You can't defend this shit

You can't defend this shit...


>After consulting with some beloved Letterboxd members well-versed in the landscape of non-binary pronouns, we have introduced these additional options: she/her, he/his, xe/xyr, ze/hir and ze/zir. And we’ve included it/its for accounts that represent an organization, e.g. a podcast, film society or film festival.*
We are proud to introduce this new feature during Pride month, and in light of recent, awful events this is one small way in which we can show our support.
So, why have we added these options, given that we have never asked for your gender in your profile (and don’t intend to)? We always felt that gender wasn’t necessary to the platform, and we were happy that a person’s given name or username might be the only clue to their gender. Why should gender matter on Letterboxd, anyway? Isn’t it more fun to bust open time-worn assumptions about fan-boys and flick-chicks and the films and genres they like?
Well… pronouns are important to people. More important than our office full of mostly white, cisgender dev types can possibly grasp. We know we are privileged to never have to worry that someone will use the wrong pronoun in reference to us; we can’t imagine how alienating or offensive it must be for someone who does. Language and the way we use it contributes to the violence and oppression that marginalized groups in our society experience.

>So we want to be positive and proactive about how you would like to appear in others’ activity feeds, and how you would like others to refer to you in comments. You should be able to legitimize who you are when you’re on Letterboxd. Using a member’s correct personal pronoun is one of the most basic ways of showing respect for their identity.
>From day one we have built Letterboxd as an inclusive, respectful social network based around one idea: love of film (in all its forms, we are not celluloid-binary)—so if all it takes is a bit of code at our end to honor your choice of pronoun, well, why not.
>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand, and to hearing your thoughts about how we can improve Letterboxd for everyone. On that note, keep an eye out for an upcoming news post about how to get the best out of Letterboxd and its community, especially if you’re new around here.

>pronouns are important to people. More important than our office full of mostly white, cisgender dev types can possibly grasp. We know we are privileged to never have to worry that someone will use the wrong pronoun in reference to us; we can’t imagine how alienating or offensive it must be for someone who does.
Jesus Christ

but zir right.

What is the difference between xe/xyr and ze/zir? Sounds like they would be pronounced the same.

>assuming people's pronouns

literally Hitler detected.

>hahaha look at how offended those sjw's get
>ugh look at these words they offend me so

When will this ride end?

wtf is that shit?

How do they decide on the spelling of the fake pronouns? It looks like they included variations of spelling to be more inclusive. The madness gets more blatant every day. We need another great war or plague to sort people out, the boredom of life is creating all sorts of stupid shit

anyone want to take a wild fucking guess what any of those weird ones actually mean?

>You can't defend this shit
But they will anyway because lefties are that mentally damaged.

Would you like to keep up with all these made up pronouns then faggot?

Do you not like freedom?

Jail. Jail. Why is this person not in jail?

it's literally so transphobic that they didn't include all of the pronoun. I am attack helicopter and they havent even include 'helicopTER' pronoun. Fucking bigots I am going to kill myself now because this is just an example of how hard my life is.

What the hell is going on in America?

this, they're fucking crazy

we should just kill billions of people that's the sane thing to do

>every attack helicopter uses the helicopTER pronoun
helicopTYR checking in to call out your racism

No, chopping your dick off and wearing a dress is the sane this to do.


>using this shit in the first place

>Haha look at these CUH-RAZY SJWs and their stupid pronouns! Haha Le Attack Helicopter!

As long as they are americans.. just accept it, you are ruining everything for everyone.

Give your child hormones


>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand1
>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand2
>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand3
>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand4
>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand5
>*We’re open to adding more pronouns according to demand6

where is the old Sup Forums?!

So I take it you don't mind keeping track of all these fucking pronouns then?

A triggered cuck appears

I love LARPing as a redditor liberal, but your baits are weak af, try to be crative, this is why i get at least 20 (You)'s for thread.

What if I go by He / hir? What now, HUH?

Making fun of Sup Forumstards don't make that retarded pronoun shit look better, faggot.

Haha Le Xir!

>where is the old Sup Forums?!
Died when moot changed using 'nigger' as sage in the email field.

Day of the rope can't come fast enough.

Some people need alternative pronouns because traditional pronouns hurt their feelings. Sup Forums shit belongs in Sup Forums

Letterbox fags BTFO... keep on giving clicks and ad revenue to people who hate you, dummies.

It was a good game. I don´t know the other ones though.

The point is to make them include a literal infinite amount of pronouns or to not do it at all. I dont actually give a fuck about trans people I hope they all die.

do you think our objection is that there aren't enough pronouns?

>using letterbox in the first place

>tfw mother tongue has neutral pronouns so liberals can't get assblasted about is

fagbook-tier garbage that should have been banned from this board years ago

B-but m-muh left wing website!

What's it like being so weak minded that you have shitfits over a few extra options in a menu box?


i doubt you have been on Sup Forums longer than 5 years

I'm sorry xir

What does semen taste like?

>a shitfit
No, that’s what got us multiple pronouns. Our side keeps all of our sperging on Sup Forums, which is why these lunatics keep winning irl.

When they have governments force individuals to use these stupid ass pronouns or get arrested. Which if you've not been paying attention can happen in some countries now. You can keep your head in the sand, and be a dumb fuck, but in the end it comes around to you eventually.

it's 10 but i don't understand why you're taking this stance

>OH MY GOD those people are mentally ill
>just round them up and kill them, that's what sane people like me do
>also just kill the niggers too
>also spics, lets shoot them
>chinks? nuke 'em, but leave the japs, I like my animes
>kill the cucks too before they ruin everything
>leave the NEETs like me tho, I'm sure hitler would've liked us
>why am I friendzoned again? fucking sluts they always go for the jerks instead of nice guys like me

>using letterjewbox

You recieve what you deserve, retards

Here, have a (You), since you are so desperate for them

>Strawman: The post; the rerun

Why left-wing gays and trannies are all ugly, user?

this, but unironically

I didn't say we have to kill them. All i said was that cutting your dick off is mentally ill. Is gender dysphoria not a mental illness?

If they are americans..

>tfw your native language only has one, gender-neutral pronoun rendering you impervious to this american schizophrenia

>being THIS triggered
Hello neogaf refugee! Please place for pronouns in the name slot


i literally instantly dropped it the day that update came out, still have to move my list

>because traditional pronouns hurt their feelings
Why am I supposed to care about that? Where does it stop?


demand more pronouns, demand helicopter pronouns, sorry i just dont understand how you didnt get it

Congratulations on triggering the shit out of Sup Forumsbabbies.

Based cuck!

The last one made me laugh.

Which language and what is the pronoun?

Can you image loggong on to a website to discuss movies, you create an account with a username and maybe a profile picture...but then you cant include your sir/schlir gender? Like its not only paramount as to who you are as a person and the entirety of what defines you, but its also a crucial fact of your online presense.

I dont think id be able to discuss movies without everyone knowing my gender identity. And if other people deny the importance of my gender identity and musgendering me, i feel the need to commit suicide because im so sane.

>Sup Forums thread
>busiest thread on board
fuck off with this social politics bollocks, its boring

nuke blobistan and their (((leaders)))

oh, i get it now. you want to do a raid! adorable.