Have you watched it, Sup Forums? Great kino about the greatest man that ever lived.
Have you watched it, Sup Forums? Great kino about the greatest man that ever lived
is it in general release yet?
Its ben circulating the festival circuit for a while
Wasn't Karl Marx black? Like half-black?
No, but some african married into his family. He got all butthurt over it and wrote a text called "The jewish nigger". It's not mention that often, it's pretty fun to read actually.
if he was the greatest, then why is he dead hmm?
I love watching this while my wife gets blacked!
>He is now indisputably, not only the greatest scholar, the profoundest thinker, the most brilliant man of science, and so forth, but also and in addition, Don Juan cum revolutionary Cardinal Richelieu.
Also come on, it's a fucking letter with his chap. Dude has tomes over tomes of that shit.
Does it cover the part where he and Engels conspire to smear the first social democrat elected to a European parliament for being a homosexual? because they found that shit degenerate and bourgeois.
>if he was the greatest, then why is he dead hmm?
Well it is so they did nothing wrong
He was around 50 when that happened no?
Wow, so it's okay to be racist and antisemitic as long as it's in private?
Race is a construct
Did it end with a fade too black, white text
"Communism is responsible for 100 million deaths world wide and continues to grow" ?
The contextualization of the post I was referring to was all wrong, the thing about the jewish nigger is banter in a letter about Lassalle, who was a social-democrat thinker, not a text named "The Jewish Nigger". Marx' antisemitism, racism and so on is well documented in some actually published parts of his work beyond letters, come on.
no because the movie deals with facts
Unless it's two and half hours of Marx asking for Engels to pay for his apartment then it'll be completely ficticious.
keep it up
Wait is that a fucking live-action Jin Roh?
why u so insecure
Actually Jin Roh is an animated version of Kerberos Panzer Cop. It was the last to make.
Stray Dogs sequel was really shitty tho.
You mean monster.
Why would i watch a movie about a homeless bum?
>making fun of objectively shitty things means you're insecure
No, it means they're objectively shitty things.
tryhard like the rest of this underage board
>what is patronage?
I wonder how many of the soyboys ITT listen to chapo trap house
Appearance of middle class, which he didn't foresaw, made Marx theory obsolete
>in private
He actually commented briefly in Das Kapital how the productivity of the worker depends by some degree in his race.
That podcast is so cringey. Even the name alone is horrific
there was a middle class long before he lived dumbfuck
>you now get to watch Karl Marx as he writes the most verbose piece of shit ever written aka Dad Capital
I hope they have someone punch that faggot and tell him you don't need to have 4 commas per sentence when writing about intrinsic value theorems
> the most verbose piece of shit ever written aka Dad Capital
t. has never read Hegel or Heiddeger
The movie was so bad.
The guys were playing the idea of Marx according to current 18 yo communists, with zero talent : "You, do the passionate intellectual! You, just say again and again how smart he is, so I don't have to bother to prove or show it on screen!".
Bad art, bad politics.
>He thinks Heidegger is a as bad as Marx or Hegel
Wew laddie
Do you miss NEOgaf?
Communism is pretty based tbqh imho
>he thinks he isn't
neogaff is liberal not communist
I'm sure his history is fine and he probably was pretty smart. But he's still a scum bag whose idealody led to millions dead in multiple countries and cultures.
And intelligence isn't a virtue or sign of good. The intellectuals of Russia were behind the revolution that led to farmers being rounded up. Raped and murdered. Eventually leading to mass starvation
>Implying Heidegger is demanding
Brainlet detected , Being and Time is light reading
Friedrich Engels was the real mind behind the duo.
>But he's still a scum bag whose idealody led to millions dead in multiple countries and cultures.
But how many lives did communism save and improve hmm
>The intellectuals of Russia were behind the revolution
im pretty sure the plebs starving under the tsar regime were behid the revolution, senpai
they weren't.
>He thinks the Red Army was made up of starving parents alone
No, both the White Army and Red Army were made up of starving peasants
scenario a
>funny looking guy came into town
>"you are starving while the tsar profit from your suffering!"
>you look at your lovely family while eating some gulash
>nah, we're fine senpai
scenario b
>funny looking guy came into town
>"you are starving while the tsar profit from your suffering!"
>you look at the rotten bread you're eating while your son is dieing on the front
>"go on"
The Jews fear the Aryan warrior. Shadilay!
doesn't even deserve a (You)
>>nah, we're fine senpai
It would be more like
>Your solutions to my problems are retarded and I'll still take the tzar over your bullshit
>Get out of here your murderous bandit
Bait thread?
Does it mention the rape baby he never agknowleged or provided for?
there has never been a middle class you stupid retard, its a social construct from the past century only
guess i also didn't deserve a counterpoint :^)
>I'll still take the tzar over your bullshit
says the non-starving man
@ the brainlet
stop replying to me
t. OP
5 of those fags dies every day in the Donbass
Just how masturbatory is it? Were they able to hold back at all?