1. never be able to watch a movie again
2. never be able to have sex again
1. never be able to watch a movie again
2. never be able to have sex again
I can still watch my television shows and youtube
Can I jerk off?
Number 1 since all modern movies are trash, nice trips.
"again" implies i've done it at all, so it's an easy 2
Then I choose 2. Sex is overrated anyways.
>2. never be able to have sex again
2. There are ways around that
1, duh. You can still watch tee-vee.
Kek most tvfags havent even had sex once
I choose 2 for reasons you probably know.
what a stupid choice. I havent had sex in 2 years
maybe if 1 came with a gf I could pick it
1. I don't even like movies that much anyway.
1. Like its already been said, TV is still a thing and YouTube can potentially fill (or could have before the ad shit) the role of telling long stories in a visual format.
it's ok
Goodbye kino.
I don’t remember but i must have choosed 2 once
Implying I've done either before
implying that's a choice *I* can make
Past a certain age, a man that hasn't had sex....
I never watch movies and I never have sex so idk
is what? tell me
A virgin
I don’t get it. Don’t they have access to craigslist? At least get a hooker, guys, seriously. There is no reason you should be over the age of 20 and never stuck your dick in a woman. It’s not that hard.
>tfw literally had sex once and that was 3 years ago
>lol why don't you pay for something 99% of the world's population does for free?
We may be maladjusted virgins, but we are not retards
Reminder that you can have sex and still be a virgin.
Haha I love the meme when we all pretend to be kissless virgins!
2, jerking off is still an option
not watching movie ever again is just whack
random hook ups are nice, but not that hype. it's more for the social validation tbqh. without an emotional connection, fucking some broad is just "alright"
i'll take the movies
can I get the sucky sucky and eat ass while jerking off if I choose 2? If so it's an easy choice.
i honestly do feel like a virgin again t bh
if only it were a meme
not that I care though, I don't even think about it. I just completely removed the idea of sex and relationships from my life.
get the fuck out of here
Obviously 1. If you don't reproduce you are less of a man. Movies are garbage and bad for the mind.
h-hehe s-sure is!
I will have to choose 1 but only because I want to have children and continue my linage. If I already had kids it would be an easy 2. I never really felt particularly strong about sex, its just a thing for status and procreation, but usually its pretty mundane neanderthal shit.
Haha yeah a meme
why would you get a hooker when you can jerk off and save your money
What are you doing here if you've never even watched a movie?
>99% of the world does for free
Oh you sweet summer child. Sex is never free, ever. This utopian outlook probably contributes significantly to your current virgin status. Lol at thinking any guy gets free sex. Hahahaha
Handpussy doesn't feel as good as girlpussy OR boipucci.
haha true haha
After deathgripping for 15 years before having my first fuck, I can tell you you are mistaken. I can;t feel shit in a vagina, especially with a condom on.
I've never done either
... is a wizard.
same, except 13
if a girl is physically attracted to you its "free"
whats the point if the girl isnt lusting for you, not a virgin but I totally understand why virgins dont want to just pay a dirty hooker, you're better off waiting
1. easy
Can you imagine a life without sex?
hahahahahaha i would have to choose number one because I cant imagine not having the sex again know what i mean guys hahaha
>Can you imagine a life without sex?
im living one