Other urls found in this thread:
The jews...
With great power comes great genocide
we need more sneedposting and taxposting threads. poltards are tooo much retard to meme
Ramiposting is quite literally the best memes TV has ever come up with.
>P...P...Peter....That gunman was clearly mentally unstable and he shot me using an AR15, an extremely powerful rifle that shouldnt be in the hands of normal citizens especially the mentally unstable.
>You have to stop them Peter, you have to champion common sense gun laws...
>Trump wont do anything Peter, hes in the NRAs pocket.....hes letting children die Peter
>Its all up to you now.........
Gotta say this scene felt weird and out of place back in 2002.
>can't string together a coherent sentence
>complain about one of the greatest memes in the history of the board, one that was around since before the summer he arrived
Man the new bluray editions look great, but something feels off about them.
... the blacks probably did 9/11. Gay blacks.
>With white power comes racemixing ability. We both know it, right?
>You might think this white light means I'm in heaven, but you're a smart kid, Pete. I'm actually in Hell, and what you're seeing is a byproduct of the intense heat here. Don't tell your Aunt May this, but I had a sister who was severely retarded. I used to molest her whenever I was in a bad mood or if it was a special occasion like a holiday. Well, Pete, everyone thought she was gaining some weight, but she was actually pregnant, so I drove her upstate and took her into the woods and, well, no one saw her after that.
That dream sequence in SM:2 felt really out of place from the rest of the story.
Raimi was truly ahead of his time even in a different time.
Did they cut this later?
Raimi really was ahead of his time.
Saw this scene in theaters when i wa in spain
*looks directly into camera*
>Peter I have something to tell quickl,,y
>Bed ins't my real name, it never was.
> Oskar Dirlewanger was my birth name and title given to me by our eternal fuehrer Adolf hither in 1945 as the jew armies closed in.
>Listen close peter I need you to open the attic and open the large wooden box, the one marked do not touch.
>i killed so many of the sub human judan over the years, my only regret was I never finished what I started
>I'n that box peter is power that will give you Aryan strength, enough to..HACK..cough..restore the forth Reich
What a weird line. I don't even remember this was part of the movie.
... I fucked your auntie.
Truly an artist
This is why I still enjoy this meme
>Peter... your Aunt will become more attractive as time passes. She is the One. Dontellharry.
Hardy har har i am laughing harder
>It's you who's in, Gobby. In-sane!
I always wondered who Dontell Harry was.
I didn't remember this in the cinema release
>Raimi predicted Trump's election
Trump was at his strongest after 9/11. The death of his friends caused him to unlock a new form.
>can't string together a coherent sentence
I'm hindu, poltard retard
this part of the movie was so sad
That makes you double the brainlet.
Cry a little more, pussy. It makes me pee-pee harder.
It was pulled right before the movie ran, they rewrote the scene without Raimis permission.
>P.....P.....Peter....If we had more guns on the streets someone could have stopped that man from shooting me.
>This is a mental health issue Peter and has nothing to due with the ease of purchasing high powered rifles
>I know the gun used to kill me was obtained illegally but he would have gotten it anyways so theres no reason to change anything about gun laws
>His second amendment rights are more important that our lives or the lives of our children Peter....Its about keeping our Freedoms
>He could have easily thrown acid in my face or run me over with a truck, guns are not the issue here Peter
Don't you have a street to shit up?
>indian high culture, super power by 2020
Why can't you use the loo?
>and the electrical charge needed to roast one nigger family is... someone, please!
>.23 electron volts!
Fucking terrifying that they went back and dubbed over the dialogue with the new BR release. This is some 1984 memory hole shit.
>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I... we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells... you know the rent is paid.
>"For this month"
With a great reich, comes white responsibility
I saw this cut. This line felt so out of place
Best meme here is sneedposting, we created this meme.
Back to pol with your forced meme racist
I saw the movie on TV and they dubbed a lot of things. Not just "the human holocaust" but they also changed Dafoe's villain to Green Goblin (insteaf of Green Goebbels) and made him the villain? Wtf
>Best meme here is sneedposting
why are indians such smelly, retarded subhumans? literally worse than niggers
Wasted trips
WHOA, they finally got to Raimi, what do they have on him?
>So did you read Mein Kampf like I asked? You wait until he starts talking about the Jews, Pete, it really opened my eyes and it will open yours too. I hear the kids these days say it's being 'red pilled'. Well, I don't care what you call it, the sooner we start frying these Kikes and finish what the Führer started, the better.
Stay in your place, subhuman.
I'm surprised no one is working on a Sup Forums dubbed version of the first film. We have a lot of great material already written.
Go suck black man cock too, your woman love dark skin man like me.
Dubbing kill memes.
Cat in the Hat posting died soon after Sup Forums dubbed it.
There you go with the gay/cuck talk. Finally out of your system, shitskin.
No one likes indians.
Well fuck, at least on some subtitles for it.
>this is what darkies actually believe
>You will never be a smelly Pajeet desperate to leave his mark in the world creating a shitty forced meme because he's useless beyond help.
Thank God for that.
Based sneed poster
Look at this dude, he actually saves picture of other people to try to live through them.
>1 minute apart
>same spacing
Based, sneed best meme
>Based truely Sup Forums poster btfo cry babys alt right, he's a samefag
nice shoop
Based sneedposter, raimiposting is reddit edgy humor
Best post on Sup Forums right now
Nice file name you fucking poo loo
>Did anybody lose a black child in chains?
>Because we found the chains
Not gonna lie, this caught me off guard
>that pixel still there
Put me on screenshot sempai!
Nice shoop
>Semitic Edition
responsibilities cool, but there's more things in life like getting your dick rode all fucking night
>Peter, look behind you, LA CREATURA is trying to steal your wallet
>He is apolice officer, uncle Ben
>LA DEFORMIDAD!! sorry Pete, you know...hiding in Argentina so many years left me with a severe case of sudden Spanish outbursts...
>Its ok, you will be ok
>Always remember to protect the white race PEDRO...I mean Pete, Pete
Is that why the first time he sees GG he calls him "El Goblino"?
"Uncle Ben, h-he looked italian!"
>Oh thank you Peter
>Such a good boy
>Such a good.. boy..
*uncle Ben dies with a smile on his face*
Truly an unforgettable scene
>Cry baby poltards report the best post in this shit thread
You guys are pathetic, this is why white woman rather hindu man.
>that post
>best post
this is the best stupid samefag
>Muh racist jokes, lolz, sooo edgy and funny
i know it was a different time but even for the period raimi was always pushing the limits
You failed :^(
kek one of my new favorites
>The kikes? They stink and i don't like em!
huh, so this is why opie and anthoney liked jim so much
Peter! Look behind you for God's sake! You know who did that? Sandniggers, Peter and I'm not just talking about Muslims. Never forget what those Kikes did to our city, Peter. Never forget.
How did Raimi get away with this?
topkek, for real the shitboi sneedposting make me laugh af. I hope someone make a collage