Is this #LITTY enough for mainstream audiences ?
Is this #LITTY enough for mainstream audiences ?
>women holding a croc's mouth open
>doesn't even lodge anything inside its mouth to lower bite force
looks pretty retarded, desu
Herschlag's political whining has turned me off from watching this. Shoulda cast a cute asian like in the book
Think it dead
What the fuck does LITTY mean (this week)? Even Urban Dictionary can't keep up anymore.
She's not Asian in the book.
Unless the crocodile in that image is dead, whatever's happening in the photo is impossible.
Crocodile's jaws can generate a force for up to 3700 pounds per square inch, when bitting down.
The same does not happen when opening their mouths, so that's why it's easier to keep their mandibles shut.
Terrific ,
Yes in the movie she goes around sticking her head in living crocodiles
>The biologist’s hair had been long and dark brown, almost black, before they’d shaved it off. She had dark, thick eyebrows, green eyes, a slight, slightly off-center nose (broken once, falling on rocks), and high cheekbones that spoke to the strong Asian heritage on one side of her family.
It's actually possible and easy of you put a thumb near each nostril. It's a little trick that gattor farmers know about.
Near the nostrils? What effect does it have for the croc to open its mouth? I'm genuinely interested.
>be the Rock
>be an alpha chad
>but also be so autistic you make up your own words
Truly he is /ourchad/
>Green eyes
The Rock is /our guy/. I love raunchy, fun flicks.
Hapa Alligator Dentist
>what is sedative?
maybe you could learn to read before commenting in future
does portman actually get blacked in this
LITTY is the masculine form of litty
Is that famous actress, Natalie Portman?
Half Asian (at most)
In second book
That wasn't used in making this movie
Don't know if its the same, but us humans are really sensible close to the nose area, maybe putting pressure close to the croco's nostrils will make him back off. But im also pretty sure it can shred both of your arms before you can get you thumbs this close of its face.
...go on
Based DisneyMom
Sup Forums is for black panther only!!