Michael B. Jordan hate thread

Faggot cannot act. He was the worst thing about this movie

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For some reason I noticed nigger manlets are like 20x more obnoxious than regular manlets

>loves anime

I like him now. He's decent.

wtf I love Michael B. Jordan now???

Our guy

That dumb cunt would drop her panties in a second if she saw him irl

>starting threads with a tweet with one retweet and two likes
fuck off

>tfw 6.7
>tfw 4 ich dick

God sake i hate myself. Plus i'm a french.

6'3" here, can confirm that it's okay to be short.


He can't act but a little charisma and fun lines will make people shill for him over superior actors like Chadwick Boseman

You'll have to wait until Sup Forumseddit tourists leave to make this thread my dude

What's wrong being French? I'm Russian and i love France.

dmn thank you osama bae. 5' 7" KING here and feel muchh better

Do you think Mike plays Dragon Ball FighterZ. I'd love to battle him.

What's this thing of late 20s / early 30s black guys loving anime? Was DBZ a mistake?

>tfw 5'3
>tfw 5 inch dick

How could he be 5'9" but still one of the all-time best basketball players

fuck off Petyr you spy

Hello Michael. Please quit your acting career


Are there any 5'0 kangz in history?

why cant it be a rule that you have to say what movie you are talking about or be permabanned when you start a shit thread like this

4'11" BTFO

Prince. ironically named too

The Sup Forums treatment is coming soon user

shut up Jose


Someone over there’s probably into that

Nah he was fine

He's a shitskin so its very likely, shitskin

Nah this is a MBJ love thread now.

King Tut

by anime he probably mean dbz and aot

>He's a shitskin so its very likely, shitskin

> what’s this thing of late 20s/ early 30s white guys loving anime?

which are anime


You're not Sup Forums

>Whats this thing with people who experienced childhood during the largest influx of anime into the United States

Are you dumb?

Holy shit he's actually 5'2 I never got that impression before

Thats really sad bro you ruined my day desu wish i was that tall im 6,0 but i always dreamed of being 6,7 or 7,0 id love to be a giant

anime is low IQ

Women like this don't just have height on their checklist, stay away from em

he actually wrote umaru, but the interviewer told him to change it after he explained what that is because the audience wouldn't understand it. So he chose anime.

fuck off nigger

Yes, those are anime. Thanks for clarifying.

so he really is vegeta

Yes user those are both anime


If it's a twitter screencap thread that isn't being deleted then just assume it's for black panther

For some reason the MODS and JANITORS allow them to stay up even though the same type of thread gets deleted for any other movies or tv shows.

you should pick one boogeyman and stick to it sweetie

Still based

yep there are more famous manlets than just prince too. i guess Osama has a point on that tweet

The reason people hate manlets isn't due to their height. It's because many of them make up for the lack on inches by acting like dicks.



Women never get to complain about body shaming ever again tbqh

You havent seen evangelion have you? Whats the matter fag too smart 4 u?

i've changed my position on who I hate the most to women

You're not Sup Forums

>I happened to be standing with the great Warren Beatty. He came over and Warren said, "I love your music," and he said, "I love your movies," and then Warren says, "Here we are! At your house! It's great!" And Prince goes, "Yeah. Yeah, it is. But I'm still short." It wasn't really a joke. It was kind of poignant. He didn't laugh—he just observed the fact of the matter. He happened to be talking to relatively tall fellas—I'm six-one, I think Warren is six-two. Having a nice conversation. And despite all that, and despite playing at the Special Olympics, and despite his own brilliance, and despite whatever, he still, standing with us, experienced what he must've experienced his whole life. I said, "Oh, come on, man." I tried to make it into a little joke—I think he laughed a little bit, but it was obviously a serious thing for him. I thought, "Wow."

>some random raostie thinks she is in a position to turn down a multimillionaire famous ripped actor
the muzzies were right, why did we let the brainlet sex vote

terrible waste of dubs on a crybabby post


>he watches capeshit at all

damn tfw no amount of money or fame is going to make me stop hating myself

no shit, the site is completely compromised

you're not Sup Forums

It’s Michael, we’re here for you



You will never be Sup Forums, Sup Forums tourist

Poor manlets. This post made me really identify with how bad it must be. I am just glad that I am 6'3 and don't have to deal with these insecurities. It must be hell. I remember the first time I made friends with a taller man than me he was about 6'5 and ended up stealing my gf. Still feels bad man to this day.

being short sucks.

Even at 5'9, where i'm taller than 90% of girls I still get treated like a child by them

Well, sure, they are anime

this heresay pasta is used by retards on the internet as proof that "hightism" exists. is there a negative correlation with iq and height? i mean short people must compensate with intellect when tall people dont cultivate their brain. this is the level of thinking that these morons espouse kek

you're not feeling anyone r____t

Michael B Jordan is 6 feet ffs do some research retards.

>tfw 5'2 and happy

Okay Michael, we believe you don’t worry XD

Looks at how insecure this post has made the Sup Forums scum

>implying that isn’t borderline manlet territory
Granted, he isn’t a turbo manlet but I wouldn’t consider him tall
The average middle schooler is that height nowadays

yeah no Michael you're 5'8

C-, first draft isn’t good enough


Nah, he's pretty good.

But he has the same problem for me that all the actors on The Wire have. I can't ever think of him as anything other than Wallace. Or when I watched John Carter and was like, huh, McNulty's the bad guy in this?


It's gotten worse after online dating. I can be days into a deep conversation with a girl, and the second the height question comes up and I answer honestly, she ghosts me. It's the most heartbreaking thing in the world. And it happens every fucking time.


He's too likable to play a tough guy /villian . He has a little kid face
He's the black LL cool J


stop larping moron its pasta

It's from GQ magazine

6 feet isn't a manlet retard its anyone below average height aka under 5'10.

t. 6 feet manlet


>70% of women say a man 'wouldn't stand a chance' if he was under 6ft

get fucked manlets

>get fucked manlets
Why don't men express any sort of solidity with other men on any issue? You guys treat THOTs like they're infallible

Why isn't manletism covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act yet?