The World has decided. Trump is our guy


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I love Australia


> he lives in a pro-hilary country

I'm surprised to see my country isn't cucked.

Denmark is pro-Hillary? didn't expect that

How are we pro Hillary? 65% to Trump. Dutch cuck.


The cuck never stops for these two, does it.

>Japan, Mexico, and China all afraid of Trump

i wonder why saudi arabia shills for hill

I never meant new zealand. I meant the countries who are pro-hilary.

what the fuck is that fake shit

everyone here are supporting for Trump

don't make me come there to fuck your shit up newzeland

>china can't handle the bantz

I think it's more that they are enemies/competitors of America, generally speaking those who wish to see America fall or collapse are enthusiastically supportive of Hellary.

>russia pro-trump

feels good to be on the right side

Because they've been America's lapdog for decades, if their cabal in Washington is obliterated and the US pulls support for them they are fucked.

Fucking chinks man

Mexico is only 200 votes from going red

>opinions of foreigners
>of any consequence

Myself and a few friends who wouldn't vote on this election with these shit candidates all voted Trump to make Clinton shills upset. Don't think it's legitimate.

I like how all the blue countries are literal third world shitholes.

Poos fucking up again, no surprise there.

Wrong answer, Mexico.

Who cares about opinions of shitskins and gooks.

The Poorestans all want Hillary. No surprise there.

wtf i love trump now

No surprises the 8 goddesses were for Hillary

>the majority of the world is impoverished and uneducated

>Sup Forums decided
>trump is our guy.

where do you live?

You can fuck right off then cuckaroo

>Implying this chart matters considering some votes were deleted

Even with the vote rigging? Holy shit. lol

They originally had it as 1 vote per IP address then changed it to 1 vote per IP per day when Trump was overwhelming winning with only Iran and the Netherlands supporting Clinton.


anche i piu feroci comunisti che conosco qua odiano a morte quella befana


even the most ferocious commy here hate fatass hillary

This cuck I go to college with said that our foreign policy would be fucked if we elect Trump, because it would make Americans look stupid and the world hates Trump. This proves him dead wrong.

He is here!



>Total unique votes


As if Duterte telling Obama to fuck himself and going to China coupled with the focus on dindu riots and Syria debacle have made us look good internationally, kek

Anglo bros have truly united


I thought my people were cucks

fuck off sören niemand mag dich



It's like 50/50 India. These polls have always been shit.

Like this wasn't some shit invaded by Sup Forums, or in terms you understand


Why is China for HILLARY? Doesn't she wanna invDe thsm

>those border hoppers voting for Hillary

I love Morgana O'Reilly :3


Hi Ben Seinbein

Wow the countries that want Clinton are the ones that took our jobs and money who knew.

No way this is real.

Everyone I know supports Hillary. Never met another Trumper.

LOL at brazil being pro hillary!

>whenever people mobilize to vote on something its rigging
tip top kek drumpftard, you clearly have it backwards, rigging is when your candidate wins WITHOUT mobilizing people to vote for them!
run back to your orange goblin

feels good

>enemy of America
WWII was seventy years ago



>Mexico wants Clinton
You're going to build that wall spics

Look all the blue pilled nordic countries, except Finss.

Vanno all'università?
Tutti quelli che conosco che vanno all'università sono di sinistra e la loro logica è che trump è razzista e piuttosto che avere lui è meglio hillary nonostante tutti gli scandali

Hey Peru why is your food so shit, but your Coca-Cola so FUCKING DELICIOUS?

Also why do your supermarkets play Men at Work?

It's as 'real' as any other pro trump poll. Or the #draftourdaughters trending (Replying to your own posts on different twitter accounts lmao). Many Sup Forumsacks have too much time on their hands and rig polls like these- That's not to say many New Zealanders don't support Trump (Certainly less than Hillary, but I know a couple) In general though, this poll has just been flooded with repeated votes.

China is beating us on trade, they're beating us big league. Too many of our manufacturing jobs are going to China and we're going to bring them back. We cannot allow them to continue to rape our country.

We're going to Make America Great Again.


sauce of pic?

The medias here have a good time feeding the old "dumb american" meme with Trump's antics. They're basically paint him as WBush 2.0 causing immediate distaste. Of couse quick fact checking would prove that Clinton is much closer to Bush, but most french people can't read english.

Qui sono tutti per Hillary.

L'altro giorno in una discussione wualcuno ha tirato fuori la WW3 nel caso salisse Trump.

I must hide my powerlevel

Their Coco-Cola still uses cocaine.



I'm a proud Italian

Other way around. If Saudi Arabia decides to sink the Petrodollar the US is fucked.

>he isn't voting for farkas

But seriously I doubt that, poor people don't like him because it means no more free pass when it comes to illegal immigration, rich people because he says mean things,I hope that PPK supports hin

quelli che conosco variano di età, giovani e vecchi, ma sono tutti d'accordo sul fatto che hillary non è presentabile in alcun modo, ne ha fatte troppe losche quella culona intrombabile

>Even Canada has uncucked itself for this moment
Never felt closer to the Anglosphere.

>peruvian food
>not delicious
Pick one.

>but your Coca-Cola so FUCKING DELICIOUS?
That is because every ingredient that is deemed too toxic to be put in your food is sent down here to Proo where it is JUST fucking dandy.
Google some of that shit, mang. Our Fanta might as well glow in the dark.

And there is no better cocaine than Proovian cocaine, don't fall for the (((Colombia))) meme

Mexico is blue

I was discussing with 16 years old sister yesterday and she told me she was afraid she could never visit the US if Trump won cause he'd make horribly mysoginist laws

Not sure where she heard that bullshit
She's generally red pilled about refugees, muslims and all but she has some heavy autistic paranioa about sexism

WTF Brazil and Romania!!!!??!?!


>Juppé avec son logo à la Jeb! est donné favori

Tu t'attendais à quoi? Les français sont des veaux.

The wall just got 10 feet taller

I thought the japs were xenophobic as fuck, why would they be WithHer ?

even your id is purple

This country really is lost...

>England for trump

This is fake
Everyone in england loves Obama, and he endorsed hillary and denounced trump

because they like to see america suffer

Considering Canadian media is worse than American tabloids when it comes to insulting Trump I'm proud to see it red


>Pic related

Coca-Cola really loves Proo. In fact most food companies do because the regulations here are so shit they can get away with using pretty much anything as an ingredient.

On the left you can see Peruvian Fanta, and on the left Argentinian Fanta.
I shit you not, there is a chemical (some colouring or something I think) that is forbidden in every single country EXCEPT here in Proo. We'll drink anything as long as it tastes good.

Seriously, fuck all of my countrymen who voted for Shillary, i hope that their relatives get deported, if they have any living in the US.

It's not cuckery for latino countries to vote for Hillary, they do it only because she is going to let them in.

they were red pilled enogh for the brexit

I'm so fucking retarded.
On the right Argeninian Fanta*

The world IS Sup Forums.

>Pick one.
I pick both. I tried to eat some fish from a diner up in the mountains while I was down there and it legitimately almost killed me. Everything I ate that wasn't in the nice parts of a big city, or didn't come from a supermarket, made me shit red or vomit.

It's like your country was on a unified mission to ravage my colon.