Hillary Clinton or Madame President General /hcg/

I get a warm feeling whenever I think about Her edition








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Sup Forumss favorite girl


Say it with me

I would give my life up for Hillary without second thought

Madame President will rule until death when Chelsea or one of the Obama girls take over.


I am Indian born. Do you have a problem with that because Hillary doesn't


Okay, please listen. If you really care about equality under the law. If you really care about fixing the inner cities and if you care about the working class at all you would not support the democrats, ever. From the beginning they have been against all forms of equality. They resisted every move, by the republican to give equal right to blacks. A simple google search will verify what I'm saying.

I'll be the first to admit the the Republicans under the neocons (Bush and his ilk) was a travesty but Trump is not part of that. This is why so many main stream republicans hate him. Please look into this.


my lefty neighbor took his hillary sign down today. I was trimming the hedges and laughed and waved

Cause the election is all but over for Trumpy


This thread is shit. fuck Hillary and fuck democucks

Daily reminder that pic related is historical fact.

We're taking this thread back for the HillDawgs... GET!


Don't worry Drumpfkins

This will only hurt a lot

Just go away. You lost so I doubt you're still being paid.

HillDawgs don't support bullies like Drumpf

Trump will win

/hcg/ Hardcore Cuckoldry General

>canada flag

drink bleach.

O really?

It's too late Dikileaks is going to be the catalyst that brings it all down. It was nice knowing you.

If you need more flattering Hilly pics OP team Hilldawg is uploading at twitter.com/knobdoorman

A word from Obama

>said the increasingly nervous drumpfie for the thousandth time.

I mean: Which 15 year-old American girl would _not_ want to fuck with this handsome jewish man? C’mon.

A fucking leaf shilling for clinton

Clearly, you're getting paid to do this

Gas yourself

Yeah, okay. Just keep dreaming. Hillary's campaign is over and she'll be in jail before the years is over.

Next time don't support a candidate that is a traitorous warmonger.

Nothing personal kid.

Nice, a made up graph. I guess you also think Star Trek is a documentary. Oh and I've got some great beach front real estate if you're interested.

Your candidate is a traitor and she'll be in jail before too long.

(((Huffington Post)))
Are you even trying anymore?

OP do you still get paid for making and bumping threads that you're the only one posting in?

I'm still with Her all the way to Russia!

no she wont

Yes, she will. :^)

alright kid, I guess we will see then. I and my girl Hil have nothing to fear.

Hillary is going to prison.

HuffPost is a huge bullion dollar American media corporation, it's not made up but nice try to derail facts Drumpfkin.

hasn't been arrested yet and nothing suggests she will.

Hillary will be in prison before the end of the year.

Trump is going to win the election.

don't think so

>Hillary Clinton or Madame President General /hcg/ Anonymous (ID: HfKBvz51) 10/28/16(Fri)19:27:23 No.94993418 [Reply]▶
fuck off

Fuck off back to Canada, you poutine-eating savage.

Well, you're wrong.


lets see it happen then. it isn't happening yet and you guys have been saying it for weeks

Well of course it is you mong. It's almost over for everyone. It ends in eleven days.

>he thinks Hillary gives a shit about anyone but her self

Don't be too shocked when you have to eat your words.

>before the end of the year.

Trump doesn't take office until January 20th. Loretta Lynch isn't going to do shit, Trump will have to kick her out of office and install his own team first. I'd say March at the earliest -- assuming Hillary even survives losing the election, she may just an hero or stroke out and turn into a philodendron.

>Loretta Lynch
She'll be going down as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she's forced to make a deal to save her own hide.

sure. any day now right? or are you going to extend the deadline when nothing happens

>only 25 posters
O am laffin

why would there be anything wrong with that? this is an anonymous imageboard

Remember this conversation when your queen is arrested for treason.

Claim: OP is a faggot

Proof by case exhaustion:

Case a) OP works for CTR
OP is a faggot by definition

Case b) OP actually supports Hillary
OP has nothing better to do with their time than bait thousands of spergs on an Australian cuckold forum

All possible values for OP result in them being a faggot.
This concludes the proof.

No its not, everyone on this board gets a temporary username, and its obvious only 3 maybe 4 guys are posting this shit

she won't. the real world doesn't work the way you want it to.

thats fine with me

I really can't wait for Trump to suffer the biggest humiliation of his life.



Yes, she will. :)

who is Alexandra Petri? the latest "this time she will be stopped f-for sure"?


The Washington Post. You know who it is, you piece of shit.


it has no relevance and won't change the result of the election. keep dreaming drumpfie

you first, cuck

Holy fuck, you CTR nerd virgins are pathetic.

I am gay. There is nothing wrong with that. Next

your days are numbered CTR



Why do you Canadians always wanna talk as if you have any vote in the us elections. Canada is useless and you know it. The us conquered half the world and still don't care about your opinion. Cucks country by origin. The French created you just like they created Senegal.

not an argument.

because the election is over in a week and is looking like a Hillard sweeping victory?

irrelevant where I'm from.


Lmao. What the fuck are these threads?

how is the future president a failure? no idea what you are talking about




C stands for Cookie Monster.

lmao keep dreaming kike

Oct 28, the day Trump became president.

this is getting pretty funny.... still not sure if rp or not....

Gtfo Drumpfags.


thanks man. put "her" here


It might be kinda weird, but I get turned on when I see Drumpfies screaming Trump is going to win, knowing what's really gonna happen

Some user posted this this morning, ya think it's real? looks like it might have been taken secretly.

Yeah because Trump never raped anyone

looks like Merkel

No, doesn't look real.



>I get a warm feeling whenever I think about Her edition

Your blood is boiling from your hatred.
You let your peers manipulate your own views.
You, subconsciously, know she should be in jail.
Don't deny your physiology.

we are all dying. its the scary fact of life