This guy's agent is a fucking miracle worker.
This guy's agent is a fucking miracle worker
contrary to popular (aka plebbit) knowledge you don't need to be beautiful or handsome to be an actor, you just have to have an interesting face, this is why Dafoe and Buscemi keep getting work.
Does he know he's only cast because of how ugly he is? It's a fucking miracle he was even cast as Jesus.
But he is not ugly....He looked great as jesus.
>tfw no old school Batman with Dafoe as the Joker
They fucked up on that one big time.
Im sure he is better looking than 99% of Sup Forums.
He has a creepy smile but he isn't that ugly. He's also a great actor.
>But he is not ugly
>piss in your head
He has a likeable face
He was good in Beyond: Two Souls.
The cringy love interest ruined that game for me. The way they force him, Jesus fuck.
It did pull a little hard on the old heart strings. I like it however.
Hahahhaha so true
that date sequence was hilarious though
check out pictures of him younger. he looks clean af. the only reason that he looks kind of gobliny is that he has wrinkles
She threw a temper tantrum at me because I ruined it lmao
ITT: soyboys jealous that they can't use their ugliness to their advantage like BASED Dafoe does.
Watch it krissy
a movie by pedos for pedos
he's definitely "striking" but I wouldn't say he's conventionally attractive