What are your thoughts on the remake?
Kenneth Branagh did a great job, but lot’s of the modernized dialogue was annoying, especially the racial stuff.
What are your thoughts on the remake?
Kenneth Branagh did a great job, but lot’s of the modernized dialogue was annoying, especially the racial stuff.
Why did she mix the red and white wine? Was it because Defoe’s character said Blacks and Whites shouldn’t mix?
I thought it was awful. A melodramatic, cringy mess.
>it's the americans that make these stupid starshit actress threads on Sup Forums
sad but not surprised
I figured out the killer within 5min of the murder.
what sport is this
Yes. Was it that difficult to understand?
She literally spells it out in the scene retard
It was good but a little too preachy, like you said. The action sequences were hot trash too, the fight that dancer had at the beginning for no fucking reason and chasing Josh Gatt around the icy stairs was completely fucking unecessary. Some great looking shots of the mountain though, and some cool stuff on the train like the overhead going into Depp's cabin
>especially the racial stuff.
fuck you for ruining, Sup Forums. get back to your containment board
>shot in 70mm
>entire movie's inside a train
Brilliant use of film.
>Ruining Sup Forums
>Implying baneposting: the board had anything to ruin
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Sup Forums but casual racism isn't bringing it down any lower than it already was
>Ruining Sup Forums
>Posting on Sup Forums
Mods, this was an accidental thread. I was phone posting on the wrong board. Pls no ban. It won’t let me delet
>especially the racial stuff
meaning what?
Wow, maybe some euroslurpers will give you some positive (you)s for talking bad about your fellow countrymen
oh no, pls tell me Johnny Depp isn't in this.
I just can't watch that guy anymore.
It was not very good.
Walked out of theater about 30 mins in.
Havent done that since the masterpiece that was Wrath of The Titans.
more like nigger on the oreint express
>they were all in on the murder
>mary sue bitch knew Willem Dafoe was playing a character
>So did Willem
>they still did that little pro-racemixing lecture
El Monstrosidad de la Oriente Expresso...
Umm sweetie it's Murder on the Asian-American Express
coalburner is the most disgusting thing in the movie
how she's so smug about being this degenerate
it had to look "convincing" to white people aboard.
There is like no romance scene between them at all
I very much enjoyed it, Branagh makes a great Poirot, hope he can continue with the franchise like he's hoping.
Do people in China hoot and holler when the white woman chokes on the BBC?
What's with Daisy Ridley being a racemixing coalburner in every film she's in? You got Star Wars and this but I've also seen a webm of her earlier work where she's flirting with a nigger.
never seen the original but I liked it. the racial shit was unnecessary and felt forced but overall, I enjoyed it a lot. figured out a lot of the character's associations to the dead people beforehand because I just let my fantasy go but having it actually turn out true was nonetheless surprising. thought pfeiffer's character was the killer and I still liked how it turned out to be
who hurt you
movie was a bit meh, but those overhead shots and the long, unbroken shots of poirot walking through the train were pure kino
decent adaption. well made. I liked Branagh's Poirot. Improved on a lot of things from the 1974 film too, but in many ways wasn't as good as that movie. 7/10
Needed more Lucy Boynton
yeah same
>China Box Office $34,670,000
looks like they like it more than russians
>Russia (CIS) Box Office $15,829,108
it's well made, the action bits are cringy but they're very short anyway, I had some problems with all the scenes set outside of the train. Everyone is competent, the dialogues aren't great but I think you can only do so much adapting the book. The 1974 version is a bit better but still, it's an adaptation of a pretty shallow book
at least they made the racial stuff fit with the time period
He's barely in the movie
What did he mean by this?
There's some racial shit that most people didn't even pick up on.
>Train pulls up in fucking Serbia of all places
>Some of the officers are black.
Greenscreen 3/10
Moustache 11/10
it's an adaptation you cur
ok movie, terrible Poirot
Watch 1974
This desu
Based and saved
he meant that depp's screen time might be significantly lesser than others.
I noticed that but it was like a background dude in 1 frame
So? They still cast a black guy to play a Serb.
Don't you fuckers know that the first rule of ideological takeovers is to rewrite ALL history and ALL culture to fit the new narrative? They did it with this and they did it with Churchill too. Prepare for a lot more remakes of classic books and films with a pro-refugee/pro-racemixing slant. Thing is this doesn't even need to be a co-ordinated conspiracy anymore , there are no men in trenchcoats and black hats holding clandestine briefings and passing suitcases full of money about, the people who are doing this have been indoctrinated since childhood by people who were themselves indoctrinated and so this is just a result of their instilled instincts coming to the fore. We live in truly dark times now anons.
>unnecessary action sequences
>overblown Last Supper-evocative ending
>shitty overhead shots
>montaging over interrogations that should've been given their own compelling scenes
>bullshit fake twist that the black guy did it
I watched the 74 one a few weeks ago, and that one for as dated as it is was so much better.
You're so autistic...
I found it kinda bland. I forgot about its existence almost immediately.
Serbs aren't black.
Pendulum will hit the wall one day
Daisy was very cute in it
Wait what ? When did that happen ?
Daisy was a coalburner in this one, disgusting.
That jaw...it's so angular
Lumet >>>>>>>>>>> dogshit > Brannagh
should I watch the old or new one?
You didn't like the intense opening scene with the melodramatic music with the little semetic boy carrying eggs?
Wierdly underrated comfy movie that was a nice break from the usual style of modern movies. Didn't expect to cry at the end.
That scene at the table was god tier.
Thats just not good enough user. we need to get on the warpath right now and either turn people away from mainstream media or start producing our own thats better
Right at the end when everybody gets off the train in Serbia before the cop says "Mr Poirot we need you in Egypt," one of the Serbian policemen is a black guy.
As always.
>Wrath of The Titans
Fuck you buddy, that was kino.
I liked it.
she can close her mouth? wow
I enjoyed it a lot. The cinematography was fantastic, and I really enjoyed the performances.
I don't think it was better than the original, but I also don't think it was any worse. The two are on par with each other, and can be separately enjoyed.
>What are your thoughts on the remake?
Passable, with phoned in performances from most of the cast, which was disappointing. It's also the wrong movie to start a remake series with since the story is supposed to teach Poirot a new lesson about how solving cases isn't always straightforward or ends cleanly.
This makes no sense if the audience isn't familiar with the character.
>Right at the end when everybody gets off the train in Serbia before the cop says "Mr Poirot we need you in Egypt,"
This was a bit cringey too and it locks them down to remaking Death on the Nile, another one that's already been filmed.
I get that they want to do the whole period piece travelling jet setter detective thing he seems to have become (even though most of his murders take place back home), but there are more stories they could adapt here.
Murder in Mesopotamia canonically is right before Orient Express, Appointment with Death is in Jerusalem and it seems they were doing a bit on that in the intro to this movie. But that's supposed to involve a murder at Petra (Indiana Jones location).
Do something NEW for fucks sakes, it's an easy formula and there are so many stories to use, even when you just want the travelling detective angle.
> Daisy Ridley
Nope. Won't be watching that shite.
Don't be mean to her user.