the conquest for the Empire, where every soldier would kill to get into.
Is it hard for you to imagine that maybe, just maybe, there was a war in Rome history, where negros didn't participate and maybe this just awful diversity quota for a shitty TV show with no bases in reality?

Chad always wins. Even in times of old.

>implying she wouldn't be happy to be one rich guys object of affection/fuck toy instead of ending up being fucked by 20 smelly legionaries a night in a brothel.

>Non-white roman soldiers depicted as literal pedophiles

Redpilled director i must say

> where a black guy reasonably ends up recruited

It actually makes less sense for one guy to be there alone. Romans would enroll entire units locally and march them elsewhere, both ideas were for unit cohesion and loyalty to Rome.

>Is it hard for you to imagine that maybe, just maybe, there was a war in Rome history, where negros didn't participate

This is the absurd thing. It's always black. There's no ahistorical asian suddenly in the mix. There's no a mysterious pakistani on a long journey. Always a black man. That's what the minds of the people making these shows default to, it's like they can't help themselves.

The fundamental problem is that Black Panther is described as "diverse" with 97% black cast, while a production with people from all over Europe would be horrifically "white". All it shows is how deep the programming is seeping into people's minds. It's so fucking absurd I can't believe people accept it uncritically.


Nuff said.

>The fundamental problem is that Black Panther is described as "diverse" with 97% black cast, while a production with people from all over Europe would be horrifically "white".

The amount of people who plain don't get this is astonishing.

Legion Kang dies in the first episode.

>Worth a ton of cocks

You had one fucking job.

Well they wouldn't want to be inaccurate....