What are some movies where the bad guys won and they create exam tests to ensure that the students know that global...

what are some movies where the bad guys won and they create exam tests to ensure that the students know that global warming and radiation from nuclear power plants is the main problem facing earth today even though the earth is cooling and the ice caps are the largest they have ever been?

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what is a dup?

merican here

>the ice caps are the largest they have ever been?



>ice caps are the largest they have ever been?
Source that isn't your ass?

>the ice caps are the largest they have ever been
You can't possibly be this retarded user

Sources are a jewish plot. The only REAL source is Sup Forums's feelings.

are they literally pushing this global warming hoax in school?

christ, hitler and stalin must be laughing their ass off with this kind of indoctrination

>the ice caps are the largest they have ever been

>97% of engineers say this bridge is unsafe
I trust them and I shouldn't cross it
>97% of scientists who studied the topic say the earth is warming

Why are climate change deniers so stupid?



a bridge was built by engineers, what have climate scientists ever accomplished?


>97% of scientists who studied the topic say the body's health derives from its four humors
>97% of scientists who studied the topic say the sun revolves around the earth
>97% of scientists who studied the topic say that blacks are not genetically inferior
Science is a liar sometimes

a centre right british political party called democratic unionist party who have power in the UK govt alongside the conservative unionist party and are despised in the uk for their traditionalist views. they are extremely liberal compared to even the most moderate of muslims. i live in a dup stronghold and it is very free here, they dont infringe on any of our rights or lives

>ancient standards of proof and research are equitable to today

Don't be dumb user, that's false equivalence and you know it

Ancient standards built the pyrimads and Rome

Engineering is a provable science. Climatology is bullshit. They have no working models. The system they study is far too vast and inclusive for them to make even the most basic predictions, yet they are happy to tell the world their science is "settled". Just like evolutionists. Ask a real scientist, like a physicist, if the "science is settled" on something as basic and simple as gravity.

What are the six main problems that face the earth today?
1. jews
2. marxists
3. commies
4. niggers
5. women
6. democracy

Capitalism, degenerates, big corporations, and altruism didn't fit my top 6. Bummer.

That has nothing to do with proving claims of research tho. You don't need to prove that a stone block can be stacked or a building can be built.

>yet they are happy to tell the world their science is "settled"
What? No they aren't.

This post is entirely based on opinion and not facts.

Billy Boys eternally BTFO

Science can’t prove hypotheses. Only disprove them

But science can present the best theories based on all of the available evidence, which is how all science works. The lack of climate change or human accelerated climate change is not supported by the data, so it is not a sufficient explanation for what is occurring. Besides, treating the planet like it is undergoing warming with have nothing but positive effects in the long run.

It's impossible for me as one person to really know if global warming is a thing. The scope is too large and often the effects too subtle or too far away.

What I do know is that our governments are in a sort of arms race versus their own citizens in regards to propaganda. So the notion that it could be propaganda holds some weight for me. At the same time, what does believing in global warming really do? You pollute a little less, and corporations are forced to adopt costly measures to curtail their own pollution. Why would America, a country clearly in the pocket of big corporations, push an idea that hurts big corps, unless they believed in it?

>It's impossible for me as one person to really know if global warming is a thing
This. Specially when we don't even know for sure if the earth is round or flat.

You could have just called me retarded

What the fuck is dup

>duhhhh we living in TODAY nothing can ever be wrong TODAY
You're the kind of person that says "gee how could they ever think to have slaves that's just like, wow, people back then must have been stooooopid" Fuck you.

wake up sheeple

there is way too much evidence to just be a coincidence

>At the same time, what does believing in global warming really do? You pollute a little less, and corporations are forced to adopt costly measures to curtail their own pollution
And develop renewable cleaner tech that doesn't contribute to health problems and cancer and doesn't rely on a finite resource which is going to run out?
>we can't prove if earth is round or flat
Come on man, don't be retarded


global warming is literally the holocaust of our generation

That's not what I said at all. Of course I understand why people had slaves, or why they thought the earth was the center etc, but the modern standards of proof are far more strict and the tools and methods by which we obtain results are far more accurate and precise.

The only proof of man-driven climate change is a consensus of those that would benefit from its existence.

Climate change is a non issue, if it's man made we are fucked. If it's not man made, we are just going to have to adapt.

what i don't understand is if they truly believe global warming is the greatest threat then why don't they actually do anything about it? you know these industries that pick up and move out of the west don't just disappear. they are moving to china, other developing asian nations, india and africa. what they are doing is not fighting global warming. they are redistributing wealth to the third world

>The only proof of man-driven climate change is a consensus of those that would benefit from its existence
Who exactly are you talking about?

In what way is radiation a main problem?

He is referring to the people who receive research grants to study climate change.

Well yeah sorry those things too of course. I just sort of meant in the whole "how does it immediately affect me and how does it affect the big players" way. I'm 100 percent pro renewable energy and all that health jazz I'm just trying to see things from both sides and so far this conspiracy really doesn't hold up for me at all.

>what i don't understand is if they truly believe global warming is the greatest threat then why don't they actually do anything about it?
>companies are actively researching renewable energy
>not doing anything
Stop ignoring facts.

Its true its not happening fast, which is due to the fact that companies can still make shit tons of money from oil

Nuclear power is evil user, don’t ya know ;^)