Over 20 years later, and First Knight is still the best cinematic adaptation of the King Arthur legend. Excellent cast, tight story with beautiful dialogue, and gorgeous visuals in terms of both design and cinematography. It's a tragically overlooked gem.
Over 20 years later, and First Knight is still the best cinematic adaptation of the King Arthur legend. Excellent cast...
>I loved jew... Trusted jew... Anjou betrayed me!
What did he mean by this?
Was he redpilled or just an anarchist?
>King Arthur was Scottish
>First Knight is still the best cinematic adaptation of the King Arthur legend.
No. That's still Excalibur, followed by the sword and the stone.
That's not Excalibur.
Excalibur is trashy and Sword in the Stone is boring.
did they get their props from toys-r-us
The weapons and armor in this movie are great. I bet you prefer the pro-LARPer stylings of Excalibur.
>that sword
>not LARPing
top kek
Shit, man. I don't remember this at all. Maybe it's time for a rewatch.
Excalibur is the tits.
Excalibur is a visually exciting film featuring piss poor acting, dull direction and presenting grand themes in replacement of actual depth. No wonder this place loves Zack Snyder, all his movies do the same thing.
>being this soy-infused
the acting and directing are fine, and the fact that it's Zack Snyder's favorite movie mean fuck all
this nigga right here, knows
What a pleb.
Considering Robin Hood was american at the time its a hellovalot better.
>tfw I was 13 when it was released
I miss the 90s, bros
Is that tranny michael jackson in the middle!?
Was he before Caithlyn Jenner!!!??
fite me IRL
>gorgeous visuals
It looks like a sitcom. And of course everything else you said is gross exaggeration at best. Bresson's Lancelot du Lac is the only worthwhile adaptation unless you're a Carmina Burana fan.
i can smell your walmart clothes from here
Julia was my mid 90s waifu. It's a shame her film career died in 1998.
Why is he carrying a giant bread knife?
soy is a meaningless comment